The door creaked open, revealing the grand hall of the king. The vast chamber was dimly lit by towering, ornate chandeliers hanging from the high, arched ceiling. The floor was polished marble, reflecting the flickering light of braziers placed along the sides. At the far end of the hall, on an elevated platform, stood the imposing throne, carved from a single block of obsidian and inlaid with gold. Rich, crimson carpets led up to the dais, flanked by towering pillars engraved with the history of the kingdom. 

At least fifty elven guards formed a protective line in front of Liam, their golden armor gleaming in the dim light, each holding a spear poised to strike. As I took a step forward, they attacked without hesitation. Two fireballs shot toward me, their fiery glow cutting through the shadows. The first slammed into my midsection, forcing me to stumble back, while the second struck my leg. Although the spells were strong, I felt nothing.