Chapter 39: The Clan's Awakening

Elan collapsed to the ground, utterly exhausted. "Ugh, it's finally done," he muttered, his voice tinged with a mix of relief and fatigue. His body ached from the relentless effort, but the sense of accomplishment was undeniable. The weight of the past days' labor seemed to lift off his shoulders as he lay there, catching his breath.

Initially, carving a single tablet took Elan around thirty minutes. Each character required meticulous etching, and the intricate details demanded intense concentration. However, as he continued, he began to find his rhythm. His hands moved with increasing fluidity, and his strokes grew more precise. What once took him half an hour was gradually reduced to twenty minutes, then fifteen, and finally, he was able to complete one in just ten minutes. The repetitive nature of the task honed his skills, allowing him to craft each tablet with both speed and accuracy.

Even though it only took Elan ten minutes to carve each tablet, it still took him four days to finish carving the two hundred fifty-seven cultivation techniques. His hands were sore, and his body ached from the continuous effort. All he wanted to do was lay on the ground and sleep all day. But he knew there was still so much work to be done.

"Ugh, no rest for the weary," Elan sighed, forcing himself to sit up.

"We need to create paper as soon as possible." Arion's voice echoed in Elan's mind, clear and logical. "Continuing to carve on wood is a waste of time."

"I know," Elan sighed, "but we don't have a choice at the moment. We'll have to endure this method until we can devise a machine to produce paper. It's not ideal, but it's the best we can do for now."

Elan's thoughts drifted to the challenges ahead. Creating paper required materials and technology they currently lacked. They needed to find a source of cellulose, perhaps from the trees or plants in the surrounding forest. But it wasn't just about the paper; they also needed to figure out how to make ink and pens.

However, the immediate needs of his clansmen weighed heavily on him. Elan had to prioritize building shelters in order to provide them with safe and comfortable living spaces. Securing a steady supply of clean water was crucial, as was ensuring that everyone had enough food to eat. These basic necessities were paramount for their survival and well-being.

The pressure to meet these essential needs forced Elan to be resourceful and innovative.

The forest surrounding them was abundant in resources, but utilizing these resources effectively demanded both knowledge and time. Elan understood that to create a sustainable living environment, he had to meticulously organize his clansmen.

"We'll start with what we can manage first, houses, electricity, and a reliable water supply. Once we have those essentials secured, we can then shift our focus to other needs, such as creating paper and writing tools," he said.

Elan forced himself to stand, his muscles protesting with every movement. "But first, I need to check on the progress of my clansmen," he muttered to himself, pushing through the fatigue.

Elan began walking towards the pond, each step gradually easing the stiffness in his muscles. When he arrived, he took a deep breath, allowing the cool, refreshing air to invigorate him slightly. The serene environment momentarily lifted his spirits.

"Arion, send me the virtual panel of everyone," he instructed, his voice steady. "I need to see how much they've improved."

"Alright," Arion complied.

Almost immediately, a series of virtual panels materialized before Elan's eyes, each displaying the status and progress of his clansmen. He meticulously examined each panel, noting the improvements in strength, speed, and overall health with a keen eye for detail. The data revealed the fruits of their arduous efforts, and Elan felt a swell of pride as he observed their advancements.

However, as he scrolled through the information, his jaw nearly dropped when he came across his father's panel. The statistics displayed were surprising, showcasing a level of improvement that surpassed even his most optimistic expectations.

Name: Daren Starwind

Age: 35

Race: Human

Health: 100%

Spiritual Energy: 0.00

Body: Normal

Cultivation Technique: None

Cultivation: None

Weapon: None

Martial Art Skills: None

Strength: 423 KG

Speed: 18 mph

Leap: Vertical 2.5 meters / Horizontal 10 meters

Elan was astonished by the outcome. His father hadn't even started cultivating yet, and his physical stats were already extraordinary. The numbers on the panel were impressive, far beyond what Elan had anticipated. He couldn't help but wonder just how powerful his father would become once he began cultivating. The potential for growth and strength was staggering, hinting at a future where his father's abilities could reach unimaginable heights.

"Arion, are you sure you didn't detect any unique properties in my father?" Elan asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

"I am very positive, I even double-checked every member of your clan just to make sure," Arion replied confidently.

Elan nodded, accepting Arion's assurance, and continued to review the virtual panels. As he scanned through the data, he noticed that the weakest among them were, unsurprisingly, the elderly.

Their strength hovered around 146–154 KG, and their speed was about 8–10 mph. Despite their stubbornness and determination, the limitations of their age were evident. Their bodies could only improve so much, even with the rigorous training and tempering they had undergone.

Elan knew that this would eventually change once they started cultivating. The Vital Energy Technique had the potential to significantly enhance their physical abilities, regardless of age. He was eager to see how much they would improve once they began harnessing spiritual energy. The prospect of witnessing their transformation filled him with anticipation.

As he continued to review the virtual panels of his clansmen, Elan saw that the others were averaging around 278–345 KG in strength and speeds of 15–18 mph. The overall progress was promising, and it filled him with a sense of optimism.

Elan will continue to observe his clansmen's progress closely. Tomorrow would be a crucial day for their development. He decided that if his clansmen did not show significant improvement by then, he would conclude their body-tempering phase and move on to the next level: cultivation.


Finally, on the seventh day, Elan observed as his clansmen gradually opened their eyes after another grueling session of body-tempering. Their expressions reflected a mix of exhaustion and hope. As they stirred, Arion promptly sent Elan the updated virtual panels, enabling him to meticulously assess their progress.

Elan scrutinized the data, seeing that the improvements were minimal, just an increase of 2-3 KG in strength and 1-2 mph in speed. The gains, though present, were quite insignificant. This slight advancement confirmed his decision to conclude the body-tempering phase.

Elan stood and called out to his clansmen, "Everyone, gather in front of the hut." His voice carried an authoritative yet encouraging tone that immediately caught their attention.

One by one, the clansmen rose from their positions and made their way to the designated spot. The air was thick with anticipation as they gathered in front of the hut, their movements reflecting a mixture of curiosity and readiness.

"Listen up, everyone. We won't be drinking the spiritual water anymore. The benefits have become too minimal, and soon there will be nothing more to gain from it. Instead, I want you all to prepare, because tomorrow we will begin cultivating."

A wave of excitement and nervous anticipation spread through the group. Elan could clearly see their reactions; they were ecstatic at the prospect of beginning their cultivation journey, yet there was a palpable sense of nervousness.

Raising his right hand to quiet his excited clansmen, Elan took out one of the meticulously carved tablets he had created and held it up for all to see.

"What you see in my hand is the cultivation technique that I will be giving you later. I want you to understand what is written here. You don't need to memorize it, just focus on comprehending its principles and concepts," Elan announced, his voice steady and authoritative.

He paused, scanning the faces of his clansmen. They were all nodding, listening intently.

"Do not worry if you do not fully understand it at first, tomorrow, we will go to a place that will help you grasp the cultivation technique better."

"The cultivation technique I will give you is called the Vital Energy Technique," Elan continued. "It is designed to harmonize your spiritual energy with the natural energy around us, making your cultivation process smoother and more efficient."

His clansmen nodded again, their eyes shining with readiness.

"Now, everyone, line up," Elan instructed, his voice carrying both authority and encouragement.

His clansmen quickly formed a line, their excitement evident in the air. Elan reached into his storage ring and began to retrieve the cultivation tablets he had painstakingly carved over the past four days.

As Elan passed out the technique tablets, he noticed the looks of awe and admiration on his clansmen's faces. The wooden tablets were smooth to the touch, each adorned with intricate carvings that depicted not only the cultivation method but also elegant designs that made each piece a work of art. The effort and care Elan had put into each tablet were evident in every line and detail.

"These are incredible," one clansman murmured, examining the tablet closely. The craftsmanship was impeccable.

"When did Elan carve out all of these?" another clansman wondered aloud, the astonishment clear in his voice.

"Can you imagine how hard it must have been to carve two hundred fifty-seven of these?" added another, shaking his head in amazement. "The detail and precision... it's astonishing."

The group buzzed with admiration, their appreciation for Elan's effort growing with each passing moment. They understood the immense dedication it had taken to provide each of them with a personalized cultivation technique.

"Thank you, Elan," several of them said in unison, their voices filled with gratitude.

Elan smiled warmly, humbled by their appreciation. "Don't mention it. I did this for the clan," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity.

After distributing the technique tablets, Elan addressed his clansmen once more. "Alright, everyone, head back to your makeshift huts and try to understand the technique. We'll gather tomorrow morning to discuss it further," he instructed, his voice carrying a note of reassurance and encouragement.

The clansmen quickly made their way toward their makeshift huts, each holding their wooden tablet with excitement. As they settled down for the night, they began to study the Vital Energy Technique, trying to decipher its contents.

The clansmen were initially excited to read and comprehend the cultivation technique. However, as they delved into the tablet's contents, a sense of pressure began to mount. For the life of them, they could not understand the intricate details and complex instructions. From their perspective, they had no prior knowledge of spiritual energy aside from the basic notion that it could make them stronger. This lack of foundational knowledge made it nearly impossible for them to grasp the nuances of the cultivation technique.

Elan's parents, Daren and Elara, were no exception to the struggle. They pored over the tablet, their brows furrowed in deep concentration as they tried to decipher the complex instructions. The intricate carvings and detailed descriptions seemed to blur together the longer they stared at them.

"This is tough," Daren admitted, finally setting the tablet aside with a sigh. "I can't make heads or tails of it."

Elara nodded in agreement, her own frustration evident. "I know. The more I read, the more confused I get. But remember, Elan did say it's okay if we don't understand it right away. He mentioned that we'll go to a place tomorrow that will help us grasp the technique better."

Daren took a deep breath and nodded, finding some comfort in Elara's words. "You're right. Elan knows what he's doing. We just need to be patient."

With that reassurance, Daren and Elara reluctantly set their tablets aside for the night. They trusted in their son, believing that tomorrow would bring the clarity they needed.