Chaper 45: Creating Furnace

Elan plunged into the cool waters of the river, diving deep beneath the surface. The water was clear, with sunlight filtering down and illuminating the underwater landscape. He swam with steady, powerful strokes, his eyes scanning the riverbed for any signs of the right stones. The gentle currents made it easy for him to navigate as he moved along, waiting for Arion to detect the necessary material.


Elan continued to swim along the riverbed, his senses on high alert, relying on Arion's guidance to find what they needed. He passed various rocks and formations, holding his breath and pace with focused determination. Suddenly, Arion's voice echoed in his mind.


'Elan, I've detected something. Look to your left, near that large outcropping,' Arion informed him.


'Great! ' Elan said inwardly, excitement surging through him.


He turned and spotted a cluster of massive, dark stones nestled among the riverbed. As he swam closer, Arion activated a virtual panel in Elan's field of vision, highlighting the stones and providing detailed information about them.

The panel identified the stones as "Thermostone," a highly heat-resistant material renowned for its excellent thermal retention properties. These stones were perfect for constructing a furnace, capable of withstanding temperatures up to 1000°C, 200 degrees higher than the melting point of the Skyforge Crystals, which was approximately 800°C. This high heat tolerance would ensure that the stones wouldn't crack or degrade under the extreme conditions required to melt the crystals.

Elan felt a surge of excitement and relief wash over him. The discovery of Thermostone was exactly what they needed, and to his delight, there was an abundance of it. However, each stone was enormous, roughly two meters or larger in size. Recognizing the limitations of his storage ring, which could only accommodate objects up to three meters, Elan realized he could transport only one stone. Carefully, he positioned himself above one of the large Thermostone boulders and activated his storage ring, transferring the massive stone into the dimensional space.

With the stone secured, Elan began his ascent back to the surface. He broke through the water, swimming steadily and purposefully toward the shore. As he reached the bank, he pulled himself onto dry land and took a moment to catch his breath. 

Elan then retrieved the Thermostone from his storage ring and set it on the ground. The large, dark stone was imposing, a clear testament to its heat-resistant properties. He readied his Scarlet Reaper, preparing to shape the stone into a furnace.

"Arion, I need the precise measurements for the furnace," Elan requested, his voice steady and focused.


Arion responded by transmitting a detailed stream of information directly into Elan's mind. The data flowed smoothly, consisting of precise dimensions and practical insights. Elan felt the measurements solidify in his thoughts, along with a clear understanding of the purpose behind each specification.

Elan nodded in satisfaction as the details solidified in his mind. The furnace needed to be one and a half meters tall, providing sufficient vertical space to create a stable heat chamber. It would be one meter wide, offering ample room to hold the Skyforge Crystals and distribute the heat evenly. The walls, essential for retaining heat and preventing any from escaping, needed to be at least one inch thick. This thickness was crucial not only for insulation but also to ensure the structure's durability under the high temperatures necessary for melting the crystals.


With the measurements clear and understood, Elan positioned the Scarlet Reaper over the Thermostone and began channeling his spiritual energy into the blade.

With deliberate and steady movements, Elan started cutting into the Thermostone. The Scarlet Reaper, enhanced by his spiritual energy, sliced through the stone with surprising ease, almost as if it were cutting through butter. The sound of the blade meeting the stone was sharp yet smooth, and Elan worked with focused precision, ensuring each cut was clean and accurate.

As the hours passed, Elan carefully shaped the Thermostone into the specified dimensions. The furnace gradually took form, with thick, sturdy walls designed to retain and concentrate the necessary heat. After a meticulous process, Elan stepped back to admire his handiwork. The furnace stood solidly before him, perfectly crafted according to the specifications Arion had provided.

However, Elan understood that the setup needed more than just the furnace itself to be truly effective. He realized he needed a flat, wide slab to cover the top of the furnace, ensuring that the heat remained concentrated inside. Additionally, he envisioned constructing a 270-degree wall, standing two meters tall, to encircle the furnace. This wall would serve as an additional barrier, preventing heat from escaping into the surrounding area and helping to maintain a consistently high temperature within the furnace. To complete the setup, a cover on top of the 270-degree wall would further trap the heat, creating a controlled environment ideal for melting the Skyforge Crystals.

With these ideas in mind, Elan began searching his surroundings for a large rock that could be used to craft the 270-degree wall and the necessary covers. He knew he didn't need to return to the bottom of the river to get another Thermostone; any durable rock would suffice for this part of the construction. The primary requirement was that the rock be strong enough to withstand the structural demands and contain the heat, though it wouldn't be in direct contact with the fire.

Spotting a sizable rock nearby, Elan knew it would be ideal for the task. The rock was massive, providing enough material for all the components he needed. It was solid and dense, more than capable of holding its shape and not cracking under the pressure of containing the heat.

Elan set to work, using the Scarlet Reaper to carve out the 270-degree wall and the necessary covers. The blade, imbued with his spiritual energy, cut through the rock effortlessly. Within minutes, he had shaped the components, ensuring the 270-degree wall was tall and wide enough to surround the furnace and that the covers fit perfectly on top.

Not wasting any time, Elan carefully transferred the 270-degree wall into his storage ring, ensuring it was safely secured. He then positioned the furnace in the center of where the 270-degree wall would be placed, followed by the cover for the furnace, which he neatly set on top. Finally, he placed the cover for the 270-degree wall in his storage ring, ensuring everything was in order and ready to go back.


However, just as Elan was about to head home, a thoughtful realization struck him. With only one furnace, it would take them hours to melt all the Skyforge Crystals. The efficiency of the process could be significantly improved with additional furnaces. Determined to expedite the task, Elan decided to create four more furnaces, along with the corresponding 270-degree walls and eight covers.


Elan wasted no time and dove back into the river, retrieving another two-meter Thermostone. He repeated the process four times, each time carefully transporting the Thermostones to the shore. Once all four Thermostones were gathered, he set to work immediately, crafting the additional furnaces, 270-degree walls, and covers. He worked carefully, shaping the stones with accurate efficiency, ensuring that each furnace and its accompanying components were perfectly crafted.

The hours passed quickly as Elan focused intently on his task. Despite the demanding nature of the work, he maintained efficiency, driven by the need to complete everything before nightfall. Finally, after several hours of continuous effort, Elan finished crafting the additional four furnaces, four 270-degree walls, and eight covers.

He looked up at the sky, noting that it was almost dark. Realizing it was too late to transport everything back to the settlement, Elan decided to leave the furnaces, 270-degree walls, and covers on the shore. He planned to return with his clansmen the following day to transport the components back to their settlement. Additionally, Elan needed to replenish his spiritual energy, which had been significantly depleted by the day's intensive efforts.


Early the next morning, Elan, Daren, his three best friends, and eight other clansmen gathered on the shore of the river while looking at the furnaces and the other components Elan made. The previous evening, Elan had returned to the settlement later than usual, which prompted his clansmen to question where he had been and what had taken so long.

In response to their curious inquiries, Elan led them to the chamber and unveiled the furnace, the 270-degree wall, and the covers he had crafted. As each component was revealed, his clansmen's eyes widened with excitement and joy. They had been day dreaming when they could begin crafting weapons, and seeing the furnace made that dream a reality. The realization that they now had the essential equipment to work the Skyforge Crystals into weapons filled them with a sense of enthusiasm.

Elan also informed the group that he had crafted four additional sets of the furnace and accompanying structures. He explained that he would need twelve volunteers to accompany him back to the river the following day to retrieve the remaining components. As expected, nearly everyone volunteered, eager to contribute. After some consideration, Elan selected his father, his three best friends, and eight other clansmen to form the team for the next day's mission.

That night, after a hearty dinner, Elan recognized the need to replenish his spiritual energy, so he devoted to cultivation. However, he also realized that, similar to the furnaces, a single set of weapon molds would not be sufficient for the clan's needs. Driven by this insight Elan ended his cultivation and began carving in the wooded area, he worked through the night, crafting additional molds. By the time he finished, he had created a total of ten molds for swords, ten molds for spears, ten molds for halberds, and ten molds for axes.

Despite the late hour, after completing the molds, he continued to cultivate, focusing on restoring his depleted spiritual energy. He meditated through the night, drawing in spiritual energy to replenish his reserves. Elan remained in deep meditation until the early morning, ensuring he was fully recharged and ready for the day's tasks.


Elan transferred one furnace, one 270-degree wall, and two covers he had crafted into his storage ring. He then turned to his father, his three best friends, and the other selected clansmen.

"Alright, everyone, grab the remaining furnaces and components," Elan instructed, his voice steady.

The group quickly got to work, with each person carefully lifting the heavy stones and other parts. Elan coordinated the efforts, making sure that everyone had a manageable load and that the components were securely handled. With all the pieces accounted for and the group ready, Elan led the way back to the settlement. The day promised to be busy and productive as they prepared to finally put his plans into action and forge the Skyforge Crystals into weapons.