Chapter 1 Ordinary world and extraordinary world

After returning to home, having dinner alone, brushed my teeth amd then sleeping on the mattress on floor. At least, this is the all I can remember and should have woke up on the same place, but ;

"Where the hell am I?"

I, instead of my room, am now in a strange place. There are all black in front of my eyes with glimps of white spots. It is as if I am in outer space

Even if I was saying space it is not normal, because there are lots of spaceship shooting lasers at each other. It almost as if in a Sci-fi movie set.

My name is Kira . An ordinary high-school boy who after the death of my ojiichan (grandpa) lives alone by myself.

Thus it is hard to think that I had been moved to a special place.

"Then, the conclusion should be, that it should be nightmare."

I tried to pinch myself but the nightmare didn't end up.

Huh! What does it mean? Are you telling me this is real space. But even if it look like real interstellar space, I can be certain that it is not as I can hear my voice. In space you can't hear your voice, do you.

And without any space suit I can breath as natural as on earth.

I was spaced out in my thoughts that I didn't realised that those ship had spotted me and starred firing at me.


I tried my my best to react to it, but I can't move. My hands can't grasp something to pull neither my feet have anything to push myself.

A strong light flashed out blinding my sight.

"What the.... am I dying here?"

As such thoughts traverse through my mind I felt as the feeling of falling down from hieght.

I closed my eyes with shock.


I open my eyes. I can see a well known ceiling.

'Beep Beep Beep'

"What the ..? As I thought, just a bad dream."

I was sleeping in my room and my alarm was ringing beside my head.

"Even for a dream, it was very weird and realistic one."

I got up from my bed and dismiss the alarm.

It was seven and half on the clock.

"I should hurry up for school or I will be late."

I got up.l, take a shower and get ready for school. As I was about to leave my room, I felt as something is missing. So I again entered my room and start searching. I was living in a single room apartment so there not that many place to search.

I checked through some drawers and I found it.

"Aah! There it is."

It is an 'S' shape locket of golden yellowish colour with a small slit in between.

It is the locket that with me when my ojiichan found me under a bridge. Yes I was an abandoned child. All I have was my ojiichan(grandpa) with me, but he also died a year ago.

I should have thrown it away as it bring some bad memories but for some reason I can't loose it. Without it, it make me strangely uneasy.


I left for school. I was walking on a footpath while holding my locket in my hand lifted up to my face. I again brought this with me to school.

"I was jus got scolded for bringing such thing in school." "Maybe today they will confiscate it."

Well that will be very problematic for me.

"Should I today skip the school!"

I was in my thinking rail but suddenly a raven sprung on face. I got jumped in surprise and she snatched my locket.

I got flustered by the sudden attack of her. As soon I realised about my locket, she had flown away at some hieght. I chased after her. I picked up a pebble and threw it toward her. Well she manged to avoid the pebble but luckily she dropped the locket. In order to catch it I jumped forward. As I was watching it upward I was unaware of what is there in front of me.

'Bam' "Aaanh"


I had collided with something and fell on the ground.

I opened my eyes and looked for the locket and relieved as it was in my hand.

"Hnh, good that it didn't break."

But I got the feeling that my face touched a very soft and bouncy thing.

But, as I got a bad feeling, I stand up and tried to rush away. But someone grabbed me by my hand and pulled me back.

I turned around and saw, there is a cute girl grabbing my hand. She is a tall girl few centimeters above me. She has long black hairs tied in a pony tailwith few bangs on her face. She was dressed in a blue one piece dress with string shoulders over a short t-shirt type something with full sleeves. And more than anything her chest part; soo big_ ahem ahem.

I got flustered at once.

(Hey hey, don't turn red. Don't turn red.)

I rearranged my thoughts, flinched my eyes and swung my head. I should be happy about this romantic manga situation but there is one thing that is not right. Her eyes, they are not smiling I cam feel her intimidation in those eyes. A chills flown down through my spine.

"Excuse me! Eh onee San can you leave my hand."

I asked her. Well, who is she.

"Haa! You dare to run direct in my chest and the first word come out from your mouth is this."

"You should have apologized immediately. What are you, a delinquent."

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P. O. V

My name is Riruru. I am a ordinary nineteen year college girl with all my family dead in an accident. Well I am just alone in my life. And today on my way I encountered this boy who was running desperately and slammed his head into me.

Just where was he looking. I asked him for an apology.

"Eh... yeaee oneesan, I really sorry for that"

(TL note: here oneesan is a way for addressing unknown elder girl politely.)

Ara, he apologised politely. May be he have proper etiquettes. No wait, he he is in school uniform and where was he running. He may be a delinquent. I, as an adult, should scold him and make him to follow right path.

"Why do you running on the walkways? It is dangerous, isn't it! And where do you running in the school uniform. This is not the direction of station."

Yes, this is how an adult should react.

But he, such a strange kid. Pure white hairs like spider silk and white skin like a sick person. With red eyes he will 100 percent look like a vampire but his eyes are light blue not red.

May be a little cute one.

"No, it's not like that. My locket. My locket was being snatched by a raven. I was chasing her"

Oh! He replied, and his was also pretty cute.

But, what was that excuse.

"Stop lying. No way a bird will ever attack you."

I said to him as his face was turning red.

"No I am not lying. See this."

He said while showing his locket to me. Hmm, so he was not lying. But wait, that locket. I snatched it from him.

" Hey, where did you get it from? Who did you get it from? Don't tell me you stole it!"

I asked him. Surprisingly he had a locket which was similar to the one with a person I was looking for atheist four years.

"Wait wait....wait, it is not stolen but is very importantthing if mine. It is with me from the start. So just return it to me."

He replied to me with irritated face. Well important thing, is it.

"Okay, I see. But where did you get it from? Who gave it to you?"

I asked him again.

"As I said, it was mine and with me from the start."

Huh, is he saying he was born with it. Is he stupid. I felt that we are on different strings, so I pulled something from my purse and showed it to him.

It was a reverse 'S' shaped locket with a slit at the centre. It is of greenish blue in colour with an aurora pattern. I tried to join those two together and they both fits perfectly in a shape of infinity. Not only the shape but their colour despite of being vibrant were in a perfect sync.

"See, those just fit as if those two are just peices of a single unit."

I said. He was watching it with his eyes widened.

"Let's move to a place so we can have a proper talk."

He suggested. So we move in a park nearby. It was almost devoid of people at that time.

"See, my name is Riruru. And the locket you have is the half one my very important person have."

I said.

"And the other half he gave me seven years ago. So, now tell me where did you find it."

I added.

"Do you, by any chance, know something about him."

I asked him.

"Well, from where should i start from. But first should be self intro. My name is kira. I was, at an age of 2 I was found by my ojiichan under a bridge. The locket was supposedly with me at that time."

He said.

"So, sorry for disappointing you but I don't know that man of yours."

He said.

But wait there are lots of hole in his story.

"Wait ! What you said is just impossible."

Well there is no other option to tell him everything.

"See, from seven years in the pastwhen I was of 12, I lost my whole family in a plane crash."

"At that time when I was alone a man of 22 saved me and supported me at that time."

"At that time he has both pieces, so it was completely out of story to you having it before that."

"Just stop at once, onee... no, Riruru San. First, I don't have any idea about your story.

And second, here these two fitting together, may be just a coincidence."

He said to me. But, coincidence, that thing can never happen here. Because...because

"There is no coincidence, as the oniichan said it to me. That there is only and only single pair in universe that fits with it.

Are you saying, he lied to me."

I really got desperate here. Today was supposed to be a normal day but now I was being desperate as there is no tomorrow.

"Excuse me, Riruru San just calm down a bit and take a deep breath. You are out of breath. Please."(kira)

(Why is she so tense about it. And what is with the 'oniichan' thing. Is she love sick about her or something. But there should be a huge age gap between them. Is she some maniac.)(Kira)

(TL Note: here, you address some elder boy it should be oniisan. But when you are very close to you or a close real older brother you would say oniichan)

"Well, anyways I can't accept what you say without any proof. Show me proof that you had the locket before him."

I asked for the proof.

I can't just accept that there are lots of other half's that can make pairs.

"Well, even if you ask for proof ! How about this one."

He, after checking his phone for few minutes, showed it to me.

It was a picture of an old man with a little baby with the little metal piece in his mouth.

No way I searched it for years and finally I found a lead and you telling me it was a misstep.

I, how to say, feel like crying.

"Here you can have your phone and locket back."

I returned it to him.

"And also I am sorry for making you skip the school today."

"You don't need to worry about that, that person of yours really very important to you isn't it."

He said. He was looking at my face straight.

"Riruru San, give me your phone number."

He asked me that. What, now he is trying to make a hit on me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, you know, eh .....

Yeah if I ever found something about that locket I can share it with you."

What is he trying to cheer me up.

"You don't need to trouble yourself. Even me, after four years found nothing about it."

Yes, I found nothing to reach that person.

"You shouldn't be so negative. You found me, didn't you. Even if I don't know him our locket may have some indirect link."

Well that may be possible. But I can't make my hopes up.

At the end I gave him my number and we split to our ways.

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Today was really a hectic day. I was at my part time job during evening.

It is a book shop where I can read a lots of books and manga for free as an employee.

But today I was sitting at the store front sitting silently, thinking about today's happening.

And thinking about the locket, it was just a half one. Just who did the other half of mine possess it.

But girl of morning , really was super cute. Can't we date each other. I, even got her number.

But maybe she likes that person of hers.

May be I should act like an adult.

"What are you doing, sitting here silently?"

A voice came from my back.

"Whoa! It surprised me. Owner, don't catch me by surprise."

He was the owner of the store.

"Well you are, not like always reading a manga or light novel, so I thought something happened."

So he can get that I am in deep thoughts.

Well speaking with him may be good.

"Owner, when did you think a child turn into an adult."

I asked him.

"What with this topic suddenly."

He said.

"Well you know today morning I met a girl and lot happened after that."

"So I am thinking I should act more like an adult."

I replied.

Oi oi oi old man, just what kind of Misunderstanding do you cooking in your head.

"It's not like that. You are..."

"You don't need to hide from me. I am an understanding adult."

I tried to explain him but he just didn't listen and continues.

"And for you, I have a very good thing to tell."

I am not getting very good feeling.

"As I said you are getting it wrong."

"Yeah yeah, just listen to me. I will tell you about a legendary secret treasure which boys like can't get a hand normally because you are not 18"

He will not listening.


But that legendry treasure, don't tell me...

"There is said that a man hides his treasure for helpless boys like you periodically at that place."

"You know the mountain side at that place. There is a place there...."

He start ed to explain the location to me in details.


At the noon, I was leaving to my home.

"Hmm, the secret treasure is it." The treasure the owner was talking about. Should I go for it.

(No no no,, that thing may be too soon for me.)

But searching for that at least may be a yes.

(Or may be I can find some clue about the mystery of the locket.

Hahaha! As if I can find something so easily.)

So I decided to go there.

At the hill there was more dark than I thought. Beacons of lots of trees and also the sun is about to set.

So I decided to rush to the the place. When I reach to the location he told me about.

"Here it is, I got it."

There waw a small cardboard box covered with nylon sheet tied by a cord. It is around the size of a radio box.

I, somehow, untie the cord and open the box.

"Whoa! Here it is. The treasure that every boy may want to have it."

Actually, it was a stack of eromanga. There are about 6 magazines.


I hesitantly took the first book and about to open it. But suddenly I felt as if something slimy touched my feet.


I screamed out by the surprise. May be it was some small frog or something.

I stand up and tried to go back home but realised that the first and the best book had fallen down a cliff few feet down near a flower bed which have blue flowers.

"Oh no, that was the best one."

I should have ignored it but decided to pick it up. So I started to step down with the help of a vine.

But my foot slipped and when I tried to pull myself by the vine it snapped.

I started to fall down.

"What is this? Some punishment for being greedy.?

There are lots of pebbles there, if I fell over there I would get injured seriously.

So I kicked myself off the cliff to the flower bed to cushion myself.

I thought that it was a wise decision but may be not.


The flowers were actually on the surface of water hiding it completely, and from distance it looked like a soft land.

I fell in water. I tried to swim up but the underwater vines are strangling me so I can't.

'Blub Blub Blub'

Slowly it become hard to hold my breath. The small light which was seeping between the flowers start to dim out slowly. I started to panick.

But in the dark, there is a hole there which is glowing white. I went toward it. There was a tunnel there. Actually, it was like a tunnel connecting two water reserves.

I passed through it, there was no more vines. So I rise up there.

"Huaaan han han, air air"

I take a few breaths and came out of water. Then I looked around and can't imagine.

It was like a spacios dome like structure whose ceiling is shining bright as day.

And at the centre, how should I say, a space ship. A real spaceship was there as from a Sci-fi movie.

I went near it to check if it is real. There was a way to enter in it so I went in with excitement.

It was a room filled with darkness that I can't see anything. But there was a spot where there Is a dim light.

When I went near it, it was an enclosed small chamber with a solid glass window.

In there is a metal piece shining. It was just similar to Riruru san's locket. It was of characteristic colour with aurora pattern.

I didn't think that I would get found something about it so soon no less a space ship. I tried to open it up but failed. It was so dark in ship and I don't have any light source. Also outside there is also late night, so I decided to return home for today. For my surprise there was an another exit which open out beneath a tree root.

On the next day I came here again with lots of Preparations and Riruru San was also with me.

When I told her that I actually found something about the locket she was desperately asked, or actually ordered me to have her along.

I still didn't tell her about the spaceship because she will then start doubting me.

Finally I got some alone time with her. But, for me here, I was also curios about that thing.

So we went to that tree of yesterday. But when we checked underneath it there was no way to get there.

"There is nothing here. Did you lied to me?"

She said.

"This is weird, yesterday it was connected to that place."

I said.

"So what, now is nothing here. Don't you tell me that we have to dig here."

She said.

What is the meaning of this. I am certain that this is the place of yesterday. There is also a mark that I made yesterday.

Hmm! What should we do.

Wait we can ho through there.

"There was another way to go there."

I said to her and then we move to the place with blue flowers.

For the chance I went first to check whether the water path is still open or not.

But then I enter the dome through waterways and try to exit through other way. To mu surprise I was successfully get out y that tree route.

"We can get exit there but can't enter from here. Just how is this even possible." I returned to the place where Riruru San was waiting. But there shewas holding the book of yesterday.

"No way, that gonna be trouble."

I went to her.

"E...Excuse me, Eh.... Riruru San, let me explain."


It stings with pain. My cheek, that is surely stinging with pain. I leave the incident to your imagination but it really hurts.

I apologized for about hundred times.

Then I explained about the water ways and way to enter in. I also break the vines for safety Measure.

We both entered the dome.

"This .... This is ...., that thing....impossible!"

Riruru San was speechless at the sight of spaceship. Well, the reaction was reasonable.

We went close to the ship.

"Why didn't anybody found it, till now?"

She said. Well. It was an obvious question I was also wondering about.

"May be, a special feature is functioning tobkeep it hidden."

That was the most possible answer I can think of.

Then we went into the space ship. As it was too dark last time. I brought a waterproof flash light.

I flashed it around.

"It looked like this is the cockpit of the ship."

I showed her the glowing metal piece. I flashed the light around it. There was some unknown characters above the glass window.

"What is this writing? Some alien language"

I said and looked at her. But she was glaring at that with a stern face.

What's with her. Did it concern her so much that there is another piece like hers.

I left her there and moved to which looked like a control panel.

I pressed some button at random but nothing happen.

"May be its fuel tank is empty. Then again what it would use as the fuel."

Then there was a pair of round bars lokk like handle for steering. I triedto move it but it didn't even budged it.

"Well it would be locked as the power is off."

I tried to grip it with both hands but, as I thought, nothing happen.

"Well well, may be now we should return and report this to authorities."


As I was think about it suddenly, a loud voice echoed. Then a bright light flashed in front of my face blinding my eyes which make me loose consciousness.

"....akela up"

Hm, "ooi, wake up. Come on, oooi"

I opened my eyes. "Oh, finally you are awake."

"Whoaa!" I woke up hurriedly. My heart had started to race fast.

She suddenly pulled out such a critical move on me. It really hard to keep my composure.

"Hey, where did you spaced out again. See up there, there is a display which shows about outside. Just see it, we may be in a very dangerous state." She said with a serious face.

What is she so upset about.

I stand up and see it. There was a blue holographic display above the control panel. On which, it is displaying the outside of the ship.

"Wait, what is this damn thing showing."

It shows a black screen with few white dots.

It is like a starry night sky, but I am sure that it is not. Because there was a huge

bluish-green sphere is out there.

And it is not an ordinary sphere but an actual planet. And we, we are in the interstellar space.

I can't believe on my eyes. Is this just the continuation of the dream of that day.

But unfortunately it is the reality.

Just how much extraordinary my life gonna turn out to be.