Chapter 15

As the night wore on, the lively chatter still reverberated through the lounge deck, stubbornly resisting the slumber that had long ago claimed most of the crew.

Under the serene starlit sky, Nick's voice suddenly shattered the peaceful silence. "Hey, want to know what I consider the most underrated perk of this whole apocalyptic mess?"

"Yeah." Alicia voice sounded after, while covering herself from the cold sea breeze with a blanket.

"No planes, no noise pollution and no smog. Just stars." Nick says while resting comfy on the settee as he looks at the sky.

"Yep, well, we definitely stopped the climate crisis. Awesome." Alicia says rolling her eyes. "Why are you up?."

"Why are you up?" Nick asks her instead of answering.

Claire says while appearing on the stairs that go to the bridge deck, "Why are both of you up?."

"And you, sister?" Nick raised an eyebrow to her and with a smile, again questioned instead of answering.

"I drank too much wine in that family house. My mind's racing," Alicia finally giving in tells them.

"Come on, what's your excuse?" Alicia urges Nick to talk now.

"What's your excuse, Claire?" Nick wasn't quick to answer, teasing both his sisters as he passed the question again.

"I am keeping Paul company while he is on night watch" Claire points to the top where Paul sees them while resting on the rails.

"It's these kids, man. They've seen more than their share, you know? like, what they're living in now and what they're gonna live in, like, it's-- I don't know." Nick starts opening with his siblings. "Things are never just gonna be normal for them, you know? It's not fair."

"Hey, you talk as if we have lived a long life, we are young too, with a life ahead to live, and it isn't gonna be normal for us too," Claire says while playfully shuffling her big bro hair.

"Stop thinking useless things Nick, it does no good to your mood, why torment yourself with something that can't be changed," Paul says to him from upstairs while smoking.

"I mean, at least they're prepared." Alicia points at them having food and water sources, a good fence around their place, blocking any walkers coming their way, and easy to dispatch and clean after.

"Yeah, they're prepared like it's the end times." Nick nods.

"Isn't it?" Alicia says rhetorically.

"No, Alicia, it's not the Rapture." Nick was amused and distressed. "Something is off here."

"Everything's off. Everywhere." Alicia rolls her eyes.

Paul left them to continue their conversation while he focused on scanning the area for any potential threats.

Some time later, their discussion ceased and Paul found himself smoking in an attempt to ward off the chill. As he did so, Alicia suddenly sat upon his lap, deftly removing the cigarette from between his lips.

"You ought to cut down on smoking, or better yet, quit altogether," Alicia said, gazing intently into the eyes of her twin.

"It's the end of the world, darling. The cigarettes help keep the cold at bay and calm the nerves," Paul quipped playfully in response.

"Perhaps, but I dislike seeing you indulge in the habit," Alicia replied, leaning in close and pressing her forehead against his, her eyes locked with his own.

"What do you intend to do then? I mean, to keep my mouth occupied and stay warm?" Paul smirked at her, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"What a twin would do for his other half, to make them feel complete," Alicia murmured, capturing his lips in a kiss that grew more fervent with each passing moment.

"I think I could certainly get used to this," Paul said between passionate kisses, his hands roaming down her back to grasp her firm bubble butt, relishing the feeling of her soft, bare skin beneath his palms. The sensation of molding the supple flesh to his touch was exquisite, and he found himself never wanting to let go.

Alicia moaned softly into his mouth, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer, urging him to claim her completely while catering to him swinging her hips.

Paul's hands kept playing with her, cupping her firm buttocks and kneading the soft flesh as he lifted her effortlessly, urging her to straddle his hips. He could feel the heat emanating from her pussy, and his arousal grew with each passing second.

Alicia's hands moved to the waistband of her pants, pushing them down her thighs as she positioned herself above him. She could feel the hard length of his cock pressing against her entrance, and she trembled with anticipation.

"Please, brother," she whispered, her voice thick with need. "I want to feel you inside me, filling me up until I can't take anymore."

Paul needed no further encouragement. With a swift motion, he thrust his hips upward, burying himself deep inside her warm, welcoming depths. Alicia cried out in pleasure, her head falling on his shoulder as she savored the exquisite sensation of being joined with her twin.

They moved together in perfect harmony, their bodies entwining as they lost themselves in the throes of passion. The cold sea breeze caressed their skin, only heightening the intensity of their lovemaking.

As the waves gently rocked the yacht, Alicia could feel her orgasm approaching, building with each powerful thrust. She clung to Paul, kissing his neck and her nails raking down his back as she urged him closer to his own release.

With a final, passionate cry, they both reached the pinnacle of ecstasy, their bodies shuddering in unison as waves of pleasure washed over them. Paul could feel his cock twitch and spill his cum into Alicia's waiting womb, filling it as Alicia's pussy kept catering it to spill all it could while he relished in the pleasure of their bond as twins and lovers.

As they collapsed onto the sunlounger, their bodies spent and sated, Paul kept kissing her as his tongue was playful with hers, and his hands enjoyed her beautiful tits.

"Such a good twin, I love being born along with you, baby girl," Paul says enamored and insatiable of Alicia, as he touches her all over.

With a cloudy yet adoring look, Alicia declared to Paul, "I love you."

"Me too, my love. I adore you with all my heart." Paul says, pouring all his passion and devotion into a deep, tender kiss.

After a moment, as they separated their lips, leaving a wet trail between them, Paul said to his sister, "It's too late, you should sleep for a while. Claire already left to sleep with Mom. I will carry you to bed with them." His sister was weakly relaxed on his body as he grabbed her clothes, dressing her. Then, grabbing her ass and lifting her effortlessly, cradling her against his chest with her head resting on his shoulder and her legs locked firmly around his waist.


A couple hours before dawn break Strand comes into the sun deck to relieve his watch, as it was his turn. "It's a quiet night."

"Yeah, no problems so far. Just the sea breeze freezing my balls." Paul answers him lazily from the sunlounger.

"Good. It's a good thing." Strand smiled at his sarcasm.

"Hey, I know we have food to go by, but we don't know if we will stay for a couple of hours more or for a few days. So, I have thought about sneaking into that town and bringing us more food to stock, just in case." Paul pointed at the port town in the distance.

"I will cross the fence across the ridge and walk the rocky riff into the town," Paul says about his idea. "I observed there are still anchored boats in there, I would take one to bring the supplies. What do you think." 

"Sounds like a plan," Strands says thoughtfully. "But your family would not like it."

"That's why I'm saying it now," Paul smiles. "You will be watching for troubles around here, as I sneak away to do the thing."

Strand meditated for a moment about the pros and cons of Paul's idea. But he was more inclined to let him go, as they would have more supplies for this big group just in case. "Fine. You go but don't take risks, I don't want Madison and your sisters killing me."

"Cool. It's like a walk into the park for me. There are things you would get to see from me in time if we stick together." Paul smiles and leaves the sun deck as he goes into the saloon to gear up, he needs to come back before dawn, to not worry his girls.

Paul stepped off the yacht, the sea breeze whipping through his short blond hair. He walked along the pier and began trekking along the road illuminated by the last hours of moonlight, even in the dim light he could see clear enough as it were of day, while this enhanced night vision must not be in the level of a cat, given that his powers are from a wolf, it's still much better than a normal human eye, needing less amount of light to be able to see in the dark.

As he reached the rocky cliff, he started walking along the edge until he spotted a metal fence with barbed wire and posts. Realizing he couldn't simply climb over it, he contemplated breaking through but knew it would cause trouble for George and his family. Instead, he considered crossing just along the cliff's edge. However, as he neared the end, he noticed an opening in the fence. He ducked down and slipped through it.

Paul continued his journey along the rocky cliffs until he came to a steep drop that required him to descend and cross to the other side before climbing back up to resume his path. With ease and speed, he grabbed the rock protrusions jutting from the cliff face as he descended. Carefully, he moved between the rocks, the raging sea crashing against the base of the cliffs on both sides.

At the bottom of the cliff, Paul paused to survey his surroundings. Then, utilizing his werewolf powers, he leaped high into the air, reaching halfway up the cliff's height. He grasped a large protruding rock and propelled himself further into the air, landing gracefully on top of the cliff.

A broad smile spread across Paul's face as he marveled at the incredible feat his superhuman powers had allowed him to achieve, it was exhilarating how he moved in the blink of an eye doing that dangerous thing. With renewed energy, he resumed his journey, the port town now completely visible and close at hand.

After less than fifteen minutes, he was already standing in the wharf streets. He adjusted the strap of his M4A1 slung across his back along with a duffel bag over his left shoulder. Then, he drew the M9 bayonet from its sheath, grasping it tightly in his hand as he prepared to advance. The smell around the place wasn't pretty. He still couldn't accustom himself to just shrug it off.

As Paul stood in the practically deserted wharf streets, he observed the buildings overhead and silently strode along the street in the dim moonlight. A few dozen walkers wandered aimlessly around the area.

As he advanced, a shambling corpse suddenly staggered towards him. Paul didn't flinch. With blinding speed, he darted forward, seized the walker by its collar and sliced open its skull in one fluid motion. Black gore spurted from the gash as he released the crumpling body, which hit the ground with a thud.

Paul glanced around but saw only a handful more of the walkers wandering nearby, spaced out and disorganized. They hadn't yet been alerted to his presence, so he resumed his calm pace.

As he kept moving forward, another walker, this time a woman with her cheeks half eaten and her chest missing meat in a few places, tried to get him. Paul, quick as lightning, slammed the bayonet into the temple of the walker's head with a sickening crunch.

Paul kicked the corpse aside as it fell. His kick, with minimal strength, sent the body rolling a few meters. It crumpled against a building wall.

Striding into what appeared to be a convenience store, Paul made a cursory inspection for hidden dangers before his attention was caught by the shelves laden with supplies - nonperishable food items, unopened drinks, bags of sweets and chocolates still undisturbed on the racks. He grinned, thinking that with this store alone he would be done.

It was then that a dozen walkers appeared behind his back, banging on the store windows from the streets. Their commotion woke a few more that were sitting idle between the shelves.

Not wanting to get surrounded, Paul exited the store, intending to fight in the open space of the wharf street. In the entrance, two walkers were already making their way to him. He kicked the first one away with force, cleaving him in half from the kick, while the one in the back was sent flying.

Five of the rotten corpses from the dozen banging the windows stopped and stumbled down towards him. They caught sight of him and lurched in his direction with renewed determination.

He grinned wickedly at them as their groans reverberated. Paul raised the bayonet, eyes gleaming. He waited for the right moment then burst into action, moving with impossible speed to a human eye.

He ducked, dodged, and spun around, slamming his blade through their rotten heads like they were made of butter. Brain matter and rancid gore spattered, but Paul hardly seemed to notice as he moved from one walker to the next with amazing speed.

After dispatching the latest batch of walkers outside so quickly that he had barely broken a sweat, those who were inside the store started exiting on their own. Paul was happy with this, as it made them easier to handle with no problems. He waited until they exited and started meeting them head-on, cutting them down like a reaper harvesting wheat. Their nasty moans did not slow his movements for even an instant as he moved around each walker, stabbing them from every angle on their heads with ease.

After finishing and seeing that there weren't any more walkers coming, just in the distance with more roaming aimlessly, he looked over the piles of bodies adorning the street like tapestries. Blood dripped down his bayonet, and the stench of decay was strong. Paul casually wiped the blood and remains off the blade on the clothes of a walker at his feet before sheathing it on his hip. Then he turned his attention to the loot he saw inside.

Scanning the insides of the stores, and thinking about how he only had a duffel bag on his back, Paul realized this wouldn't be enough to carry much. He looked over the place and found the shopping carts, all empty. He tossed aside those with unnecessary items.

Paul collected several dozen items from the shelves - gallons of fresh spring water bottles, a ton of beer cans, canned veggies, soups and meats, boxes of snack crackers and cookies, and other kinds of food. He also loaded up on stacks of chocolate bars and candy packs, big chocolate pudding cans, a real treasure for morale-boosting treats.

In another cart, he grabbed several other things like packs of cigarettes, sun cream, toilet paper, soap, and shampoo, among a lot of other things. All told, Paul ended up with over a dozen shopping carts filled with all the items, too much for him to personally carry. Not looting more because the boats anchored beside the street weren't big enough to store more.

He took all the loot and left them piled together on the streets. It was nearing daybreak but Paul's restless energy had carried him through his first real scavenging mission with relative ease, despite the danger posed by the walkers that lurked around.

With so much plundered, Paul decided it was time to make the haul back to the anchored yacht before any more walkers rallied against him. But before that, he got to see two buildings that were boutiques for each gender.

He moved into the men's clothing store. The first thing he saw was a rack with sunglasses, and since the moment he saw Strand with one of those smugly, he wanted a pair, so he instantly picked a dozen and stored them in his bag, leaving a Ray-Ban aviator to use for dawn break perched atop his body armor.

At that moment, a walker from the cashier appeared and lunged at him. But he casually punched him in the head, removing it from the spine. This made him dirtier than he wanted, which is why he preferred using the bayonet for a cleaner dispatch of them. So he picked a few assorted shirts and dropped them casually after cleaning his face and hands. Then he started picking clothes for himself, filling the duffel bag on his back.

He grabbed a few unused bags in the store and exited, only to come face to face with a walker that seemed more like a stalker, as he attacked not even a moment after he appeared. He gave him a side elbow strike, breaking his head, making him drop like a cement bag to the ground with a thud.

He made his way into the women's boutique and started looting all kinds of clothes for his girls, while there were walker noises in the changing room, but he didn't bother with them, continuing to do his thing. He picked for his own enjoyment a good amount of lingerie of all kinds for his mother and sisters, some really lewd and perverted, designed to only make a cock hard.

After exiting with two bags in hand from the store, he came back to his pile of loot and started looking at the boats. As two walkers approached him from the distance, bothering him again, he was more bored than anything. He kicked the first one, a woman who was pretty but now just a piece of dead meat that walked around. He cleaved her in two, with each part flying to different places. For the other, a young man, he used the bayonet, stabbing him in his eye as he grabbed his neck while the walker relentlessly tried to bite him.

Seeing no more walkers coming his way from those who were a little far away, he kept looking at the boats available. His gaze settled on the pier and its many docked and anchored boats - fishing skiffs, small catamarans, cabin cruisers and the like.

All the options could work perfectly for ferrying the supplies back. But he thought about the troubles of bypassing them, and instead, he was interested in one big enough center console boat with two walkers in there. He wished one of them was the captain. Climbing to its deck, he killed both of them and searched their clothes, finding nothing. Cursing his shitty bad luck, he still tried to look at the command console and in there, the keys were already placed.

Now, smiling widely, he stashed the crammed carts wherever he could in the boat. After loading it up with all of his loot, Paul carefully balanced it all so it sat securely for travel.

He released the boat and started the engine. As he pulled away from the pier, the walkers on the shore turned to him, their moans rising in a discordant symphony. But Paul didn't look back. Instead, he guided the boat back to 'The Abigail', with a smile on his face as he removed the helmet and put on the sunglasses with the sunrise on his face.

Sooner than expected, Paul pulled the boat to the pier where the yacht was tied. Reaching across to grasp its railing, Paul leaped from the little boat onto the pier.

"The lone wanderer has returned," Strand strode along the pier, stopping beside the boat he had brought. He watched the newcomer with binoculars from the sun deck, having heard the boat's engine approach. "And you brought many gifts," Strand called out. "How did you manage that?"

"As I mentioned earlier to you, it was like a walk into the park." Paul flashed a grin, his white teeth glinting. "I simply walked into the store and took whatever I could get my hands on. I didn't bring any more supplies, as there wasn't sufficient space on this boat to accommodate more."

"With that amount of supplies you brought back, we are prepared for any eventuality that might arise." Strand smiles and nods, pleased to have someone formidable like Paul in the group.

"He pulled the things from the boat into Strand's hand as he piled them onto the pier, eventually they put them all into the main deck of 'The Abigail' for later classification and storage."

He left to take a bath, cleaned himself, and came back wearing a new set of clothes from those he had looted. He put on his sunglasses and retrieved two beers and a large can of chocolate pudding from the loot. Paul sat in the lounge deck near the saloon and placed them on the table next to the settee. As he reached for a cigarette and tried to light it, Daniel emerged from the living quarters.

"I see that you haven't rested all night, Paul," Daniel says, an unexpected tone creeping into his voice despite the lack of visible surprise on his face, as he surveyed the pile of supplies he brought back. After all, he already held the young man in high regard. "How did you do it?."

Paul took a long drag from his cigarette, the embers glowing as he exhaled a plume of smoke. He cracked open a cold beer, the can hissing as it released its bubbly contents. "I just strolled into that port town and snatched up whatever I could carry." Paul paused, stubbing out the cigarette in the ashtray and taking a swig of the refreshing brew. "Then I used that boat over there," he gestured towards the vessel bobbing beside the luxurious yacht, "to ferry my haul away."

"What was the scene like?" inquired Daniel, eyeing the boat as he tore open a chocolate bar from the pile of loot.

"Oh, there were a few dozen corpses shambling about on the wharf," Paul replied matter-of-factly, sipping his beer. "I had to clean the place up a bit first. They even put up a fight when I went into the store. But after a non-stop killing spree, the looting was relatively easy."

"It sounds like you had quite the leisurely walk," Daniel remarked, equal parts amused and envious of Paul's youthful vigor and strength.

"Yes, it was." Paul ends up sipping the beer, before taking a can opener and opening the chocolate pudding can, loving the smell from it, his mouth already watering. "Now we don't have problems of food or water for a while, in case we need it." he then took a spoon he brought and started eating it with relish, savoring its exquisite taste, loving the sweet food.

After finishing his cigarette, downing the entire can of chocolate pudding, and guzzling his two beers, he was already set for a good few hours of sleep. Daniel had already left to do his thing, leaving him alone in the place. Strand disappeared to who knows where. Before doing anything else, his mother appeared, surveying the pile of things before heading to his side.

"Good morning, my love. Where were you? You didn't come to our bed all night. It was a little cold without you; your sisters piled together and I needed my man," Madison says as she sits on his lap, kissing his mouth and playfully tangling her tongue with his as she savored the lingering chocolate flavor on him.

Paul wrapped his mother's waist with one hand, while the other rested between her thighs, gently caressing it. "Mom, it was a long night watch, then I left to gather supplies, as you can see," he explained.

"What did you get up to now, Paul?" Madison asked, already feeling a bit stressed so early in the morning with her son's dangerous escapades. She massaged her brow.

"It was nothing, just a little stroll while picking up some essentials we need," Paul downplayed his midnight trip to loot the port town, wading through the sea of walkers.

"Knowing you, I have a pretty good idea that wasn't all you were doing," Madison said, touching his cheeks and kissing his lips again. "But, I'm glad you're safe now after whatever it was you did."

"It wasn't a big deal, grabbing the stuff and hauling it back here. I used the boat over there for the transport," Paul replied as he cupped his mother's breasts with his hands through her shirt, playing with her nipples as she rested her body against his. "But, I am a bit tired after all that excitement. Thought I'd relax here for a moment, enjoying the sun and the early morning before catching a few hours of sleep."

Madison let out a soft, cute moan in his ear as he played with her breasts. "That's good, baby. You need to rest and recover, so you don't get sick," Madison said, moving the sunglasses from his eyes and taking a look at them. She kissed his mouth and let her hands roam across his chest under his shirt.

"Love, would you help me relax before I head to our bedroom to sleep?." Paul says as he brushes his mother's lips with a gentle kiss, secretly yearning for her luscious lips to envelop and suck his hardening cock, like a good girl, to soothe his nerves before a peaceful slumber.

Madison blushes deeply at her son's request but yearns to please the man she raised. "Alright, darling. I'll do as you ask."

Paul's heart races with excitement. He scoops Madison into a tight embrace, carrying his mother into the bathroom. Locking the door behind them, he sets her on her feet, then settles onto the toilet and spreads his legs, giving her a clear view of his swollen manhood.

Blushing furiously, Madison kneels between her son's thighs. With a trembling hand, she reaches for his pants, freeing his throbbing erection. Inhaling his musky scent, she feels herself grow wetter. Hesitantly, she takes a small taste of his shaft, savoring the flavor as her tongue dances along the sensitive head, craving more.

Paul groans as his mother's skilled tongue teases and prods at the sensitive tip of his cock. Her lips finally wrap around his thick length, taking him deeper with each plunge into her wet mouth.

"Oh god, your lips feel amazing, Mom," he breathes, fisting his hands in her hair.

Madison eagerly works to swallow his shaft, reveling in his moans and encouragement. Drool pools around his balls as she bobs her head furiously. One hand squeezes and caresses the heavy sack, the other wraps around his thick base.

Paul's cock throbs as his release approaches, pushing himself further into her mouth and throat. "Fuck, I'm close!"

With a throaty growl, hot cum spurts from the tip of his dick, filling Madison's eager mouth and sliding past her lips. She swallows frantically, not letting a drop escape.

After thoroughly milking her son's orgasm, Madison sits back, gasping and wiping at the excess fluid around her mouth.

Paul looks down at her with heavy lidded eyes, cock still half hard and glistening wet from her lips. "That was amazing," he groans. "I want to fuck that gorgeous throat some more." He helps Madison to her feet and guides her to sit on the closed toilet.

Madison mewls softly as his large cock probes at her puffy, swollen lips once more. Paul takes over, wrapping her hair around his fist and pushing forward.

Her throat spasms and convulses as inch after inch forces its way into the tight passage. "Fuuuck, so fucking tight," he grunts. Pulling nearly all the way out, Paul slams forward again, relishing her gags and choked gasps.

Giving her a few short thrusts, he pulls back to give her a moment to breathe, only to slam back into the depths. Tears leak from her eyes from the brutal throat fuck, but her cunt drips with arousal, knowing how much this is turning her son on.

"Fuuuck!" Paul moans as he rams his hard cock balls deep in his mother's spasming throat once again, chasing another release. "Gonna cum again!" Madison eagerly drinks down his thick streams, savoring each gush against her tongue.

Paul pulls back with a gasp, cock still hard and twitching with each aftershock. He helps Madison back to her feet on wobbly legs and strips off her damp clothes.

"Please, fill me up, darling," she begs, getting on all fours with her hips slightly raised, spreading her thighs to show off her slick, drenched pussy. Paul could resist no longer, landing a smack on her ample ass that left an indelible mark as she cried out loudly.

He pushes himself into her tight, velvety sheath, groaning as her walls flutter around his cock. "God you're fucking wet, Mom." He thrusts slowly, grinding himself against her most sensitive places. Madison moans wantonly, hips rising to meet his.

The lewd sounds of wet flesh colliding fill the bathroom as their lust increases. Paul's hands grip and massage her tits as he covers her body with his as he continue thrusting, rolling and pinching her pert nipples until they're pebbled and sore.

"Give it to me," she pants. "Want to be full of you." Paul quickens his pace, chasing the explosive pleasure building in his groin. His heavy sac smacks against her ass as he drills her into the wooden floor.

Paul's thick cock throbs as his heavy release explodes from him, painting his mother's walls with his warm seed. "Take it," he groans, pushing his hips forward to ensure she takes every drop.

Madison clings to her son, milking him dry as they both pant and shudder. Only when he softens does Paul reluctantly pull free from her stuffed, messy pussy. Droplets of mixed fluids seep from her swollen pussy.

"Oh, son...This was an incredible morning exercise." Madison leans up for a deep kiss, still riding the wave of her orgasm, as her filled pussy is dripping his son's cum from her little hole.

"I love you, Mom. Never get tired of cumming inside, as always," he murmurs against her lips before rising to his feet and helping her clean up. He watches her tenderly, still aroused, before letting her gather herself. "I would go to sleep. See you later Mom." he kissed her lips for a last time before leaving.

Paul leaves satisfied and relaxed after fucking his beautiful mother and returns to the bedroom, already asleep by the time he crawls under the covers, after removing his clothes and dipping into Alicia's back as he rests his cock between her thighs.