Duchy Of Crawford [1]

Upon arriving at the Deliat Dominion, my orders were simple: "Do as you wish."

That was all.

The locals would know the situation here much better than I do. For now, I just wanted to sit back and watch how things unfolded.

Originally, the first priority upon arrival was to take control of the Government-General. But there was no need for that at all.

All that was done was a few low-level officials, including Hojein.

"If you don't give me money, I won't stick with you."

It's already been six months since my salary was delayed.

This happened because the Government-General was penniless. Wage arrears is one of the words I hate the most.

The solution was simple: I just had to stay still.

"Even if the governor doesn't use force, there will be money to give to the officials."

Besides, isn't it remarkable that Hojein is still hanging on even though his salary is delayed?