
I cut her off as soon as I realized where the conversation was going.

- Look, I know you're worried, but I'm a big girl. It's not like there's anything going on between us, we've never spoken. - I disguised it by looking away, as if those words wouldn't hurt me.

- Hey, love, you're gone. - A handsome boy caught Alice's eye, abruptly cutting off the conversation. She turned and kissed his lips sweetly.

I realized that this was the same guy she was with before.

- Nicole, this is Alec.

- Alec, this is my faithful squire Nicole.

We greeted each other. They looked at each other and kissed and I gave them privacy.

Not that they'd known each other long, but she seemed very comfortable with him and I didn't want to interrupt.

She gestured and I realized she wanted to go, but she didn't want to leave me alone. It wouldn't be fair if she didn't go out with someone because of her friend without a date. Some of the boys had even approached me. I wasn't stupid, I looked good, but the one I wanted hadn't even looked at me.

- It's okay, Alice. - I said in a drunken voice and gave her a big smile, which, although she was reluctant to leave me, she understood and nodded, returning my smile.

- Do I have your cell phone?

- Yes. - I said.

- I have mine and Vivian has hers. You can call me at any time, I'll be here in a second if you need me. And please, drink some water. - She walks over to a place full of sealed water bottles and puts one in front of me. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and headed out, probably looking for the privacy of the deck or boathouse to stay with Alec. But first she shouted over the music, reminding me:

- Enjoy these two hours before Matthew comes to pick us up.

I felt bad about being alone. But my friends didn't need to know. I made my choice, except for the drinking, which was my usual behavior today, just like at other parties. I was tired of not accepting invitations from any guy who wanted to be with me. I just couldn't because I had really developed a harmful obsession with Luck. No, that wasn't healthy, but fuck, most people weren't.

Not two minutes later, I decided that I didn't know where those thoughts were coming from, I'm not like that... it was probably the drink thinking.

- Gin and tonic, please," I asked, my voice slurred and my stomach a little upset. I placed my order with a guy who was making drinks for some of the girls at the pool table. I knew he wasn't a bartender or my subordinate, but the drink apparently gave me the courage to open my mouth without shame. He was a friend of Luck's, I think his name was Antony, I know that because I remember him hanging out with Luck at other parties.

- I think I'm going to need your ID. - A man in his twenties said with a playful smile, pushing the glass of drink at me.

I laughed dryly. I wasn't in the mood. It was probably the only night of freedom I would have before Madeleine returned and I went to Wharton College in Philadelphia to study finance and investment management. Afterwards, I was going to drive with Madeline to Diamonds Enterprises, and I was there alone, drinking, ignoring the various chats to dream about someone I couldn't have.

- You shouldn't hit on customers. - Your tone is amusing. - Are you going to hit on me too if I want a drink?

- Suck my cock Luck. Do you think I'm your employee? I only serve pretty girls. - Antony, smile at me. Both dimples appearing on his swarthy face.

I turned in surprise to Luck. He was sitting next to me, one arm resting on the worktop. He was looking at me with the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen.

You don't look underage. - He smiled at me, sipping his drink from the bottle.

I looked at him for a moment and couldn't tell if he was talking to me. I admired his lips touching his drink, the veins in his neck bulging slightly, his chest rising and falling slowly.

- Or maybe I am? - He looked at me, squinting his eyes and leaving me breathless.

- As if that ever mattered to you. - His friend Antony interrupted. I laughed and left the bar.

- Shut up, you son of a bitch! - Luck was cursing, and I couldn't tell if he was really being mocking.

It sounded like his friend was joking, but it made me tense up.

When he turns to me, I say - Yes, I mean, no, I'm not underage.

Yes, it was a lie, but let's face it, seventeen wasn't such a bad age, I was going to have a birthday soon, I think that's what he meant about being underage. After all, I knew Luck was seven years older than me.

He smiled again, looking pleased.

- And what's a beautiful girl like you doing here, alone?

I hadn't realized I was holding my breath until I let it out deeply. I admired him for a few minutes before answering. Was I imagining it or was it really happening?

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you, but you were here alone." His eyebrows drew together in disapproval, and he stood up and turned away.

Instinctively, I stood up and grabbed his arm. He gave me a surprised look and then moved closer.

- Don't go. - It was the first thing I could think of and say.

- Okay - he left a space in his words for me to introduce myself.

- Nicole... my name is Nicole.

He came close to my ear and whispered:

- I've been looking at you for a long time, N-i-c-o-l-e - he said slowly. - My name is Luck and, by the way, you look really hot.

Fuck, that couldn't be happening! Not with me! He never looked at me, and today he came to talk to me. All right, the "show for 20 bucks" outfit is attracting a lot of attention, but man, it's Luck Petrelli! And he's flirting with me. I tried to smile as normally as possible so as not to look so silly.

- Well, what college are you going to, Nicole?

- Wharton. - I say.

- In Philadelphia. - He adds. - The home of the filthy rich

I shrug, a smile curving across my lips

- I studied there," he adds. - Finance.

- Yeah, I know. - I speak excitedly, replacing my drink with Alice's water. If that was going to happen, I'd like to be sober.

"I know almost everything about you," I thought.

- Really? - The hint of a smile crossed my face

Holy shit, don't tell me I said that out loud? My heart was pounding against my ribs.

Luck took the lead and guided me up a private staircase. We walked down a long corridor until we reached a huge hall, where we walked some more, in an awkward silence. It seemed like forever until we arrived, but it was probably less than two minutes. It was some time before we reached a corridor with lots of bookshelves and family photos. He was leading me so quickly that I could barely make out the details. He took a key out of his pocket and opened two large double doors. First, he entered and then gestured for me to follow. It was a huge room with a four-poster bed, a bar and some armchairs.