1st Monster Wave Attacks

The morning sun cast its light warmly go through the windows, as the members of the Lunar Vanguard and various adventurers gathered on the back room of Nikos's shop. They stood in a loose semicircle, facing Nikos, who exuded an air of calm authority.

"Hi, darling." Chloe greet Nikos with flirty looks.

"Sir Nikos." Thalion greet politely with nod.

Reychard, standing at the forefront with his party, greeted Nikos with a respectful nod. "Sir Nikos, we're all here. What's the plan?"

Other adventurers also greeted Nikos with respect.

Nikos acknowledged them with a slight smile. "Thank you for coming, everyone. I won't waste your time, I'll get straight to the point. I gathered all of you here to help me with preparation. I need all of you to scour the market to buy all the ingredients needed for potions. Since we need a stockpile of potions and supplies before the monster wave hits."

Chloe, the seductive mage of the Lunar Vanguard, slide up to Nikos sides with a playful smile. "Sounds like a lot of work. Are you sure you reward us properly, handsome?"

Nikos met her gaze with a calm. "I'll reward you all properly for your efforts, and I also going to gave each one of you some discounts on any products at my shop."

The mention of rewards and bonus of discount on Nikos' shop arouse the adventurers spirits.

Thalion, the detail-oriented fox-man, stepped forward, his sharp eyes assessing the group. "How do we coordinate this, Sir Nikos? We don't want to overlap and miss any stalls."

"Good point, Thalion," Nikos replied. "I've divided the market into sections. Each group will be responsible for a specific area. This will ensure we cover the entire market efficiently."

Orion, the quiet half-orc healer, stood at the back, observing silently. He gave a slight nod of understanding when Nikos's eyes met his.

"Everyone clear on their assignments?" Nikos asked, scanning the group.

"Yes!" a chorus of affirmations followed.

Satisfied with their answer, Nikos dismissed them, "Then, let's move quickly and decisively."

With their tasks clear, the adventurers dispersed into the bustling market to do their work, leaving Nikos alone.

As the adventurers moved through the market, buying up ingredients, Nikos was in his thoughts. With the help of Lunar Vanguard and other adventurers, the market will run out of stock faster than my projection before. That's a good thing.

Nikos turned his attention to back his own work, opening the store for the day. Customers streamed in, unaware of the brewing conflict behind the scenes. Throughout the day, Nikos interacted with his patrons, maintaining his usual charm and professionalism. Yet, his mind remained focused on the bigger picture.

As night fell, the shop grew quiet. Nikos began the arduous task of potion-making, leveraging both the normal process and the unique capabilities of his system. His thoughts raced as he worked.

Nikos worked tirelessly through the night, the rhythmic process of potion-making offering a strange sense of calm amidst the brewing storm. By dawn, he had a considerable stockpile of potions ready for the upcoming battles.

He keeps doing this for days as every ingredients on the market is began to run out of stocks.

Then, three days later, the first monster wave descended upon the town. The air was thick with tension as the townsfolk and adventurers prepared for the onslaught. The sky darkened, and the ground trembled with the approach of the beasts.

Nikos stood from far away, observing the unfolding chaos. The town's army, clad in mismatched armor, formed a defensive line at the gates. Despite their numbers, Nikos could see the cracks in their formation, weaknesses that could be exploited by a clever enemy.

The army is doing their best, he thought, but their training and coordination leave much to be desired. We'll need to rely heavily on the adventurers to hold the line.

The Adventurers Guild had mobilized quickly, issuing quests and rallying their members. Nikos noted the familiar faces among them, including Reychard and the Lunar Vanguard. Their presence was a reassuring sight.

The first wave of monsters hit like a tidal wave. Hulking creatures with gnashing teeth and razor-sharp claws crashed against the town's defenses. The soldiers fought bravely, but it was clear they were outmatched.

Adventurers, with their diverse skills and experience, filled the gaps, holding the line where the soldiers faltered.

Nikos watched the battle unfold, his analytical mind assessing every detail.

He saw Reychard leading his party with precision, Chloe's spells decimating the ranks of monsters, Thalion's arrows finding their marks with deadly accuracy, and Orion's healing magic keeping the front line fighters on their feet.

Reychard and his team are a formidable force, Nikos thought. Their strength and coordination is really great, and that all will be crucial in these battles.

Despite the initial chaos, the town managed to repel the first wave. The streets were littered with the bodies of fallen monsters, and a sense of uneasy calm settled over the defenders. Cheers and cries of victory echoed through the town as the exhausted fighters caught their breath.

Nikos's shop had remained a beacon of hope throughout the battle, providing potions and supplies to those in need. As the dust settled, he knew that the true test was still ahead.

Over the next couple of days, the town braced for the next wave of attacks. Repairs were made, defenses were bolstered, and strategies were refined. Nikos continued to produce potions, ensuring a steady supply for the adventurers and soldiers.

He held meetings with Reychard and other key figures, sharing insights and plans. The camaraderie and cooperation among the defenders grew, creating a unified front against the looming threat.

The success in repelling the first wave had instilled a sense of self-assurance and confidence in the town. They knew that the battles ahead would be tough, but they also knew that they had hope to face all them.

On the other hands, Nikos and his group were in the midst of a bustling day at their shop. The aftermath of the first monster wave had brought a surge of customers, primarily adventurers eager to stock up on potions. Nikos, Marielle, Liriel, and Jarek worked in unison, serving customers and managing the stock.

Nikos greeted a burly adventurer with a welcoming smile. "How can I help you today?"

"I need a dozen health potions and a few mana potions," the adventurer replied.

Nikos nodded and handed over the requested items, making a mental note to adjust the displayed stock. "That'll be 27 gold."

As the adventurer paid and left, Nikos turned to Marielle. "Marielle, make sure to replenish the shelves."

Marielle nodded, her nurturing demeanor shining through as she attended to the next customer, a young mage with an anxious look. "Don't worry, we've got just what you need," she said reassuringly.

Meanwhile, Liriel moved swiftly and efficiently, her alert eyes scanning the room. She approached a group of adventurers who were discussing their next quest. "Can I help you find something?"

One of them, a tall elf, nodded. "We need some antidotes. Heard you've got the best."

"Right this way," Liriel guided them to the appropriate shelf.

Jarek, with his imposing presence, kept a watchful eye on the shop, ensuring everything remained orderly. He stepped forward as a rowdy group of adventurers entered. "Welcome. Keep it civil, and we'll get you what you need."

Nikos shop was flooded with customer all the times.

However, even though he got many customers looking for his potions, Nikos secretly limiting the potions stock and didn't selling all of it to the public, he kept the rest stockpiles for his next plan to fight against Alchemist Associations.

Because of this, it made 'Alchemist Association' branch shop that been empty before start to gathering back some of small pool of customer.

As the day went on, the shop slowly began to not much crowded, and the flow of customers became more manageable. Nikos looked around, satisfied with their efforts but aware of the next steps in his plan.

It's been a couple days, it's time for us to move to our next plan.

Nikos approached Marielle and Jarek as the last few customers trickled out. "Marielle, you're in charge of the shop for now. Jarek, keep an eye on things. I need to take care of some business with Liriel."

Marielle smiled warmly. "Of course, Master. We'll handle everything here."

Jarek nodded, his cautious nature always ready for a challenge. "I will keep everything things ssecure, Mashter."

Nikos turned to Liriel. "Let's go."

Liriel, always patient and persistent, nodded. "Ready when you are, Sir."

Nikos's mind was already racing with thoughts. The limited potions we've been selling have driven some of our customers to the Alchemist Association. It's time to address that.

With that, Nikos and Liriel left the shop, making their way through the town towards Lukas's mansion.

The street in the afternoon is busy with many peoples do their things, many is related with the preparation of the second monster wave attacks.

Arriving at Lukas's mansion, they were greeted by the imposing gates and a pair of guards. Recognizing Nikos, the guards nodded and allowed them entry. The mansion was opulent, a stark contrast to the busy streets outside.

The butler notified their master Lukas, of Nikos' arrival.

As the two waiting, Liriel stood right behind Nikos, with her senses alert for any potential threats, as she guards him. You could never drop your guard anywhere, not even for a single moment.

Then soon after, Lukas, the slave trader come to the room, he meet Nikos with an open arms and smile. "Sir Nikos, welcome. What brings you here today? Come follow me." He bringing them to the garden on the back of the mansion.

"Sir Lukas, it's good to see you." Nikos smile back politely, as he walked beside Lukas. "I've come to discuss a potential arrangement that could benefit us both."

Lukas raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "I'm listening."