Chapter 4: The Darkness' Attack

On a dark and stormy night, the forces of evil descend upon the village of Eldoria. Demonic creatures march through the streets, setting fire to houses and sowing terror among the villagers. Kenjiro and his friends lead the defense, fighting bravely against the hordes of the necromancer villain.

As the battle unfolds, Kenjiro discovers that his appraisal powers can be used not only to identify weaknesses in the enemies but also to find weak points in their own defenses. He uses this ability to guide his friends in battle, coordinating their attacks and maximizing their effectiveness against the forces of darkness.

The combat is intense and brutal, with both sides suffering significant losses. However, the heroes of Eldoria do not retreat, fighting with all their might to protect their village and loved ones. With skill and determination, they repel the invaders, inflicting heavy casualties on the ranks of the necromancer villain.

As the sun rises over Eldoria, the villagers emerge from their homes to find the streets littered with demonic corpses. The battle has been won, but the war is far from over. Kenjiro and his friends know that there is still much work to be done to ensure the safety of their village and their world.