Heart of innovation

Article 6. Research and Development.

Section 1. Research and Studies. The government must recognize the importance of research and development. The intent of such thing is to assist and help the civilized country on their problems and there is no other way to solve such thing but to research and develop things to solve it. No other country did not arise with out the use of research and development. This mandate must be send to every government offices so that they will be able to cope up with the fast and never ending race of Modernization.

Section 2. Innovation and Development. The government must always think of a way to enhance their so called technological advancement. The heart of innovation lies on its fast race of development and upgrades. It is comparable to the never ending evolution of your smart phones. The government must realize such things, they should not remain stagnant in the passage of time. Innovation and Development is the main key of progress.

Section 3. Deployment and Practices. The last step of research and development, innovation and Development is deployment and practices on the public. Such things must be deployed publicly by the government and practice it as a part of their daily lifes. For what purpose did we innovate things and develop such solutions if we do not deploy it publicly. To change the old ones with the new is the main step of Modernization. This mandate must be practiced at all times.

So the guy did so and he looked at his smart armchair. " The fucking old Filipino is still using a plastic and wooden chair. Clearly stating that they all are left in the passage of time. I am glad that I am sent In a world of professional technology and Look at me now, I am a using smart armchair that allows me to do my academic studies at home. This country no longer needs a school just to teach us academics.". Then he took his smart glasses and he starts to see the difference, then he asked "I wonder, I what year will the philippines be able to produce smart armchair for their students. If only they knew that they could, just like me, then they would be able to produce such things. If only they know what technology is. This smart glasses just like usual technology contains two things. Hardware components and software components. Should I discuss those things?. Nah uh, it is not my assignment. It just so happen that I love the article about research and development."

He then stood up from his sit and he took a glimpse on the skies outside his simple little home. He then started to visualize a town which is familiar to him, he saw the unchanged wooden Bridge. It stood for twenty long years uncompleted. Then he saw the smart armchair which he just sat on. "What a deepshit mayor. She is tasked to manage such town properly and not to kill civilians who opposes her. And she is considered as a jury what a deepshit. Well that is philippines.".