"Honey you look upset whats wrong?" Elena asks Ajax.
"Oh it's nothing just was spacing out" Ajax responds.
"I know what it is I saw he got into an argument with his girlfriend, she broke up with him just before he came home!" Kaelen says smugly.
"What the? You're just making up stuff fatass!" Ajax says taken aback by Kaelens story.
Elena giggles at Ajaxs insult towards her husband and she covers her face to hide it.
"Again with the fat jokes? I told you guys I'm just bulking!" Kaelen says turning red as Ajax and Elena begin to laugh out loud.
An alarm clock near Ajaxs bed begins to ring and he slams it instantly breaking it. As he gets out of bed he notices his foot that was blown off has regrown.he stares at himself in the mirror and notices his eyes have turned bright red.
After cleaning himself up in the bathroom he walks out into the hallway and notices a dark skinned girl with long ears staring outside the window.
"Wait am I in the wrong place? Who the hell is she?" Ajax thinks to himself.
"Uhhh hi do you know where a blonde haired old looking guy around my height is?" Ajax asks the girl. Upon hearing him she jolts in fear and gets away from him as if he's the plague.
"Huh? Did I do something wrong? Do I smell bad? Have I got eye crust?? Ajax's mind races to a million different possibilities as to why the girl jolted away from him.
"Okay I kinda don't appreciate you describing me as "old" son I'm still thirty five" Lennox walks in and the girl dashes behind Lennox. "By the way don't think too much about how Aliyah just acted she's been through alot and doesn't do well around strangers." Lennox tells him patting Aliyah on the shoulder who covers her head with her cloak.
"Pffft nah that was no big deal" Ajax responds attempting to act casual.
"You're sweating alot son you ok-"
"Changing the subject now, what's going on exactly, why were those guys after me?" Ajax says quickly.
"Since you live out in the country I don't think you know too much about the current royal family members but to simplify it, the guy going after you is one of the King's sons. The Queen has been dying from a strange illness these past six months, and the king Ragnar has been doing everything in his power to cure her and.... you are his last option son." Lennox says taking a seat on the couch.
"Could you expand on that?" Ajax asks.
" Since you are a Solomon you Directly descend from Solaris Ignatius meaning you have an embedded augmentation which is healing. Now that augment son is being overworked due to maintaining that second one you have." Lennox says pointing at Ajax's chest.
"I don't know too much about augments but having a second one means it's artificial or something right? Ajax asks unsure of himself.
"Yeah but the question here is who gave you it cause that ain't no ordinary augment son." Lennox says putting his hands on his hips and shaking his head.
" the dead man's shadow lingers" a long haired man dressed in black combat gear with a large sword on his back walks into the room.
"You usually ain't back this quick kaz" Lennox says looking at the man.
"I used some shadowmen to cover ground last night, nobody should be able to get near us that quickly." The man says leaning against the wall and crossing his arms.
"Oh and excuse my rude manners young man, my name is Kazuki Yukimura" the man says with a quick slight bow.
"You.. you're from the Yukimura family?" Ajax says nervously.
"Don't worry too much about his last name kid I can promise you he's a good man" Lennox say reassuring Ajax as Kazuki looks away in shame.
" Ok even though you've explained everything to me I'm still confused, so what? these bastards want to kill me to get my powers and you guys are just good samaritans who happened to be nearby?" Ajax asks visibly frustrated.
"We're a black ops unit from Zephyr we're here to eliminate the Blackthorne family" Lennox says to Ajax. Ajax raises his eyebrows in response.
" Lennox here probably already told you about his friendship with your father" Kazuki says while walking closer towards Ajax.
"Yeah" Ajax says before lowering his head.
"I'll get to the point son you've got two options here the first one is you stay with us and fight or we relocate to Zephyr, the Blackthorne's are incapable of moving in and out of the country since their blacklisted throughout most countries. You also won't need to worry about that mercenary with Erik we got guys that can take care of that in Zephyr." Lennox tells Ajax.
"I... I don't know I'm still... can you give me a few hours?" Ajax says before looking up at Lennox.
"No problem son here's the teleportation crystal, so if you wanna leave you'll be outta here in a flash, just make sure you let me know when you do it so I can organise things for you over there." Lennox says to Ajax before handing him the crystal.
As Lennox and Kazuki walk out of the room Aliyah walks upto Ajax and puts out her hand.
"I...I'm... Al-..Aliyah. Nice.. to.. meet you" she says Ajax shakes her hand and notices her shaking alot after the quick handshake she quickly walks away.
"What a day huh" Ajax says to himself before sitting on the couch and staring at crystal Lennox gave him.
"Papa where does ice cream come from?" A little boy asks while staring at his ice cream perplexed.
"They come from shooting stars" a man walking alongside the boy says. He knocks on the door of a small cozy house and the door is opened by a blonde haired woman.
"You guys sure took your time" the woman says to her husband and son.
"Well I'm gonna take some more time I need to check something out hon, stay in the house." the man says as he kisses his wife on the forehead and leads them inside before he starts to walk down the road. There's an eerie silence he notices as he stops walking.
"Never in my life would I think a Yukimura would settle down and quit mercenary work." Erik says walks out of a dark corner.
" state your business" the man says staring down Erik.
"I'm here to make an offer, I'm a desperate man with not alot of time soo ill make it short and sweet. I need you for some mercenary work, you refuse.. two bullets a few miles out from here will go through your wife and son. Don't make this hard on yourself Hiroki." Erik says raising his hands in the air.
Hiroki looks down and rubs his temples, his carefree life ever since he settled down has messed up his augmented aura detection skills.
" you're a man of your word?" Hiroki asks scowling at Erik.
"As long as you do this one job your family will be safe." Erik says before clicking his fingers, a dozen state soldiers pop out of nearby corners and begin to walk away, most of the men are shaking profusely grateful that they didn't need to face a member of the Yukimura family.