
Foolish Child and a Father's Revenge.

In the Ministry of Finance building, the atmosphere, once calm, suddenly turned tense. The bewildered faces of the guests became increasingly apparent. Mr. Huang was shocked to see Saroon's actions toward his son, Mada. With a bruised left cheek, Mada looked confused and on the verge of tears.

"This slap is nothing compared to what you did," Saroon said coldly. "You beat him up and took his watch. I didn't know Mr. Huang's son had no shame or dignity like this." Saroon left the ministry building with his banking staff.

Mr. Huang's face turned red with embarrassment. "It seems there's been a misunderstanding here. Please continue with the reception; I'll return shortly," he said, pulling Mada into his office.

Lily followed from behind, peeking through a slightly open door. Mr. Huang, his emotions boiling over, slapped Mada repeatedly. "What did you do? You want to embarrass me in front of everyone? Tell me, whose watch is that?" Mr. Huang shouted at Mada, who could only stand silent, holding back tears.

"Get out!" Mr. Huang screamed, throwing a glass that hit Mada's head, causing it to bleed. Lily, who didn't fully hear the conversation, pretended to look for a toilet.

"Mada, what happened to you?" Lily asked when she saw Mada's injured state. They were childhood friends because their parents had been college friends.

Mada stayed silent. Lily grabbed his hand and took him outside the building to clean his wounds. In a park, Lily tended to the cuts on Mada's head and his slightly split lip.

After calming down, Mada spoke, "I don't understand what just happened. Why did people suddenly slap and yell at me?"

Lily interrupted, "Isn't it because of the watch you're wearing?"

"Oh, right," Mada snapped out of his confusion. "This is Navies' watch, which I took from him. Did I deserve to be slapped, beaten, and humiliated for taking his watch?"

Lily then asked, "What did you do to Navies?"

"I never beat him up. I just took his watch because I didn't want to do my tutoring assignment. But that guy thinks I beat Navies to a pulp," Mada said, crying again.

Lily's expression changed. She knew what really happened. She had ordered her subordinates to beat up Navies. However, she didn't expect it to turn out like this. Her body trembled, fearing something terrible might happen to her. "I think I need to go home, Mada. I forgot I had something to do," Lily said hurriedly before leaving.

That same night, on the tenth floor of the Vilaria Hotel, a lavish dinner party was held. Navies and some of his staff, as well as the hotel's board of directors, gathered, including the hotel owner, Mr. Tang.

Navies stood up, and everyone else followed suit. "I am Navies from NFC Group, the parent company of Albert Properties and Investments," he said, extending his hand to Mr. Tang.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Navies. I am Mr. Tang, the owner of the Vilaria Hotel," Mr. Tang responded. "Let's eat first and talk."

Balqis, observing from afar, was amazed by Navies. His presence and aura made these people obedient. "An extraordinary aura," Balqis thought, smiling slightly at Navies.

Navies praised the hotel's food and its luxurious, classic interior design. "This hotel should be the best in Aratsun," he told Mr. Tang.

"Oh yes, this is the director of our raw food supplier. Vilaria will be the only hotel we supply from now on," Mr. Tang introduced a man.

Navies expressed his desire for Mr. Tang to become number one in the country and crush anyone who stood in his way. Mr. Tang was slightly surprised but pleased to hear this. "Mr. Navies, you are too kind to me," he said.

After the meeting, Navies went home with Balqis. He seemed tired after spending the day with Sera at the nearby plantation. "Balqis, I'm going to rest. If anyone contacts me, handle it," he said before heading to his room.

Elsewhere in the city, three black minivans without license plates and with dark windows sped toward the outskirts. Several masked, armed men got out, carrying water tanks and meat dissolving liquid to dispose of bodies if necessary.

They crept closer to the mansion, moving through trees and bushes, ready to execute their plan. Unexpectedly, they faced fierce resistance from the security forces already on high alert.

One by one, the intruders fell, caught in traps or shot. The situation became chaotic. The team commander tried to strategize, but things only got worse. A bullet pierced one member's head, killing him instantly. Another tried to advance but lost his leg to a trap. Agonized screams echoed through the quiet night.

"Hey, what's happening?" the commander shouted. No one answered. One team member tried to run but had his throat torn by another trap. They attempted to flee but got trapped around the mansion.

Meanwhile, Akhtar, restless at home, grew increasingly anxious without news from his team. He began devising a backup plan, ready to wash his hands of the situation if necessary. He realized his mission had failed and tried contacting Mr. Huang to inform him, but all attempts were futile. Panic set in, knowing their actions might be uncovered, leading to dire consequences.

Navies, resting, found that Balqis had prepared a report on the night's events. "I captured one of them alive," Balqis said. Navies nodded, "Bring him to the interrogation room. We'll find out who dared to attack us."

In the interrogation room at the back of the mansion, a bound and wounded man sat in a chair, his face filled with fear. Navies entered calmly, followed by Balqis, carrying a report.

"Who sent you?" Navies asked coldly. The man shook his head, sweat dripping down his temples. Balqis placed the report on the table and stared at the man intently. "Answer, or you will regret it," she threatened.

The man remained silent, refusing to reveal who was behind the attack. Balqis moved closer, her gaze piercing. "Alright," she said coolly. "We'll see how long you can hold out."

Balqis began interrogating the man more harshly, using any means necessary to make him talk. Yet, the man stayed mute, withholding any information. Losing patience, Balqis resorted to violence, hitting him hard until he passed out.

Breathing heavily, Balqis wiped her bloodstained hands. "Take him to the back shed and ensure he can't escape," she ordered some guards who immediately obeyed. They dragged the man out of the interrogation room to the shed, equipped with tools to prevent his escape.

Balqis tied the man to a chair in the middle of the room, gagging him with a cloth. "You'll stay here until you talk," she said sternly before closing and locking the shed door.

That same night, Brigadier General Akhtar grew increasingly uneasy at home, worried without any news from his team. He started preparing a contingency plan, ready to distance himself from the incident if necessary. He realized the mission had failed and tried contacting Mr. Huang to report the situation, but all efforts were in vain. Panic engulfed him, aware that their actions could be exposed, leading to severe consequences.

Dealing with Navies could end very badly for him and his family. With trembling hands, he decided to go to Navies' house. Wearing slippers, pajamas, and a disheveled appearance, Lily went to Navies' mansion.

In front of Navies' mansion, Lily arrived in a hurry. Panic and fear were evident on her face. Her body trembled as she approached the front door. Her head spun, and her vision blurred. Before she could knock, she staggered and collapsed in front of the mansion door.

Inside, Navies was preparing his next steps. "Balqis, ensure all security is tightened. I don't want a repeat of last night," he said firmly.

Balqis nodded. "Of course, Navies. I'll make sure everything goes according to plan."

At that moment, one of the mansion's servants rushed in and said, "Mr. Navies, a woman fainted at the front door. She seems to need help."

Navies and Balqis immediately went to the front door and saw Lily lying unconscious. "Bring her in," Navies ordered. The servant and some guards quickly carried Lily inside, laying her on a sofa in the living room.

Navies looked at Lily with curiosity. "What is she doing here? And in this condition?" he wondered aloud.

Balqis quickly instructed a servant to fetch water and a cold towel. "We need to take good care of her. After some rest, she should be fine," Balqis said.

Navies said, "Balqis, you should rest; you've worked hard. If Lily sees you when she wakes up, it might cause problems. I'll take care of her; we're classmates. After she wakes up, I'll try to find out what's going on."

Lily, half-conscious, in the haze of semi-awareness, like a dream, saw Navies taking care of her, applying a cold compress to her forehead and watching over her. Lily murmured to herself, "Maybe because you were so scared, I ended up like this."

Morning came; it was Saturday, and everyone had a day off from school. The mansion was still quiet, although some servants were bustling about, cooking, cleaning, and watering flowers. Lily woke up, seeing a man sleeping beside her. Startled, she gently moved a cloth that covered the man's face, revealing Navies. Her heart raced, and she gasped silently. She was in Navies' house. Navies woke up, and their eyes met. Overwhelmed with fear and embarrassment, Lily pretended to sleep again. Navies knew she was awake and stood up, leaving the room.

"Lily, just rest for now. We can talk when you're feeling better," Navies said.

Lily lowered her head and started to cry. She didn't understand what was happening or why she was in this situation. A mix of shame and fear filled her heart. She had nothing with her, not even her phone. She was sure her father was extremely worried, and all the servants would face severe consequences because of her actions today. "Ugh, this is so frustrating," she thought.

She recalled the previous night, where Navies took such good care of her. A strange feeling began to grow inside her. Lily didn't know what to do with these new emotions. After a moment of reflection, she decided to talk to Navies and understand more about the situation.

With hesitant steps, Lily walked out of the room and headed to the living room. Navies was sitting there, waiting patiently.

"Navies, I need to talk to you," Lily said softly, her face flushed.

Navies looked at her gently. "Of course, Lily. What do you want to talk about?"

Lily took a deep breath before beginning, trying to hide her embarrassment. "I want to know what really happened. Why did I faint in front of your house? And why did you take care of me?"

Navies smiled slightly. "Lily, you fainted because you seemed extremely panicked and exhausted. I just did what anyone should do, took care of you until you recovered. But I also want to know why you came here in that state."

Lily felt a bit relieved hearing Navies' explanation, but her heart was still pounding. "I came here to apologize to you. I was so mean. You can do whatever you want to me as long as you forgive me, Navies." Lily cried, kneeling in front of Navies.

Navies got up from his chair and hugged Lily. "What are you saying, Lily?" In Navies' embrace, Lily's tears flowed freely. "I'm sorry, Navies. I was the one who got you beaten up. It was all because of my arrogance," Lily hugged Navies even tighter. Navies remained silent.

Lily continued to cry, and Navies tried to comfort her. "I always forgive those who are truly sorry. So now, I've forgiven you. Don't worry. Isn't one enemy too many? We can be friends instead," Navies said with a sweet smile.

Lily, still sobbing, paused for a moment and cried even more, hugging Navies tighter. She felt a bit of relief hearing Navies' words, but her face remained red. "Thank you," she said through her sobs.

Navies smiled. "Alright, for now, let's have breakfast," he said, gently releasing her from the hug.

Lily nodded, her heart pounding. "Thank you, Navies. You're so kind."