Basics of Void [2]


Amon stared at the interface in front of him.


Choose 1 of the 3 Rewards:

[1 Stat Points Increase In Any Stat Of Choice]

[2 Stat Points Increase In Any Element Level 0/1 Point Increase in Any Element Level 1]

[Elemental Integration]


'Hmm' He intriguingly looked at the choices.

'What is [Elemental Integration]?' He questioned.

He was going to ask Zephyra but subconsciously, he focused his thoughts on the option in an attempt if it would explain.

And to his surprise, a new interface opened up.


System Reward: Elemental Integration

Reward Rank: ???

Reward Description:

⦿ Merges two elements to produce a completely new element.

⦿ The Level of the new element will be set to the higher element between the two merging elements.