Nultharia [2]


Amelia stood in front of the pond with Arthur and Athena.

She was currently trying to look deep inside where Amon had plunged into.

But unfortunately, the thickness of the sea made it impossible for her to look past the surface.

It had been over 3 hours now with only 1 hour left for Amon to succeed.

Some students had already formed their familiars and had left the area.

She looked at Arthur and Athena.

If she was right, then the time for it had already passed by.

But then again, changes could have happened in the time.

Arthur looked back at her.

"I want him to succeed but if 1 hour passes by, then I can do nothing." He said.

Athena spoke up.

"You are gonna pull him out as soon as 4 hours pass by?" She asked and he nodded.

Amelia quickly spoke up.

"He's gonna die if you do that. He's too deep in now, just let him com-"


Amelia emphasized the first part to him again.