Golden Lifeblood

Alexa seemed to sense that my fear had only doubled, so she immediately tried to console me. "But don't worry," she reassured me with a gentle smile, her eyes sparkling with sincerity. "There are no Specters here at Fortunalia. Usually, they reside at Colossus, which is three volcanoes away from here. So, you'll be fine, for now."

Alexa's calm demeanor did little to ease my nerves as I imagined the possibility of encountering those elusive Specters, whatever they were.

"Stop being paranoid, Louise," Alexa continued with a reassuring tone, her voice echoing softly in the dimly lit room. She reached into the folds of her cloak and pulled out a ripe mango, the sweet aroma wafting through the air as she peeled away its skin. "You're in the Lands of Fortunalia. And as long as you're at Ludwig's side, no one would dare to touch you, much less come near you. Or else, they would face bloody consequences, meaning, eternal death."

I furrowed my brow, my expression a mixture of confusion and apprehension as I processed Alexa's words. "Ludwig?" I questioned, the name unfamiliar on my tongue. "Who's Ludwig?"

Alexa paused mid-bite, a look of surprise flickering across her face before she chuckled softly. "Ludwig," she repeated, as if the mere mention of the name held all the answers to the universe's mysteries. She took another bite of the mango, savoring its juicy sweetness.

Then realization slowly dawned upon Alexa. "Oh, right, I forgot that you're not from here, my bad," she conceded, a sheepish grin tugging at the corners of her lips. "Oh well…" There was a hint of embarrassment in her laughter as she sighed, acknowledging her mistake. "I thought you'd already known him because you've seen each other just a moment ago. Actually, for a couple of times already. Oh, and hugged as well…"

I sighed wearily and sank onto the edge of the nearby bed. "What do you mean that we've already met each other?" I asked. Then I gasped. "Wait, was he… the man in the black cloak?"

"Obviously," Alexa replied matter-of-factly. Once she was done eating, she dusted herself off and approached me, sitting as well. "It's past midnight. You must go back to sleep. You need to rest because you'll need your strength tomorrow." Suddenly, her shocked gaze fell onto my bleeding arms. "You're wounded?" she asked, concerned. "How come that monster reached you when Ludwig was there?"

As if on cue, I suddenly felt the soreness in my arms, the pain seeping through the adrenaline rush and surreal events that had transpired. The imprinted fingerprints burned deep into my skin.

Alexa stood up abruptly. "Stay here, okay? I'll go back to get the herbs. If only they weren't magic-proof, I could've teleported them by now..." After that, she rode off on her broomstick, leaving me alone again, confused as ever.

She had told me that I would need my strength tomorrow, but for what? Would they eat me? Offer me to their gods? Perhaps tomorrow was my judgment day?

As time dragged on and Alexa failed to return, my sense of unease grew. Desperate for relief from the relentless bleeding, I scoured the room for any available fabric to staunch the wounds. With each passing minute, the urgency of my situation became more pronounced, and the eerie silence of the room only heightened my anxiety.

I dared not lie on the bed, fearing the arrival of another monster. I opted instead to remain seated, my gaze fixed anxiously on the window. Despite the growing chill in the room, I hesitated to approach the window, unable to muster the courage to close it fully. 

As I pondered my escape, the persistent growling of my stomach interrupted my thoughts. With a heavy sigh, I rose from my seat and made my way towards the door, my hand instinctively reaching to soothe the faint throbbing of my wounds. To my relief, the door swung open easily, granting me passage out of the dimly lit room.

Glancing down the deserted hallway, I saw no one in sight. It dawned on me that this might be my chance to break free before things could take a turn for the worse. I couldn't bear the thought of enduring more torment. It was time to rely solely on myself and my instincts. I couldn't afford to trust anyone any longer.

With that thought in mind, I proceeded cautiously down the corridor, my senses on high alert for any unexpected sounds or movements. The torches mounted on the walls suddenly burst into flame, causing me to jump silently in surprise.

Pressing on, I continued to scan the surroundings, keeping an eye out for any signs of an exit. The torches provided intermittent illumination, casting flickering shadows that danced along the walls as I passed by. I silently thanked whatever forces governed this fantastical world that there were no security cameras to capture my stealthy movements.

Amidst my search, I meticulously tested each door, hoping to find one that would lead me to safety. However, every door I tried was firmly locked, thwarting my efforts.

Undeterred, I continued down the corridor until I stumbled upon a wooden door adorned with intricate carvings. To my surprise, this door was unlocked, offering a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

With bated breath, I stepped into the room, my senses heightened as I surveyed my surroundings. To my astonishment, the space was filled with towering shelves, each laden with countless books stretching into the darkness. I approached the nearest shelf, running my fingers along the orderly rows of books. The air was thick with the scent of dust and aged paper, mingling with the faint aroma of leather bindings.

I selected a book from the shelf with trembling hands, its weathered cover giving it an aura of ancient wisdom. As I flipped through its pages, I was met with a plethora of cryptic symbols, intricate letterings, and enigmatic illustrations. Despite my best efforts, the language eluded me, its dark ink forming words that seemed to dance before my eyes.

Exhausted from my fruitless search, I settled onto a nearby couch, surveying the vast expanse of the library. Just as I was about to resume my quest for the exit, my gaze fell upon a peculiar book resting atop the table at the center of the room.

The black cover of the book stood out starkly against the surrounding shelves, its pages fluttering in the cold breeze that swept through the room. My attention was drawn to the far end of the library, where a wide-opened window revealed the darkness beyond.

I hesitated to approach the book, but its unique appearance intrigued me. It was larger than any other book and thicker than any dictionary or encyclopedia I had ever seen in my entire life. Curiosity got the best of me, and I found myself inching closer toward its awaiting pages.

As I reached the book, I analyzed its cover—a pitch-black surface with weathered pages. My eyes blinked in surprise when suddenly, the symbols began to glow and shifted into recognizable letters.

"Quailsham and the Golden Lifeblood."