Flicker of Fire

As my legs burned with exertion, I pushed myself to run even faster, driven by sheer terror. Tears blurred my vision, mixing with the cold sweat that coated my skin. I dodged and weaved between the looming trees, their gnarled branches reaching out like grasping claws, threatening to ensnare me with every step.

I felt as though I were running through a nightmare, each tree appearing suddenly in my path, each root and branch a potential obstacle to my escape. Yet still I ran, my fear lending me strength as I pushed my trembling body to its limits.

In the midst of my frenzied flight, a wrinkled hand shot out from the darkness, seizing me by the hair with a vicious yank.

Agony tore through me as I screamed, my hands clawing desperately at the cruel fingers entangled in my locks. But even as I struggled against the vice-like grip on my scalp, another chilling touch seized hold of my feet, its cold, stone-like grasp threatening to crush my bones with its relentless pressure.

"Help!" I screamed, my voice cracking with desperation. 

Tears blurred my vision as I fought against the relentless grip, kicking and thrashing with all my might. But it was futile.

Their otherworldly strength was overwhelming, and I felt waves of pain coursing through me, rendering me helpless and disoriented. I couldn't even discern which part of my body was injured, as every movement sent searing agony through my limbs.

Darkness enveloped me, suffocating and icy. Another large hand squeezed me, eliciting a scream of pain from my lips. I thrashed and fought against the grip, my efforts becoming more frantic as I struggled to break free.

Despite the searing pain and overwhelming fear, I refused to give up, kicking, punching, and screaming with all the strength I could muster. But as my vision dimmed even further, I knew that escape was slipping further from my grasp.

Just as I was on the brink of losing all hope, a flicker of fire ignited in the darkness.

The monster dropped me hard onto the ground, knocking the wind out of me. For a moment, I lay there breathless, but then I began to hyperventilate as the entire surroundings erupted in flames. Fire engulfed everything, blazing in shades of blue. The once cold place became hot and blindingly bright.

I struggled to stand, but my feet throbbed with pain, causing me to lose my balance and stumble onto the solid ground, landing face-first. I tasted blood in my mouth as I tried to gather my sanity and strength once more.

Events unfolded at an alarming pace. One moment, I lay helpless and motionless on the ground, and the next, I found myself being hoisted onto the hard shoulder of a stone monster. Then, in the blink of an eye, the monster carrying me began to melt into a muddy substance.

As I looked around, I saw flames engulfing everything in sight, billowing smoke rising in the darkest shades. The stench of decay and burning filled the air, suffocating me.

Trees, flowers, grass—nothing was spared by the voracious flames. In the midst of this inferno, three colossal stone monsters converged on the man in the black cloak, who had appeared before my eyes.

"Ludwig…" I called out instinctively, my voice barely above a whisper. In the corner of my eye, I saw him flinch at the sound of his name.

Without hesitation, the monsters gathered soil from the ground and hurled it at Ludwig, but he moved with otherworldly speed and grace. His hand ablaze with fire, he leaped forward with incredible speed, delivering powerful punches to the creatures. The impact sent shockwaves through the air, further fueling the flames engulfing the surroundings.

The first monster melted away in an instant, but its companions launched themselves at Ludwig. With incredible agility, he evaded their powerful strikes and retaliated with fireballs of his own.

However, the monsters were swift and attempted to grab Ludwig's vulnerable neck. He narrowly avoided their grasp at the last moment, but his cloak was not as fortunate. They tore it from him, revealing his back to the searing flames.

I gasped as his badly-burned back came into view. Without inner clothes to shield it, his entire body was exposed, its corners decaying from the intense burns. His once flawless, fair skin now bore a frightening deep red hue.

Ludwig appeared unwavering, despite the exhaustion evident on his face. He faced the monsters head-on, meeting their attacks with fierce determination.

Though I wanted to stand up and assist him, I felt utterly helpless and weak, unable to contribute to the battle unfolding before me.

As the other monsters melted away, the remaining one became increasingly violent, lashing out at Ludwig with ferocious strikes.

Despite his efforts to evade the blows, Ludwig was unable to avoid a devastating punch to his gut, eliciting a groan of pain. Yet, seemingly unfazed by the injury, he retaliated with a powerful fist of his own, striking the monster with incredible force. In an instant, the surroundings fell into deafening silence as the last monster melted away into oblivion.

In the stillness that followed, only Ludwig's ragged breathing shattered the silence. Slowly, he turned to face me, and without hesitation, he approached. When he stood before me, he gently took my hand and helped me to stand, his touch sending electric tingles coursing through me.

He loomed over me, casting a shadow over my face as I barely reached his chest. Before I could examine his body further, he suddenly shouted at me.

"What the hell are you thinking?!" he asked, panting heavily. "Are you even thinking?" His voice echoed as if it could be heard at the opposite corner of the world. "What possessed you to go outside?"

He kept on shouting, his saliva almost spilling on me. He seemed like a caring parent scolding me for my stupidity. The thought brought tears to my eyes.

As expected, he wasn't finished yet. "Do you really think you could survive here, alone? Do you plan to get yourself killed?" His words struck me like a physical blow. 

I didn't dare answer him. My hands clenched against my chest, fear paralyzing me. My heart tightened, and I forgot how to utter a single word as my mind became chaotic and entangled. The closeness between us only intensified the turmoil within me.

He gritted his teeth, his face contorted with fury. "Breathe," he ordered firmly, his voice husky with concern after he noticed my prolonged silence.

One deep breath escaped me as I exhaled. I hadn't even realized I had been holding it in with everything that had transpired.

"L-Ludwig…" I murmured, and then nothing else.