
"King what?" I interrupted, seeking clarification.

"Aurelius," Leaf repeated patiently, her voice resonating with the weight of history. "He was the most powerful Fire Fae to have ever existed. Helios, Apollo, and Cyrus were their names. As the eldest and most powerful among the three, King Helios was the heir to the throne. Prince Cyrus, the youngest and most mischievous, was known for his intelligence and his tendency to wander away from the kingdom."

Leaf continued. "When Prince Ludwig was born, King Helios became consumed with the responsibilities of fatherhood, leaving little time for his other duties. In his absence, he entrusted his brother, Prince Apollo, with the task of locating Cyrus, who had been missing for a year."

"In his search for Cyrus, Prince Apollo encountered a Water Fae, and together they bore a son, who would later become Prince Liam," Leaf explained. "Once he resumed finding his brother again, Prince Apollo formed a relationship with a Fire Fae, his Fate, resulting in the birth of a princess, before ultimately leaving Prince Liam's mother."

"After a year of searching, Prince Apollo finally located Cyrus, who had settled down with a Witch, his Fate," Leaf continued. "They too had a daughter—Princess Alexa. And so, through these intricate familial connections, they are all related as cousins."

Leaf continued to share the known family history while gently combing my silky hair with her slender fingers.

Despite my curiosity about Prince Liam's mother, I hesitated to pry into such personal matters and decided to inquire about a different topic instead.

"What's Fate?" I asked, intrigued by the term that Leaf had mentioned several times during her explanation.

"Fate," Leaf replied from behind me, her voice soft yet full of wisdom. "It's the celestial force that determines the partner you are destined to spend eternity with. They say it's the other half of your soul, completing you in every way."

I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief, laughter bubbling up within me at the notion. "You've got to be kidding me," I exclaimed.

Leaf's laughter blended with mine, filling the room with a sense of warmth. As our laughter subsided, she spoke with a dreamy sigh, delving deeper into the concept of Fate.

"Fate is what we consider to be our soulmate, truly," Leaf explained. "In essence, all Faes, Werebeasts, Ravagers, and Wyverns have their predestined Fate—the one they are meant to spend eternity with, beyond the Underworld and Afterlife. The Heavens themselves choose these Fates, binding them together in an unbreakable bond. The Fate Bond."

"When the Fates see each other," Leaf continued, her voice taking on a thoughtful tone, "Ravagers, Wyverns, and Werebeasts would instinctively recognize it. Their primal instincts are attuned to such bonds." She paused for a moment before adding, "But for Faes, it is quite different…"

I listened intently as Leaf shared more about Fortunalia, immersing myself in the complex details of their society.

She spoke of the diverse array of Faes that inhabited Etherealis, each with their own unique powers and abilities.

Leaf also delved into the laws that governed their society, describing the customs and traditions that were followed with utmost reverence.

As the afternoon sun filtered through the window, casting a warm glow over the room, Leaf's words painted a vivid picture of life within the kingdom.

Before we knew it, the afternoon had passed, and the room was bathed in the soft hues of dusk. I realized just how much time had flown by as Leaf and I had lost ourselves in conversation.

Grateful for her companionship and the wealth of knowledge she had shared, I couldn't help but now feel a sense of belonging in this fantastical world.

As the days passed like fleeting gusts of wind, I eagerly awaited the moment when Prince Liam would grant me permission to venture outside once more.

Being confined to the room for two days had left me feeling restless and frustrated. However, Leaf proved to be an endless source of conversation and entertainment, ensuring that our time together was never dull.

During Leaf's brief absences to attend to her duties, I delved into the books she had retrieved for me from the library.

"Goodness, Louise," exclaimed Lily as she approached me in the library. "The night is fast approaching, and yet you're still engrossed in your reading? You've been here the entire day!"

She had been making similar remarks for quite some time now. "It would be much nicer if you accompanied me to the Greenhouse. Bloom has asked me to fetch something."

With a resigned sigh, I closed the book and rose from my seat, finally accepting Lily's persistent requests. It was clear that she wouldn't stop pestering me until I ventured out of the library with her.

The absence of the sun cast a serene glow over the castle grounds, illuminated by the soft, silver light of the moon. Its radiance bathed the sky in a mesmerizing display, punctuated by the twinkling of countless stars.

As we made our way through the bustling hallways, I found myself lost in thought. My mind was consumed by the revelations Leaf had shared with me earlier.

Lily's voice provided a comforting backdrop to my musings, her words washing over me as I silently absorbed them.

Suddenly, my reverie was interrupted by the sight of a familiar figure ahead entering a room.

My heart skipped a beat as I realized it was Ludwig. What was he doing here? Wasn't his room in the other wing of the castle?

Before I could ponder further, Lily's voice snapped me back to reality. I realized she had moved ahead without me, her figure disappearing around a corner.

"Coming," I called out, quickening my pace to catch up with her.

As I hurried to join her side, a mountain of unanswered questions swirled in my mind, each one adding to the ever-growing mystery of my existence in this fantastical world.

Perhaps, finding answers to these questions would be more attainable than returning to my own home.