Episode 27. Crisis

The four of them managed to escape the hideout quickly thanks to the emergency alarm, but due to strict security, they couldn't use the original secret passage and instead found themselves gathered in a dilapidated cabin near the forest.


"Now what do we do? Y suddenly fainted like this."


Despite sustaining minor injuries while running through the forest, they had no time to tend to their wounds. The tension loomed heavily, knowing that if they were caught, they would undergo re-education, erasing all memories and emotions.


"But how did they track us down?"


Tyra, who had been keeping watch, responds to Zena's question.


"Could it be because of the information on the red chip we saw?"

"But we used a different reader than the one we usually use."

"That wasn't the issue at hand."


Tyra calmly assessed the situation.


"Perhaps we underestimated AG's capabilities in the heat of the moment."


Tyra's words leave everyone speechless. Marty recalls the students, teachers, and others who had been dragged away under the guise of re-education, feeling dizzy at the thought that it might have been because of her.


"Don't worry. It's not over yet," Siu spoke quietly, breaking the silence.


"We haven't been caught yet, Siu's right. Our goal is still to get out of IDYPIA. Let's think about what to do next," Zena urged, rallying Marty and Tyra.


However, the situation wasn't promising for the four of them. It was only a matter of time before their location within IDYPIA was exposed, and they anticipated that the AG Security Forces, alerted by now, would soon seal off the exits. Outside, the wail of sirens echoed, rising and falling in intensity.


"How did Y manage to get into IDYPIA?" Marty asked, her wits returning thanks to her sisters' reassurance.


"It seems there might be a route exclusive to the Resistance," Tyra suggested.

"Then maybe if we know that route, we can use it too," Zena added.


In response to Zena's question, Siu immediately accessed the virtual space she had created, entering Secret Mode. Within the virtual space, streams of numbers passed through Siu's eyes, and a 3D map of IDYPIA appeared before them.


"Siu, what are you doing?" Marty asked, her voice hushed.

"I'm checking if there's any escape route," Siu replied, her eyes focused on the map.


Everyone held their breath, waiting for Siu's response. Siu quickly scanned the map, her eyes darting back and forth.


"Hurry, hurry!"


After a few minutes had passed, Siu wiped away the sweat and smiled.


"...I found it."


Siu displayed a screen showing various numbers and checkboxes labeled with O/X.


"Is this it?" Tyra inquired.

"Yeah. Everything else was blocked off," Siu confirmed.

"There are more options than I expected," Zena remarked.

"Not really. Some of them might be traps," Siu cautioned.

"Then what do we do?" Tyra asked, eager for a plan.


This time, Zena stepped forward to speak.


"I'll send the dummy data first. Then we can use that to figure out the route."

"Zena, did you do the same thing when we were finding the hideout?" Marty asked.

"...Well, it's similar."


Zena grinned widely and disguised herself as an AG agent, then sent all the dummy data to the server Siu had pinpointed.


"Huh? Siu!"

"What? What's wrong?" Siu asked, turning to face Marty.

"There's light coming this way!"



At Tyra's words, Siu leaned against the window and peered outside. She saw several black cars and drones heading their way.


"It seems like we should avoid them, right, Siu?" Tyra asked.

Siu hesitated, considering the situation.


"How much longer, Zena?"

"Just a little more."

"Can you be more specific?"

"Three minutes!"


It was uncertain. While it couldn't be said for sure that the approaching individuals were coming for them, it was best to leave now just in case. Siu prepared to go outside alone.


"What are you doing, Siu?"

"I'll be the decoy. Protect Zena and Y."


"I was prepared for this when we decided to leave IDYPIA."


Siu's determination was met with tears and pleas from Tyra and Marty.


"If you get caught, we'll never see you again."

"That's right. Let's think about this together one more time."


Siu smiled and patted their shoulders.


"I'm not doing this to die. I'm doing it to survive."


Seeing her resolve, Tyra and Marty couldn't stop Siu anymore.




At that moment, Zena called out to Siu and stood her up.


"I'll wait for you. Come back safely."



As Siu reached for the door handle to open it, there was a sudden flurry of footsteps from somewhere.




- Bang!


With Zena's warning, Siu threw herself at the three of them, shielding them from the explosion's shrapnel with her body. Their ears ringing, they felt dizzy for a moment.


"Are you okay?"


Even though the sound didn't reach their ears, they could understand her by the movement of her lips. Despite facing such a situation for the first time, they responded calmly.


"Yeah, I'm fine. It seems to be a stun grenade."


Tyra glanced towards the person standing by the door.


"There you are, everyone."


A familiar voice amidst the smoke of the explosion. Despite their fear, they slowly turned their heads. And there stood a man holding a pistol, his figure illuminated by their eyes.



"You are sentenced to immediate execution on charges of treason."

