[21] Bewildered

With Hestia's advice in mind, Aiden was a person who stayed within his desires but didn't overstep boundaries. Plus, this was his first exploration as a rookie, so Aiden didn't rush into deeper layers with murderous intent. Instead, he carefully studied the map, identified directions, and slowly made his way toward the second floor.

Perhaps due to rare luck, Aiden, with the luck of a novice, made it to the end of the first floor without encountering any monsters except for one adventurer. There was only a nod exchanged between them, with no further communication.

So far, Aiden had reached a quarter of the way into the second floor without encountering a single monster. Only the sound of his footsteps echoed in the underground dungeon.

While not entirely identical, it bore a striking resemblance. The only difference was that the light on the second floor was even dimmer, finally giving off a bit of a dungeon vibe. The surroundings were filled with many crystals emitting dim light and various mosses with faint fluorescence.

What's going on? Wasn't it said that there was strong malice towards life here? Wasn't it said that there were endless monsters? How come he hadn't encountered any yet? Could it be that the dungeon had gained intelligence with life and could discern his extraordinary talent, luring him deeper?

As Aiden pondered these thoughts, the air around him suddenly became damp. In the distance, in a moist area emitting fluorescent moss, some mushrooms similar in appearance to mushrooms but emitting a glow grew. Apart from their color, they looked just like ordinary mushrooms, although Aiden couldn't discern if they were poisonous at a glance.

"Hmm? Are these mushrooms edible?" As a newbie gourmet lover, Aiden not only loved eating but also enjoyed researching how to eat and learning how to cook. 

Aiden planned to pick some to take back for the apothecary to identify. If these mushrooms were not poisonous, then what harm would there be in trying out the taste of a new ingredient? Perhaps it could open the door to a new world, like crayfish. Of course, if they were just slightly poisonous but delicious enough, Aiden wouldn't refuse.

Just as Aiden was pondering the mushroom dilemma...


A sound of something being squeezed out of a closed, moist cavity echoed from somewhere. The wall within sight slowly cracked open along with the sound.

This was the dungeon, a living dungeon. Monsters would emerge from the floor, walls, ceilings, and everywhere else, with only one purpose... to kill any life that entered the dungeon.

No matter how many monsters were killed, no matter how many magic stones and materials were dropped, the principle of energy conservation simply didn't exist in the dungeon. It would tirelessly continue to produce monsters, as if the universe had no end. Even after the terrain was severely damaged, it would automatically repair itself.


Then came a very eerie sound, like murlocs in World of Warcraft mixed with the voice of a seven or eight-year-old troublemaker.

Without any surprises, it was a goblin. Watching the goblin slowly squeezed out of the wall, covered in a strange smell and slime, Aiden felt disgusted but didn't have much desire for battle. Instead, his mind was filled with a strong desire to criticize.

"Fifty-fifty chance, yet it's a goblin again. Whether it's the start of Arad Continent, Sword Art Online, or Tensura, you're always there. You're in online gaming novels, fantasy novels, and every setting seems to have you! Truly deserving of being the first novice tutor across countless multiverses. How many novices have gained valuable experience in your real combat lessons? How many rookies have learned blood lessons under your guidance?"

"Though the settings may differ, you can easily be compared to some top novice tutors in the starting point multiverse. As the first novice tutor spanning countless multiverses, this title is well-deserved. How many new protagonist legends and gods have been nourished by your bodies and blood?"

After finishing his criticism, Aiden gazed at the short black figure standing up on the ground ahead.

"So, just this one?" After his criticism, Aiden tightened his grip on the sword handle, slowly drawing out Durandal, pointing it at the goblin.


The cold metallic sound of the blade rubbing against the scabbard echoed in the vast underground dungeon.

This goblin looked slightly different from what Aiden had seen in games and animes. With dark skin and deep green wrinkled skin covered in black spots. Its pointed head, ears, and teeth, along with the disgusting saliva dripping from its mouth, added to its repulsive appearance.

Combined with the slime on its body and the ground, the two substances reacted strangely, emitting an indescribable stench, like sewage mixed with a heap of fish guts heated in a microwave.

Aiden swore he had never smelled anything so disgusting in his life. Originally intending to charge forward after drawing his sword, he was now standing still, overwhelmed by the stench. There was only one thought in his mind.

Facing the goblin ahead, with his own strength and the sharpness of Durandal, Aiden knew he could deliver a deadly blow with a single strike. But what technique should he use to ensure he didn't get splattered?

Right diagonal cut, left diagonal cut, left horizontal cut, right horizontal cut, left upward cut, right upward cut, bottom-up thrust, and there's also a straight thrust. How should he strike? Should he go right diagonal cut or use left diagonal cut? Should he employ the charge + thrust or the charge + horizontal slash?

For Aiden, who had never been in a fight before, this question momentarily stumped him.

Despite his Sparda bloodline and the physical prowess to match Captain America in Marvel, along with the Inborn Divine Strength talent, none of these brought him any combat skills. He couldn't tell how to strike or experience any so-called explosions or enlightenments. The only thing he knew was the eight slash techniques inherited by a certain green-haired Japanese master.

However, these eight slashes were too broad and prone to getting slim. After all, he had to stay here until noon, which made Aiden cautious.

At this moment, Aiden, holding Durandal, looked around, his heart bewildered.


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