The Unspoken Dread

"Father, the discussion you and Her Majesty had at the palace just now does it mean you anticipated most of what transpired, or were you involved in it?" Cynthia asked, her thumb tracing over her necklace. "As I mentioned to Her Majesty earlier, not everything that has unfolded was part of my plan. The Yomans are acting as they please, but fortunately, it will still align with my intentions, albeit with some inconveniences," the Marquess replied.

"I see. Then I hope you can clarify another matter. You mentioned to Her Majesty that I " Cynthia began, but her father interrupted gently, "In due time, my dear. You will know, but not just yet. Be patient."

"Understood, Father," Cynthia acknowledged quietly. The remainder of the carriage ride passed in silence until they reached the estate.

After the carriage arrived at the estate, the coachman opened the carriage door and bid the Marquess and his daughter a good evening as they disembarked and approached the front door. 'Alright, Felix, have a good night's rest,' the Marquess said to the coachman, gesturing for his daughter to enter the estate first, followed by himself. Inside, they were greeted by a group of maids and three butlers who warmly welcomed them home. After exchanging pleasantries, the Marquess turned to his daughter and reminded her to have a good night, advising her to at least drink something warm as she hadn't eaten since noon. 'I will, Father. Have a good night,' Cynthia replied, making her way upstairs with three maids quietly trailing behind.

When Cynthia reached her room door, a maid opened it for her to enter. Once inside, the four individuals gathered and began conversing. 'Young miss, would you like us to prepare your bath and brew some herbal-infused tea?' asked one of the maids.

'Yes, that would be lovely, Opal. And could you also make me a sandwich, so that I can have something before bed?' Cynthia requested while another maid helped her remove her accessories. Opal then left the room to go to the kitchen.

'Young miss, I will prepare your bath. Please excuse me,' said the other maid, heading towards another door in the room.

'That would be lovely, Jennifer,' Cynthia replied.

After the maid left, the last maid began speaking to the Young Miss. "The events of today won't affect the Foundation Day celebration, will they?" she asked as she placed the jewels in the chest.

"No, Tabitha," Cynthia replied, combing her hair. "If anything, it made the Empress want to make the event even grander and more imposing."

"Really? What more could make the event better than it already was?" Tabitha's eyes gleamed with excitement.

"Will Her Majesty announce a new campaign of conquest or perhaps a new addition to the Prosperity Nexus series?" asked Tabitha as she massaged Cynthia's shoulders. A smile spread across Cynthia's face at Tabitha's childlike enthusiasm.

"No, Tabitha," Cynthia replied. "While those would indeed be typical of Her Majesty, this time, it's even more terrifying."

"Young Miss, Her Majesty is a wise monarch. I am sure whatever she intends to do will indeed shock the masses," Tabitha said, glancing up from Cynthia's hair to meet her gaze in the mirror.

"Her Majesty will have Yalzeruth fly over the country," Cynthia revealed. Tabitha froze, and the room fell silent. They held each other's gaze through the mirror, the weight of the revelation settling between them.

"Tabitha, what's wrong?" Cynthia asked, turning around to see a trembling Tabitha. The situation escalated when Tabitha began hyperventilating. "Tabitha, sit down," Cynthia said, standing up and giving her chair to Tabitha.

"What is wrong, Young Miss?" asked Jennifer, rushing to Cynthia's side with a worried expression.

"I'm not sure. She started acting like this when I mentioned Yalzeruth's name," Cynthia replied, panicking as she tried to soothe Tabitha.

As soon as Cynthia mentioned Yalzeruth's name again, Tabitha began shaking even more violently, showing no signs of calming down. Seeing this, Jennifer decided it was best to incapacitate Tabitha to help her calm down.

With one swift motion, Jennifer chopped Tabitha in the neck, knocking her out immediately.

"Why would you do that, Jennifer?" Cynthia asked, surprised.

Jennifer fixed Tabitha's posture in the chair before responding. "Young Miss, you may not be aware, but I will ask just in case. Did you know that Tabitha has an intense fear of the ocean?"

"Yes, I knew she had thalassophobia, but I don't" Cynthia paused, considering the possible reasons why a water magus would fear the ocean. Only one thought came to her mind. "Oh no, don't tell me"

Jennifer continued, "Before Tabitha was to be promoted from being an acolyte to a pseudo-magus, she was given permission by the Imperial Navy to explore the waters of Brittanor at certain locations and at certain times for her research. During this time, she was caught by one of the Sylvan tidal currents, which carried her out into deeper waters, far from the safe zone. It was there that Tabitha became one of the few humans alive to come face to face with Yalzeruth, swiftly approaching her from the depths, jaws wide open, ready to devour her whole."

"Oh my, I can never imagine what it would feel like to be face-to-face with such a leviathan," Cynthia said, glancing at Tabitha. "I heard the navy men say Yalzeruth may very well be over five hundred feet long. For a vulnerable human to be in front of such a behemoth I could never imagine."

"Yes, Young Miss," Jennifer replied. "That's why Tabitha is unable to advance from pseudo-magus to magus. She would have to go back to the ocean again, and I don't think she trusts it even a little."

"I am curious, though. How did Tabitha escape Yalzeruth? No water magus alive can outswim sea leviathans."

"Young Miss, luckily Tabitha had a return compass jewel, which activates when a threat is detected. That's how she was able to escape danger," Jennifer explained. Cynthia nodded in understanding.

As Cynthia and Jennifer were discussing, the room door opened, and Opal entered with a cart carrying tea and tea sandwiches.

"I have returned with your refreshments, my lady," Opal said, smiling. However, her smile disappeared when she saw Tabitha unconscious in the chair. "What happened to her?"

Jennifer quickly recounted the events, and both maids seemed deep in thought until Jennifer voiced her concerns. "Young Miss, don't you think it could be dangerous having Yalzeruth fly over Brittanor? When he flies, not only does the weather change, but the area experiences snowfall for weeks. His roar can feel like a tremor because of its power."

During this time, Cynthia made her way to her single-seat sofa facing a large window. She settled in to enjoy the view while sipping her tea and nibbling on sandwiches.

Opal moved with her cart to Cynthia's location. Once beside Cynthia's single-seat sofa, she poured a cup of tea and handed it to her, then began plating the sandwiches.

"Yes, I suspect most nobles are wondering what Her Majesty intends to do by allowing Yalzeruth to fly over the country," Cynthia said, taking a sip of her tea. "However, we can only wait and see. As Her Majesty rightfully said, Yalzeruth is a fundamental component of our country's founding. Excluding him would be disrespectful."

"Well, Her Majesty is correct," Jennifer added. "We do owe Yalzeruth a debt of gratitude for protecting our border for what will be a thousand years this upcoming Foundation Day. All we can do is hope that everything turns out well for the celebration."

Jennifer then headed to a large white wardrobe closet, leaving Cynthia to enjoy her tea and sandwiches.

"Opal, has it been decided who will be accompanying me on the trip to Lumenoth?" Cynthia asked, taking a small porcelain saucer from Opal with two tea sandwiches on it.

"Yes, Young Miss," Opal replied. "I, along with Jennifer and three knights from the estate, will accompany you. One of them is Sir Irvin, the new knight."

Cynthia listened quietly while eating her sandwich. Jennifer, who had taken out night garments for Cynthia to wear after her bath, asked, "Young Miss, will you be stopping at Marchioness Moore's boutique tomorrow to pick-up the dresses for both the Foundation Day celebration and your coming-of-age day, when you will receive your wand?"

"Yes, please," Cynthia replied. Both maids nodded in understanding.

After finishing a few more sandwiches, Cynthia decided it was time to bathe. Jennifer assisted her with the task, and afterward, Cynthia donned a soft lavender chemise.

When they entered the room from the bathing chambers, they saw that Tabitha was awake and seemed to be doing better.

"Tabitha, are you okay?" asked Jennifer, following behind Cynthia.

"Yes, Jennifer, I am feeling somewhat better. I took a pill made from Grace Daisy that helps calm me down," Tabitha said, standing next to Opal. "Also, Young Miss, I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused."

"No worries, Tabitha. It was I who should have made more effort to understand the source of your deep fear and avoid triggering you," Cynthia said reassuringly.

Tabitha nodded in understanding. "Alright, leave me be. I am off to bed," Cynthia said, lying down on her bed. The maids all wished her a good night's rest and quietly left the room.

"Opal, do you think the Marquess will decide to go with his daughter when she receives her wand?" Tabitha asked as the maids walked along the corridor.

"I do hope so," Opal replied with a sigh. "If not, it will present a whole new challenge for us if he decides against going."

"Why would that be? It seems simple just accompanying the Young Miss to get her wand."

"Indeed, it does sound simple," Jennifer said, opening the door to the greeting hall, "but you are unaware of one crucial detail I will share with you. When the Young Miss is a great distance from the Marquess, she becomes less human."

"Less human? I don't think I understand," Tabitha said, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"Do not misunderstand what Jennifer said, Tabitha," Opal explained as Jennifer helped lift and carry the food cart down the staircase. "It means the Young Miss becomes emotionally detached and almost seems untethered from this world. This makes her very difficult to serve because of the uneasy feeling one gets being around her."

Tabitha followed behind, now better understanding the gravity of the situation.

"I had no idea the Young Miss was like that when the Marquess isn't around," Tabitha inquired as they finally descended the staircase and placed the cart on the ground. They then made their way towards the entryway under the grand double staircase leading to the main hall.

"No one knows why it happens, and the Marquess keeps certain matters related to the Young Miss under strict confidentiality, so we don't pry into it either," Opal said in a matter-of-fact tone. "I can say this, though: while she is emotionless when the Marquess isn't around, she is very emotional when he is present. We are ordered to incorporate Grace Daisy into her tea to help keep her emotions in check."

"I see," Tabitha said, sounding as though she had just discovered something. "So that's why, despite many other maids wanting to join the Young Miss, only the two of you Head Maid Melinda included will be going with her."

"Yes," Opal confirmed, "because we are the only ones accustomed to the Young Miss when she is away from the Marquess."

As they finally reached the kitchen door, Jennifer opened it for Opal so she could push the cart inside and then closed the door after Opal entered.

"Jennifer, have you completed your assigned tasks for the day?" Tabitha asked as they strolled along the moonlit, candle-lit corridor.

"Yes, all tasks are completed. I'll head back to Head Maid Melinda to report what I accomplished today and then go to my room to prepare for tomorrow," Jennifer said, groaning and stretching.

"I'll join you in her office since I am also finished with my tasks for the day," Tabitha replied. She opened a door that led to a garden filled with an assortment of flowers, all glistening under the moon's glow. At the center of the garden stood a fountain, enhancing the scenic view.

As they made their way through the garden, the two walked silently, taking in the sights. 

"You know," Jennifer said with a smile, "no matter how many times I walk through this garden, I always have to admire how beautiful it is." She gazed at the flowers, appreciating the tranquil beauty of the scene.

"You're right," Tabitha said, looking up at the night sky. "I keep getting the feeling that Cordell is going to advance from a magus to a magister. The garden has been flourishing more in recent times."

"You might be right about that, Tabitha," Jennifer agreed. "Cordell is an amazing nature magus without question. But the garden has been giving off a different feeling lately. The only explanation can indeed be that he is about to advance, which would mean he will be leaving for Old Mugwomp Holt soon."

"Mhm, I wonder if Karl will be able to maintain the garden alone, or if he will need some nature's essence to compensate for any deficiencies," Tabitha said. "Keeping this garden pristine will require considerable mana."

"And let's not forget that acquiring the essence of any of the mystic elements is not cheap," Jennifer added. "It will indeed cost the Marquess."

After their discussion, they reached the end of the garden, where the maids' living quarters came into view a large, two-story building. Tabitha opened the door, allowing Jennifer to enter first. They proceeded to the far right of the building and stopped in front of a door labeled "Head Maid."

Jennifer knocked and waited until an older woman's voice confirmed their entry. Inside, they were greeted by a middle-aged lady with grey streaks in her hair. She wore rectangular spectacles and was seated at a desk with neatly arranged folders and papers.

Good to see you two, the Head Maid said, removing her spectacles and studying the two young ladies. I hope the young miss is doing well.

"Yes, Head Maid", Jennifer replied. "She has just gone to bed not too long ago and has returned safely to the mansion."

"I'm glad to hear that", the Head Maid said. "Now, Jennifer, are all your assigned tasks completed?" She donned her spectacles, while reaching for a folder, and began skimming through it, searching for a document. After some time, she selected a paper and placed it on the table, looking up at Jennifer expectantly. Jennifer then recounted what she had done throughout the day.

"Excellent work, Jennifer. You have been cleared; you may return to your room," the Head Maid said, writing on the sheet of paper. After Jennifer excused herself and closed the door, the Head Maid turned to Tabitha. "Tabitha, your report?" she inquired. Tabitha hesitated before responding, "All tasks were completed, but a hindrance was present. Let me provide the details." The Head Maid paused in her writing, then leaned back into her chair, waiting for the explanation.

Tabitha's voice wavered as she continued, "it happened when the young miss returned. I was entertaining her, assisting with jewelry and hair, when she mentioned the details of the new plan for the upcoming Foundation Day celebration". Her breaths quickened and sweat formed on her brow.

Tabitha's voice trembled as she continued, "the young miss said that because of how brazen today's attackers were, the Empress wanted to send a strong message that Brittanor was not to be trifled with". Tabitha hesitated, unable to utter the name. She took deep breaths, attempting to stabilize herself and prevent another panic attack. The Head Maid, sensing her distress, rose from her desk, walked around, and stood by Tabitha's side, asking gently, what is wrong?

"Nothing, Head Maid I will continue the report", Tabitha said, straightening her posture. However, the Head Maid interrupted her sternly, "you will do no such thing until I am certain that all is truly well". She walked to a side table by her desk, where a metal jug and two glass cups were placed. "Tabitha, sit, and I will fetch you some water". As the Head Maid poured water from the jug, Tabitha resumed speaking. "The Empress wants to have the"… She paused, unable to utter the name. After this, the head maid brought the cup of water for Tabitha and gave it to her saying "drink this and try calming yourself and we can continue after you have calmed down". The Head Maid's thoughtful gesture allowed Tabitha to regain her composure. She nodded in acknowledgment, sipping the water to steady her nerves.

As Tabitha's breathing steadied, she revealed, "I can't call its name, but I can show you." The Head Maid nodded in understanding. Tabitha raised her right hand to the jug filled with water, slowly turning her palm upwards. Water from the jug floated, forming an image resembling a winged beast. The Head Maid's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean Her Majesty intends to involve the Guardian of Brittanor in the Foundation Day celebration?" she exclaimed; her voice filled with shock. "Oh dear, this Foundation Day celebration is promised to be one true uncertainty" the head maid whispered under her breath.