Laying the Trap

Ella's coming-of-age ceremony was set for the evening, giving her a day to plan her counterattack against Brianna and Hannah.


Her heart was full of shock and gratitude for this second chance. She lightly patted her cheeks, forcing herself to stay calm and ready for the important event.


This rebirth was an opportunity to reshape her destiny, and she wouldn't let those villains succeed again.


After washing up, she stood in front of the mirror, carefully examining herself.


The girl in the mirror had a beautiful face, but there was a newfound maturity and calmness in her eyes. Though she appeared innocent at eighteen, her soul had endured too much hardship.


At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Ella's heart tightened, but she quickly regained her composure.


"Come in," Ella said calmly.


The door opened gently, and Hannah walked in with a sweet smile. At sixteen, Hannah's voice was as sweet as morning birdsong. "Sister, today is your coming-of-age ceremony, and I don't have any decent jewelry. Can you lend me a necklace?"


Looking at her younger sister, Ella couldn't help but sneer internally. This seemingly harmless girl harbored deep jealousy and schemes.


Suddenly, she thought of how Brianna always projected the image of a loving stepmother to outsiders. If Hannah wore the family heirloom, the Deep Sea Heart, at her coming-of-age ceremony, Brianna's mask of hypocrisy would be exposed.


"Of course," Ella said with a smile, a hint of coldness in her eyes.


She walked to her vanity and opened the exquisite jewelry box. Inside lay a beautiful sapphire necklace, the family heirloom her mother had left her—the Deep Sea Heart.


Hannah's eyes lit up instantly, filled with greed and desire.


"Sister, this necklace is so beautiful," Hannah said, carefully picking up the sapphire necklace, her voice full of admiration.


"Yes, this is the family heirloom my mother left me. Since you like it, go ahead and wear it." Ella's voice remained gentle, but she already had a plan.


Hannah was thrilled but pretended to refuse, "I shouldn't, sister. This is your mother's heirloom. It wouldn't be right for me to wear it."


"Sister, you're being too polite. My mother passed away when I was very young, and I've relied on Mommy to take care of me. Mommy has been so good to me, and we sisters are like real sisters, so this heirloom is just a necklace to me. It can't compare to the bond between us!"


Ella's words made Hannah smile with joy, unaware she was falling into a trap. Hannah even internally cursed Ella as a fool.


Hannah happily took the necklace and left the room, her face instantly turning vicious with a sinister smile. Ella, just wait. Not only will your mother's heirloom be mine, but the entire Davis family will be mine someday!




Seeing that Hannah had fallen into the trap, Ella quickly tidied up and began her next plan.


The dress from Brianna was absolutely out of the question, so Ella needed to go out and buy an emergency dress.


Thanks to Brianna's meticulous "flattery" in her past life, Ella was a VIP at all luxury stores. Finding a stunning dress with a hidden agenda within a day was easy.


Since she didn't know who the family driver might be, Ella opted for a taxi instead.


The taxi slowly drove toward the luxury street in the city center.


Outside the window, the bustling city streets and the crowds of people felt both strange and familiar. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, but she knew she had to stay calm.


At the dress shop, the staff immediately recognized Ella and warmly greeted her. "Welcome, Miss Davis."


The crystal chandeliers in the store cast a soft light on the gorgeous dresses, creating a dreamy atmosphere.


Ella's gaze settled on a gray-blue strapless gown. The satin fabric shimmered under the lights, and the hem was just right to avoid being stepped on. Moreover, the color naturally reminded one of the Deep Sea Heart sapphire necklace.


"This is the one," Ella said softly.


A staff member quickly approached with a professional smile, "An excellent choice, Miss Davis. This dress perfectly matches your style."


Ella smiled slightly and nodded. She walked into the fitting room and changed into the gray-blue strapless gown. The dress fit her perfectly, highlighting her elegance and grace.


She stood in front of the mirror, examining herself carefully, and nodded in satisfaction.


Seeing this, the staff began to praise her, "You look like a noble queen, radiant and majestic. The gray-blue color complements your complexion beautifully. It's truly stunning!"


Ella looked at herself in the full-length mirror, feeling satisfied.


However, she had no idea that she was already being watched.


In the distance, Brian Carter pointed her out to Eric Nelson. "Isn't that the eldest daughter of the Davis Group? She's having her coming-of-age ceremony today, but why is she out buying a dress on the day of the event? Isn't her stepmother supposed to be so good to her? Didn't she prepare one for her?"


Eric followed Brian's gaze, his eyes settling on Ella.


She looked fresh and refined, with a unique aura. It wasn't the naivety of an eighteen-year-old girl but the calm and steadiness of someone who had been through hardships.


Eric hadn't planned to attend the event, but now, he changed his mind.

