Sudden Intimacy!

"Mr. Nelson, everyone has their own methods. I don't need to be like other women," Ella said diplomatically.


The closeness between them was overwhelming. His hot breath on her face made her blush even more.


Eric chuckled, "So your tactic is to play hard to get, pretending to be reserved?"


Ella paused slightly, her beautiful eyes sparkling with mischief. "Mr. Nelson, you're very perceptive!"


Her rosy lips glistened enticingly, her large, watery eyes held a cool expression, cool yet full of allure.


"Since you've put so much effort into this, I might as well grant you your wish!" Eric couldn't resist any longer and grabbed the back of her head, pressing her down suddenly.


Ella was caught off guard by his sudden kiss. Her eyes widened in shock as she felt his lips against hers. He pried her mouth open with reckless abandon, sending an electric current through her lips, causing her heart to race and her face to flush.


The unfamiliarity of his masculine scent terrified her. His wild kiss left Ella's body feeling weak, and his hand was already inside her clothing, a prelude to a crime.


Frightened, Ella pushed against him with all her might, but his weight pinned her down like a mountain. In a mix of anger and fear, she bit down hard on Eric's lip. He winced in pain, giving her the opportunity to push him away and scramble out of the car.


By the time Eric recovered, Ella had already jumped out and was striding toward the villa. He watched her retreating figure with narrowed eyes. This girl was truly interesting!


A faint pain throbbed in his lip. "Ella, you're a little wildcat, but I like it!"


As the saying goes, the harder it is to get something, the more you want it. Eric's interest in Ella grew even stronger at that moment.


When Ella returned home, Brianna wasn't there, and Hannah was watching TV. She went to her room, opened her laptop, and called Chloe to borrow a million dollars. Coupled with the two million in her account, she now had three million to invest in stocks.


Ella had been pampered by Brianna and Robert, who treated her well only because they wanted her shares in the future. So, every month, they gave her tens of thousands for living expenses.


In the past, Ella had spent lavishly on luxury items. She glanced at the expensive necklaces and other items laid out, realizing they could be pawned.


Without hesitation, Ella left the house again, this time sneaking out through the back door without Hannah noticing.


After pawning her valuable items, Ella secured another three million.


Three million added to the previous three million made six million. If she could multiply it, she'd have tens of millions!


Ella took a deep breath, silently vowing, Brianna, one day, I'll make sure you lose everything!


A few days later, Brianna took Ella to the most famous luxury market in S City, to a well-known foreign brand's boutique.


"Miss, please bring out the evening gown I reserved," Brianna said with a smile.


The salesgirls respectfully brought out the dress Brianna had ordered.


As soon as the dress was displayed, Ella and Hannah's eyes lit up.


The dress was stunning!


Ella raised an eyebrow slightly. "Mom, is this dress for me?"


"Of course, it's for you. You've always loved this brand's evening gowns, so I had this one custom-made just for you. There's an auction tomorrow night, and you can wear it there! You'll be the star of the show!" Brianna replied with a warm smile.


Ella's eyes widened in surprise. In her previous life, she had loved attending auctions, and it was at tomorrow night's auction that Brianna had bought her favorite crown, the Aurora Diadem—the same crown she had worn the night she was murdered.


However, it was also because of this extravagant spending that Robert grew increasingly disdainful of her. He believed that a spendthrift daughter could never be the heir to the Davis family.


Robert's kindness toward her was always just a ploy to gain control of her shares in the future.


When she turned twenty-five, and had the ability to use her shares, Robert begged her to transfer all of them to him unconditionally, claiming that the Davis Group was in crisis and only Ella could save it.


Naively, she handed over her shares, not realizing it was all a ruse. There was no crisis, and the day after she learned the truth was her birthday—the day she fell to her death.


"I do love going to auctions. This dress is beautiful, Mom. How much did it cost?" Ella asked with a grateful smile.


"Miss Davis, your mother is so good to you!" one of the salesgirls remarked, smiling.


Ella's smile grew even brighter.


"It wasn't too expensive. As long as you like it, that's all that matters," Brianna replied.


Ella turned to the salesgirl, "Miss, how much is this evening gown?"


Brianna was slightly taken aback but quickly smiled and answered, "The dress cost about five hundred thousand dollars, but it's nothing. Just consider it a gift from me."


Five hundred thousand dollars! Exactly like in her previous life.


Ella's heart was racing. Aside from the unexpected presence of Eric, everything was happening just as it had before.


But that was fine; it wouldn't interfere with her plans.


"Mom! This dress is so expensive!" Ella exclaimed, gently stroking the fabric with delight.


"Honey, whatever you like, Mom will get for you. It's just money, don't worry about it," Hannah chimed in, smiling knowingly.


Rumors had been rampant about her mistreating Ella at home and being jealous of her status as the eldest daughter of the Davis family.


Now, Hannah was eager to redeem her image.


"Hannah is right. Mom has always treated me like her own daughter, but because of that... I can't accept this dress. Hannah always wears my old clothes. This time, I want to give this to Hannah. Our sizes are similar anyway," Ella said, smiling as she handed the dress to Hannah.


Both Hannah and Brianna were stunned, almost unable to believe what Ella had just done.


Was this girl out of her mind?


Ella had always loved luxury items. As long as they were expensive, she would want them, no matter who designed them.


But today, she was willing to give the evening gown to Hannah?


"Sis, how can I take your dress? You should wear it! It's Mom's special gift to you," Hannah said, playing the role of the selfless sister.