chapter 6

Barbie, shocked to see Mark sitting beside Michael, immediately got down from the car and rushed towards them, yanking Michael away from him.

"Well, hello Miss Barbie," Mark greeted her as if nothing had ever transpired between them.

"What do you want, huh? And what were you doing with him?" she questioned, referring to Michael, who stood clueless beside her.

"Why would you leave your son alone?" Mark retorted, ignoring her questions. She rolled her eyes.

"Stop trying to change the topic," Barbie said, rolling her eyes again. Mark smirked.

"Well, he is a sweet boy, and I would like to see him more often," he declared.

"Don't you dare come close to him!" Barbie warned, turning to leave with Michael in her arms.

"Never gonna happen," he uttered, making Barbie halt on her tracks. She turned to see him smirking.