chapter 12

Barbie stood up and went down to make dinner. After finishing, she went upstairs to get ready for her date with Mark. A few minutes later, she was done and decided to apply a bit of makeup.

Barbie's POV

Getting ready for my date with Mark. I hope his parents approve of me. Wait, don't forget you're not his girlfriend, Barbie. Who cares if they don't approve of me?

Barbie scoffed at her thoughts and turned to see Cassie giving her a creepy smile.

"Wow," she flinched a bit at Cassie's weird smile.

"So who is the lucky guy?" Cassie stood up and headed in her direction.

"Uhhmm... huh... what... do you mean?" Barbie asked while stammering. Cassie scoffed.

"Come on, Barbie, don't hide anything from me. I mean, it isn't bad if you are seeing someone," she smirked.

Barbie rolled her eyes and was about to leave, but Cassie held her hand.

"I'm going to have dinner with a guy I met in a coffee shop," Barbie lied.