chapter 16

Mark was seething with anger as he stormed out of his father's house, fueled by a recent confrontation with his mother.


His mother's words cut through the air with a disdainful tone. "I want you to break up with that Barbie of a girl."

Mark's expression shifted to one of defiance. "What? I won't do such a thing."

A claim to authority followed. "I'm your mother, Mark. I know what is best for you," she asserted.

Unyielding, Mark confronted her. "You might be my mother, but that doesn't give you the right to tell me who I should or shouldn't be with."

The bombshell dropped. "Well, your father and I have decided you're going to marry Rose," she announced coldly, disregarding his protests.

The declaration ignited Mark's fury. "What? Never gonna happen!" he vehemently declared.

His mother's retort echoed. "You don't have a say in this; it is what is best for our company and reputation!" she defended.