Triumph and Loss

"Move, move, move!" Ava's voice was urgent, cutting through the cacophony of destruction.

The walls trembled violently as Ava sprinted through the collapsing stronghold, debris raining down around her. Her breath came in ragged gasps, the taste of dust thick on her tongue. She glanced back at her team, their faces etched with determination despite the chaos.

Liam, bloodied but unbowed, kept pace beside her. "The fail-safe device is in the central chamber. We have to deactivate it before this whole place comes down."

Ava nodded, her mind racing with the stakes of their mission. Failure wasn't an option. "Jackson, cover the rear! Marcus, stay close to the walls. There might be more traps."

As they turned a corner, a section of the ceiling caved in, blocking their path. Ava cursed under her breath. "We'll have to find another way around."

Liam pointed to a narrow passage on the left. "That should take us to the central chamber. Let's go!"