Chapter 87- Departure at the Airport

On the main highway of Camphrian City, leading toward the airport, a mini truck that looked like an old relic hurtled along at its top speed of 100 km/h. The engine sounded as if it were crying out under pressure, straining to keep up with the demand.

"Is this thing an artifact or a vehicle?" Damien mused as he drove the aging vehicle that his mother-in-law had provided. It was far from what could be called a modern means of transport.

His thoughts grew slightly cold when he remembered that he was stuck flying economy class from Camphrian City to the main city.

Just hours earlier, after emerging from the dressing room, they had crossed paths with Visana, who looked completely healed and was leaving her room after changing outfits. She and Emilia took a taxi to their company to deal with the board of directors, while Damien was headed to the airport to leave Camphrian City.

Now the question remained: where did he get the money for his flight ticket?