Chapter 24

On Germa's side, the fleet quickly reacted and turned their bows, and the two sides launched a vigorous artillery battle! With the navy's intervention, Ron was also relieved and was restrained from a lot of firepower. But at this moment, he also looked indifferent, with a fire in his heart. Being bombarded on a large scale, although it didn't do him any harm, it was annoying.


Ron, who was holding back his fire, was merciless in his strikes. Another blow of Crescent Moon Slash cut a snail boat in half. After counting, there were already six or seven Germa fleets sunk by Ron. This time, Germa suffered a heavy loss!


When Judge looked at Ron, fear flashed in his eyes, and at the same time, anger surged! He also did not expect that this battle would cause him such a heavy loss. The materials from the laboratory were taken away, and the loss of troops was heavy. In addition, the navy had been completely offended at this time. All that happened made Judge almost swear, and his anger could no longer be contained. With a flash of his figure, he charged towards Ron!


Ron's perception was attracted by the bombardment, and he tapped White Thunder with his finger to explode the shell, without noticing Judge's movement at all. It wasn't until Judge had attacked, and the spear in his hand condensed high-voltage lightning and swept towards him, that Ron was startled. In fact, Judge's attack was too sudden, and Ron was caught off guard.


'Damn, sneak attack!' At the moment when his old strength was gone and his new strength was not yet born, Ron had no time to escape. He could only fold his arms around his chest to protect himself.


'Boom!' The spear hit Ron, and the high-voltage lightning burst out immediately, piercing Ron's body, making him feel unbearable pain. Then, seeing a huge force bombardment, Ron's figure was directly blasted out by this blow, crashing into a building and collapsing it completely!

"A sneak attack, right?"


Ron pushed away the rubble and walked out of the ruins with an extremely gloomy face, though it was covered by the mask he wore, so no one saw it. At this time, the aura emanating from Ron also let everyone who followed him know that he was a little angry.


"You think I'm easy to bully, don't you? Then... let you see this!"


Ron said coldly as he stepped forward, his aura rising steadily. Suddenly, white lightning appeared!


"Instant Coax!"


As Ron's voice fell, there was a crack of thunder, and an inexplicable aura surged from Ron's body. The lightning molecules in the air seemed to come alive!


Everyone in the field looked on, all shocked!


White lightning spread out from Ron's back and shoulders at this time. The violent thunder destroyed all the clothes behind Ron, revealing his thin but well-proportioned upper body.


' hurts a bit! Like lightning quenching? No, it's not right, it's not like this... But my body has at least increased several times!'


Ron clenched his fist, his control over his body allowing him to roughly infer his physique at this time, at least increased several times!


"So, are you ready? Vinsmoke Judge! The real horror is about to begin!"


Ron sneered, and using Shunpo, he disappeared directly from the spot. In the state of Instant Coax, Ron's speed was unknown how much faster.


In the blink of an eye, Ron appeared on Judge's left side. Under Judge's slightly astonished eyes, he swung his sword and pierced through the air with one stroke. With the flash of the sword light, he directly blasted Judge away!


During the inverted flight, Judge spat out a big mouthful of blood, and the sound of his battle suit shattering came from his body!




Judge kept flying backwards and finally hit the ground, creating a huge deep pit!


Without stopping, Ron waved his hand, covered in white explosive flames, and rushed out, blasting into the deep pit!


With a bang, it exploded again, the flames soared into the sky, and black smoke rose!




The four siblings exclaimed, and Reiju moved and rushed towards Judge.


"Father, are you alright?" Reiju asked anxiously.


The other three were wary of Ron's approach.


Ron didn't attack again but twisted his neck and moved his body to make the sound of bones popping.


He's getting used to his body right now.


Ron thought to himself: 'I'm still a little uncomfortable...I can't control my physique with a sudden increase!'


This kind of result means that at the current stage, Ron still cannot fully exert the power of Instant Coax, just like the Thunder Roar Cannon.


Even, there may be side effects on the body afterwards...


'It can't last...but it's enough!'


Ron made a judgment on his body in an instant, knowing that he couldn't procrastinate, and needed a quick decision!


Then, the eyes behind the mask looked in Judge's direction.


"Ahem... I'm fine..."


On the other side of Judge, Reiju helped him up. He said he was fine, but he was coughing up blood, and a deep wound appeared on his chest, gushing out a lot of blood. It didn't look like he was fine...


"Very durable."


Ron walked towards Judge's direction step by step, his steps full of oppression.


Niji, Ichiji, and Yonji rushed out at the same time, blocking Ron's front, and adopting a combat stance.


"Here, give me a stop!"


Ichiji gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.


"Step aside!"


Ron said indifferently, without stopping his movements. The thunder crackled behind his back, and the exposed eyes behind the mask flashed red, horrifying!


Looking at Ron at this time, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji seemed to have been poured with cold water all over their bodies, and a sense of coolness emerged spontaneously. Moreover, they found that their hands and feet were a little disobedient and began to tremble slightly.


An inexplicable emotion gushed out uncontrollably from the depths of their hearts, a feeling they had never experienced before.