Chapter 408

"What's on, Master?" The four girls from this world were quite confused.

"It…" I said, straightening my back.

"Master! Master! Let me in! I can take them!" Shao said excitedly.

"Are you sure?" I demanded.

"I've got this! I can do it!"

"Hmph… then show the girls how we do…"

"What's going on?" Lydia whispered to Miki. "Why are they so serious all of a sudden?"

"And even though we're in danger, why do I get the feeling that they're just playing around!" Miki added.

"Celeste!" I called out, throwing a finger in the air.

"Y-yes!" She jumped at suddenly being called.

"I set your job back to Singer. Can you bring the beat back?"

"Ah… what's a beat back?"

I sighed, then thrust my finger back in the air. "Sing like the Siren sung, but then make it your own! We ain't no posers!"

"Ah… yes, Master! I'll sing!"

Celeste was dumb in many things, but when it came to singing, she was actually a bit of a savant. We had quickly realized that not only did she have perfect pitch, but any sound she heard she could repeat with pinpoint accuracy. In this respect, she was able to replicate the Siren's beatbox perfectly. The siren wasn't pleased with being copied, so she shot Celeste a glare, but Celeste wasn't a wind fairy for nothing. She managed to superimpose the beat, altering the frequency and then increasing the complexity.

Shao leaped out skidding on the ground using her knees. She then leaped up and started spinning around. Shao wasn't really a dancer, but neither was the puppet. Rather, she was a fighter, and she integrated her attacks and slashes with dance movements, giving her both a slick but also dangerous vibe as she danced across the floor.

As Celeste's song grew more complicated, the Siren's mouth fell open. She was definitely surprised. Every other party she had ever challenged would suddenly attack her. This was the first time her challenge had ever been met. An excited light seemed to grow in her eyes.

As for Shao, her dancing was frantic, but when it finally finished, she leaped at me. I wasn't looking for it, but I managed to catch and lift her up in the air eagle style.

As for the three other girls, they didn't pose with us at all, but the Siren was so excited at having her challenge met, she didn't even notice. They were looking at me and Shao with contracted pupils and dazed expressions.

"Master… what is…"

"It's a dance-off!" I declared, pointing at the Siren.

The Siren sniffed, looking away. However, her cheeks blushed cutely for a moment. Celeste's song only ended when I gestured for her to stop. Once again, the Siren was too absorbed with getting the next round going that she didn't notice our sloppy routine.

"D-dancing?" Lydia's eyes widened.

This time, one of the guys came out. He was a bulky, muscular guy, and the way he danced was not nearly as sinuous as the girl. The Siren sang her best, but her undead puppet just couldn't move like she wanted him to move. The result was an embarrassing turn. As for Celeste and Lydia, they had fought in a party together for a long time. Their abilities were already synced with each other. Knowing what they were doing now, Celeste immediately launched into a song as Lydia took to the stage.

Unlike the other girls, Lydia actually did have some dancing talent. Her job was merely at level one, but it's not like the dead had levels in dancing anyway. Even a level one dancer was like bringing a trained dance instructor to an elementary school dance competition. The Siren was gnashing her teeth as she watched Lydia. As for me, I was watching her booty shake. She was really working those hips. That thing bounced.

It really is hard to explain though. You might see that kind of stuff on television, but Lydia had something those women didn't. A tail. Watching that booty jiggle with that tail swinging erotically. It brought things to another level! Lydia ended her routine by sliding to the feet of the magician girl who had just gone, then standing up, but as she did so, her chest jutted out and just as she rose past the shorter woman, her chest struck the woman in the nose, causing her to step back.

That was a classic burn. I was shocked at just how quickly Lydia caught on. The fact that Lydia's breasts were a bit bigger than the other woman only added to the insult. Even the Siren's girl grabbed her breasts, but noticing they too were a bit more modest, she looked like she was just about to cry.

She angrily let out a siren scream, causing everyone to cover their ears. She then leaped off her pile of treasure and onto the pathway. It looked like the Siren was going to tackle the final round herself!