Simple plans were usually the best plans. We'd sneak into their fort using their outfits and the cover of darkness to get in. Once inside, we'd locate his brother as quickly as possible. As soon as we discovered his brother, the rest of it was easy. I would create a portal and return all of us back into Aberis territory. Portal was a high-powered Blue Mage spell. Only top-level Blue Mages could cast it, and then it would cost most of their magic to do so. By cashing in DP, I had truly found an OP spell. No one would expect it.
Even if we were found out, I was confident we could escape. The most stressful part would be getting into the base. As for the Ost Republic being filled with Osterians, that wasn't completely the case. Humans lived in the Ost Republic too. There actually weren't that many Osterians alive, and so they typically lived peacefully around humans.
Osterians were great fighters, and it wasn't uncommon to see them in positions as Adventurers, Dungeon Divers, and high-ranking military. It was said that one Osterian typically equaled five humans on the field. At that rate, how would Aberis have been able to hold out if Ost Republic was all Osteria? Fortunately, the vast majority of their armies were human just like our own. There were also half-Osterians, who were tall and muscular but not at quite that size.
Big Sister in Chalm also was big and muscular and had red hair, but she was only a half-head taller than me. It was possible she was half-Osterian, although I had never asked. Actually, I had never even heard of Osterians until earlier today. Perhaps, instead of reading up on Alchemy, Dungeon Lore, and Job Skill Trees, I should spend some time reading about this world's history and species.
Dwarves appeared like lolis, Esmere were short descendants of elves who lived in the hills of Esmore, Osterians were part giants who lived on the plains of the Ost Republic. Animalkin came from Dioshin. Elves were basically extinct, but the last was found in the Imperial Cloud Meadow. Humans were from Aberis and the Imperial Cloud Meadow but could be found in other countries. Demons came from the Demon lands, but they were products of the dungeon known as Hell's Dungeon. Monsters came from other abandoned dungeons, like those in the wilderness next to Aberis. There were also colonies of sometimes sentient species like the fairies. I wondered about Jespain and Shie Gescar.
I was only thinking about such things so I wouldn't have to think about what I was doing. We were going to try to blend in as a human unit and sneak into a fort of an enemy. Using a privacy screen created with Shao's shadow magic, the girls changed into Ost Republic outfits while Tibult and his men did the same on the other side. I had already finished dressing, only to find the outfit a bit baggy on me. With her size adjustment abilities, Celeste had the easiest time fitting in her outfit. Eventually, every girl swapped until they found one that fit them comfortably enough.
The soldiers were less picky and seemed to force the clothing on whether they fit their body or not. The result was that anyone who looked too closely would notice that the uniforms were clearly not intended for the people wearing them. These weren't enchanted to shrink to the proper size or anything; they were just random uniforms picked off of random stray soldiers. They'd have to do.
"You know… in Jespain, I hear they make dress rings," Otto muttered while trying to force himself into pants a size too small for him. "They allow you to pick 7-8 garments and just swap them right onto your body without all the work. Great for people ready for battle."
"R-really!" The girls dropped their privacy screen, and all seemed to look at Otto excitedly, making him cry out and finish pulling on his pants.
I didn't bother to tell him the screen had only been one way, and the girls could see everything of the guys while they saw nothing.
"C-can we get them?" Terra cried out excitedly.
"I want one too!" Lydia said.
All of the girls seemed eager. Apparently being able to change clothing from armor to something more casual instantly is highly desired among the women in my group.
"A-as to that… good luck finding it here. Dioshin are isolationists and don't send goods. Only Jespain is known for their enchantments, but anything that came would have to be exported through Shie Gescar and Imperial Cloud Meadow, two countries that do not get along. That's why all of the enchanted stuff over here is either really weak or taken from dungeons."
The girls looked a little disappointed by this. As for me, I found it quite interesting. Basically, what he was saying is that if I could get to Jespain, using my Portals, I could open up a very profitable trade negotiation. Then, as I looked out at the border of the Ost Republic, I could only sigh. I'd just have to add that to my ever-growing list of things to do.