"Oh my, oh my… I didn't expect little brother to bring such a manly man to come rescue me."
"It seems we entered the wrong cell. I'm sorry, ma'am. I'll leave you to it."
"H-hey!" Otto caught my arms. "This is my brother."
"You're confused."
"Teehee… I'm not a lady, but if it's you, you can push me down if you want." Octius bit his finger. "Just be gentle."
We entered the cell to find Octius there. He was just how Otto described. He had long blond hair, bright blue eyes, and he was also a chick. No, I guess that was impossible. He was wearing prisoner clothing, and despite a tight-fitting top and tight underwear, there was a distinct bulge where no bulge should be on a woman.
However, calling him an ikemen would be a gross understatement. He had long, slender, hairless legs and a slender body. He didn't have a muscular chest. Rather, it was just flat, yet somehow it fit her… ahem… him… perfectly. He had a soft face, big red lips, and if I didn't have Otto and Octius saying otherwise, would be a girl easily at the level of any of my girls. In certain ways, she seemed even hotter, especially chained to a wall with her midriff exposed… I mean his… it's a he! A he!
I cleared my throat and looked away, handing Otto the key. "This is your brother?'
"Teehee… you can check if you want. We already have the chains. It's perfect for playing."
How is Otto's brother even gayer than he is? I thought there was a level of familiar disappointment with having a son who was a homosexual. I even came to think that his homosexuality led to his trusted men turning on him. Apparently, I was the one who had the preconceived prejudices. The men would have had no problem with this, as they respected General Octius, who had no qualms about flirting with men. In fact, he hadn't even taken a glance at Miki since we entered his cell although he was eyeing me in an uncomfortable way.
"Brother… please… behave yourself," Otto said while looking like he wanted to cry.
"Brother is always so serious!" Octius pouted.
No, let's think about this for a second. Otto grew up with a brother like Octius. Would it be any surprise that he ended up preferring manly men? Otto's type was muscular guys. That's one of the reasons we got along since I wasn't his type and it didn't lead to any uncomfortable looks. Considering his brother's appearance, did it not make sense that he rejected women? It was essential for his own mind to keep from breaking! At least, that was what I was thinking.
Once Otto freed Octius, his expression grew more serious. "Good, then, please cut me down now. And then kill yourself as well. Don't leave our bodies, or they might resurrect me before the church does."
Otto jerked at that, his smile twitching unhappily. "Brother… Father said I would not be resurrected again."
He frowned. "Nonsense! Once you save me, I'll make sure you are brought back! How could I let my cute little brother get captured! That's why I broke into enemy lines to save you. If it wasn't for that wretched magical artifact, I would have escaped too!"
"It doesn't matter. I can make a portal and take you out of here."
"Oh?" Octius's eyes lightened, "You're a Blue Mage? Smart and cute… where has brother been hiding you?"
"Th-this is that Lord Deekson I was telling you about!" Otto declared.
"Oh? Teehee… former enemies become lovers. So romantic!"
"I'm with her!" I grabbed Miki and held her like a human shield, unable to handle this guy any longer.
Octius seemed unaffected as he shrugged. "Well, no one's perfect."
Miki's face twitched, and I worried she might do something to exacerbate the situation. I decided to open the portal instead. This led to outside the fort and was set to appear near Terra. Using the Map skill and my Slave Location abilities, this wasn't a problem. It was also how I got into the fort using Shao as my point. I had set up my dungeon points to cast four Portals. This was my second since midnight passed. That gave me one to help recover my missing girls, and one to get back to our territory. If I needed more, I'd have to take the time to Reset and rearrange my remaining points.
Otto shoved Octius through the portal and then followed behind him, eager to leave the cell block. Miki ran behind him. Before I left, I sent a message to Shao.
"Get out of the fort now and rendezvous with the girls if you can. Meet up with Lydia first if possible."
If Lydia and Shao were being held down, I'd open a Portal, and they could jump to me. Portals were two-way, I had tried it once or twice to make sure it would work, so there was no risk in using it this way. Once we were all together, we could escape safely.
Once I got her confirmation, I took a breath and stepped forward. At that moment, a wave of power slammed into me. I hadn't been prepared for it and felt myself being tossed back and away from the portal. I saw the magic shattering at that moment before I slammed into the wall and blacked out.