Chapter 533

We returned back to the city of Kingsport. I gave a second storage ring with all the treasure in it to Faeyna to count and calculate. In the end, the profits from the quickly defeated dungeon were 5000 gold coins by themselves. That meant that anything that Faeyna sold in the Capital was pure profit. Since I didn't need to send her off again, I decided to let her stay with me. It seemed to make her much happier, so that was fine.

I asked her to take me to the dock, and so we all headed there. The port was quite large, with a few hundred ships docked. There was also a dry dock and a few massive warehouses which where they be building new ships in. The place we went to wasn't big or impressive. In fact, it was a bit out of the way and hidden back in a dark alley. I was glad I hired guards to protect Faeyna. I didn't like the idea of any of my women walking around these kinds of places on their own.

We knocked on the door, and an old man answered. At first, he looked confused, but when his eyes lightened on Faeyna, or rather I should say her chest, his eyes brightened.

"Ah! You've returned!"

"Hello, I'm the one who sent her with the request."

"Hmmm… is that so… then come in… come in…"

He gestured to us, but rather than walk to the main room to sit, he kept on walking out the back of the house and into a large shed behind it. There was a small boat that looked like it'd fit about five. It was in the process of being constructed.

"That will be tight," I muttered.

"Hehe… well if you got more mithril to increase its size…"

"Ah, no, it's fine!"

Although we had six in our party, Celeste could be pocket-sized at will. If push came to shove, she could fly a bit. As for why I didn't just do a fly and switch with her to pass level 27 of the Widow's Dungeon, it was that Celeste didn't have that ability. Outdoors with the wind, she could fly for some time, but navigating a massive maze through small corridors where the floor is basically lava, that was beyond her ability to do safely. Even if she could cling to the vine-like walls of the dungeon to rest, her life would have been in constant danger the entire time. It was not something I was willing to allow.

The old man and I ended up going over his plans. I explained our exact desires and purposes, both for level 27 and for future ventures. Since I was someone who was associated with the Church, according to his words and the words in Mary's letter, he was willing to work with me.

I guess he was a famous Shipwright who was retired now. It made him difficult to work with, but he was the best at it. Building a mithril indestructible ship was apparently his final dream. As someone who wasn't a Magic Blacksmith himself, he had to design each part and send the orders to a Magic Blacksmith. This was extremely expensive and was a part of the reason that despite his renown, he lived in such meager conditions.

"You don't seem all that bad. Although some of your women look on the small size up top, I can see you're a good man. Please, use my ship and accomplish great things. It's the only thing a Shipwright like me could wish for."

"Yes, I will!"

It was just past noon now. As I left his home after leaving the payment and making one or two more reassurances, I saw my girls who had grown bored and were waiting impatiently outside. It was a lot hotter here than in the Capital or Chalm, and the sun was beating down on us. The girls had removed their armor and were sitting around, lazing in the sun in light attire. The appearance of five hot, sweaty beauties lazing around was starting to catch the notice of many unsavory characters.

"Master?" Lydia raised her hand, her nipples poking through her shirt in a noticeable way. "What's up?"

"He'll be working on finishing it up overnight. He says he'll have it ready by tomorrow. We can be back in the Labyrinth by tomorrow evening."

"Ah… what will we do until then?" Celeste asked, her normally glistening wings looking wilted in the sun.

"How about we hit the beach?"