"So, you're on Aberis soil. By all accounts, I should expel you quickly, but I'm feeling generous." Octius quickly bounced back after earning the ire of all of Titan Fall. "It will be Deek and me against Titan Fall. If we win, then you will flee back to the Ost Republic. If you win, then we will give you what you want."
"Deek's D-" Alysia casually punched one of the girls.
"I mean, the answer to how that dungeon and Fort Pride were destroyed. Well, it's not like we'll let you take it. That's a guarded secret of Aberis, but at least you'd finish your mission, right?
Leave it to a border General to be able to know the same things I knew, and he wasn't even here when I snuck over. Or… was he? Did I see him at all over by the beach or had he been waiting here the entire time listening in on them? He's a lot more dangerous than I gave the guy credit for.
"So, you know why we're here then…" Alysia stated bitterly, clearly unhappy about Octius's knowledge. "Then, I suppose we might as well just settle things. I accept your challenge."
From my position, it didn't look like Octius was giving her very much of a choice, so she would naturally accept such a challenge. Our words were loud enough, and we were rowdy enough at this point that the girls had noticed. Of course, I had already alerted Lydia, so they had some idea about what was going on.
"It's Titan Fall!" Terra cried out.
"Oh, hi!" Celeste waved, excitedly making loops in the air.
"Ah… It's Deek's Party, long time no see!"
The girls ended up greeting each other happily despite the stressful situation, perpetrated primarily between Alysia and Octius. Octius was watching her with a dangerous look that only a fool might mistake for lazy. Alysia was glaring daggers at him, her eyes seemingly going out of their way to avoid me.
"Deek's Party, please, stay back," Octius said. "This will be a fight with just me and Deek."
"Um… speaking of which, I'm better with my girls. No offense, but I don't think I can help you very much."
"I wonder…" he tapped his lip again and then leaned forward and whispered to me. "What level is your Slave Master?"
I checked. "Ah, it seems to have gone up to level 40 with ahem… nevermind."
He grinned as if he already knew that. "What luck! Please, how about you use that skill?"
He seemed to know that I knew what skill it was. To most people, that should have been an impossibility, but with True Hero, I could use Skill Analysis Plus and determine what skills each job had. The skill I had unlocked was called Temporary Slave Contract. As to what it does, I could guess.
"You want me to use it… on you?"
"Yes, go for it. Oh, and join my party too."
"Alright, here goes nothing." I raised up my hand. "Temporary Slave Contract!"
A sudden chain made of pure light suddenly wrapped around Octius. As they danced around him, the ground exploded, causing his long beautiful hair to flow into the wind. At the same time, his swimsuit suddenly disappeared. It'd expose his naked body, but chains were floating across in strategic ways.
"Deek's power… is going… inside me!" he calls out in an orgasmic voice.
Chains wrap around his arm and then appear as a pretty sleeve. His other arm is next. Then he changed poses, bringing emphasis to his bare legs.
"M-master! What kind of kinky spell did you cast on him?"
"Do you hear theme music playing?"
"It's just a Temporary Slave Contract! I don't know why he's changing clothing like a Magical Girl!"
"Ahhhhn!" The chains suddenly wrap around his chest tightly, squeezing, and he lets out a moan.
"Oh… gods… make it stop! What have I done?"
"You were so worried about whether you could, you didn't think if you should!" Shao cried out.
"Ah… the chains are tightening on his crotch area now too! And it's a short magical skirt, of course. Oh no, something is forming in his hands too. He's spinning it while doing another pose! Please don't be a giant penis, please don't be a giant penis!"
A burst of light and Octius appeared in an outfit no man should wear while making a victory pose.
"Oh… it's a scepter."