"I wasn't given much time, but considering I think the end product speaks for itself." The Shipwright showed us the completed product gleefully.
In only two days, it was considered quite magnificent. Well, it wasn't like I knew much about boats, but it was boat-shaped. Although it introduced mithril in it, the entire boat wasn't composed of mithril. That would be obscenely expensive, and even out of the range of most countries. However, mithril was used where normally metal would be. The wood was supposedly magic-infused ash that was resistant to fire, magic, and also had a high strength. To test it, he had me give a sample piece of two by two to my strongest girl, Terra, and see if she could break it.
"Ah… it broke."
"Th-that! It's because she's a no-breasted abomination! Give it to your second strongest!"
Well, it turned out I couldn't break it nor could any of the other girls. Perhaps giving it to a girl who was most skilled at identifying and exploiting structural weakness and creating impenetrable barriers wasn't the fairest measure to use. She was quite depressed about his no-breast comment, though, so I'd have to comfort her later.
The boat had special sails, oars, and sticks to be able to navigate us around most situations. If the situation got dangerous, you could duck down, and the upper portion could be sealed with a rolling cover. It looked a bit like a roof with a triangle tent shape. It was a bit tight fitting us all inside the boat with it closed, but water would just roll off if it was raining and enemy attacks would harmlessly bounce off. At night, we could sleep in it without fear of rolling off or having something jump on board.
Considering flood situations, monsters jumping on board while we were asleep, and leaping attacks weren't even things I considered, I felt like this guy probably knew what he was doing. The ship was wide enough that it wouldn't get knocked over easily but short enough that it could navigate tight corners if needed. All things considered, he built exactly what he promised.
He said it also could cut through the break if we ever planned to go out onto the ocean, and was also able to navigate rivers and ponds too. In short, it was an all-purpose boat that could be used for plenty of purposes. The only thing it lacked in my mind was an engine.
"Motorized transport?" he asked, feeling confused.
"Ah, well, if you put just a propeller on the back of the boat and made it spin really fast, you could push the boat along and then turn it by moving the propeller left and right with a handle."
I tried to explain everything I knew about motorboats to him, which was just about what I had said. I reckoned that in a world with magic where indoor plumping and various other feats had been accomplished, it wouldn't be too hard to create a motorboat.
"This… is a splendid idea!" He grew excited. "I will definitely add this feature to the boat. Give me some time to draw up some plans, and I will begin to assemble the parts. The propeller will have to be mithril… oh… that will take some time…"
Did he really have to use mithril for everything? Ah well, if it was strong, then I shouldn't complain. He got lost in designing thoughts, so I decided to escort myself out. He had a special storage ring to put the boat in, so I used that to grab the boat. I found I could put storage rings into my Inventory, so that was an easy way to protect those items. The problem was that I only had Inventory if I had True Hero equipped. Well, with a 2nd job, it was my primary job most of the time anyway, but I still worried about such things.