
Chicago; USA

 A man dressed in a robotic battle suit suddenly burst through the wall of a skyscraper at a construction site, he had a splitting headache and was stunned. His suit was shiny and looked powerful amid the shower of sparks it produced as a result of the engine's misfiring. 

 To make matters worse his system kept yelling the precautionary warnings in his head aggravating the headache already pounding at his skull in tidal waves. 

 " Battle system failure! Battle system..." 

 " Augh! Shut it Veronica!" A human's voice said from within the suit and tapped a button on his wrist which made his suit helmet retracted in a flash and exposed his face with startling blue eyes the colour of the ocean and the fine set of his jaws and chin combined to form a rugged handsome image marred only a trail of blood by the side of his head. 

 " Damage analysis" he prompted. 

 " Suit's defense disabled, commencement of suit auto repair recommended" the voice, one only he could hear replied and his heart sank, he needed the suit's power right now. 

 " Duration of repair?" He inquired. 

 " Five minutes" 

 Damn! That was a far time way too far for the current mess he's in. 

 " Okay, but before you begin I need you to do one last thing for me" he said and while he was yet speaking two cyborgs entered the building from his opposite sides. That moment using the suit's tech, he created a shield with serrated edges and a sledgehammer and took a long hard look at his assailants, the first was completely human apart from the robotic arms he was equipped with and the other was almost a complete Android if not for a section of his head that was human along with his brain. 

 " What's wrong pretty boy?" The one with robotic arms asked. 

 " Afraid your childish little system can't save you now?" The other one smirked. 

 " No, I'm just wondering which one of you bolzos will be fool enough to attack me first" he retaliated evenly and tightened his grip on his weapons, for a moment it seemed they were a little shocked by his reply and considered the statement for a little bit before attacking at the same time. 

 He looked at their approaching form and waited until they were within striking distance before throwing his shield at the cyborg and gave his hammer a massive swing, it connected with the jaw of the other hard enough to break the bone, the guy who never expected it never stood a chance the hammer smashed it's way through his skull and cracked it open, while the shield dug it's way partially into the chest of the other. 

 He smirked and tossed his sledgehammer at the shield, it's kinetic energy transferring to the shield on contact which promptly sawed it's way through the Android. 

 " Damn you asshole" the Android said weakly and collapsed like a fell tree. The man retrieved his shield and decided to contact his younger brother

 " Veronica?" He started

 " Yes boss" it replied

 " Time of repairs left?"

 " Two minutes boss" it replied

 " Okay put me through to Drake" he said and paused before hearing a beep and a familiar voice over the din of an engine filled his hears

 " Hey yo what's up" Drake said jovially

 " Just checking in" he replied and pulled at his shield that got lodged in a pillar and paused. 

 " Shit!" He muttered under his breath

 " What is it" Drake asked. 

 " I still have a minute thirty seconds to the completion of my suit's auto, where are you Drake?" He countered and Drake who was a couple streets away checked an image on the screen of his helmet

 " I'm a few minutes away from where you are right now..." he replied after which the reminder the crackle of heavy artillery drowned out his voice. 

 " I'm on a skyscraper and I see Iron Manter in a building opposite me right now, I don't think I like the way he's staring at..." He said and trailed off 

 " Dammit the motherf*cker's got a rocket launcher!" He yelled and broke off at a Sprint to the other side of the scrapper and threw his hammer breaking a massive hole through the tinted glass, he was still a few steps from the gaping hole before the missile found it's mark and unleashed an explosion which launched him out of the building from the force of it's shockwave tossing him over a couple buildings and left him landing atop a car. The impact depressed the car's roof and blew out all the window in a shower of little diamond chips. 

 " Trenton!" He heard a familiar voice call his name, he's gotta move Iron Manter would probably have sent his goons after him, he tried to get up and failed slumping back into the strained car roof. 

 " Trenton" someone called again but this time it sounded different like the person was calling from the other end of a long tunnel, it was probably... Drake... That was his last thought before he fell unconscious. 

 *** *** ***