The Village Demon (Part 1)

The shuttle my sister and I were riding stopped at a beautiful valley. The reason we stopped was because my sister couldn't stand my teasing anymore. She was so horny that she couldn't wait to find a big cock to fuck her. 

Although the current sister is still charming and attractive when she is not posing in a lewd manner, she is admired and respected, but after being deflowered, gang-raped, and actively seducing people for many days, she is no longer the perfect fairy who can resist her own desires. 

After being aroused by me and not being able to receive my "love", she stopped the shuttle with a coquettish look, wanting to find someone to satisfy her rising desire. 

The valley has beautiful scenery and fertile land. Although it is a bit remote, there are still mortal villages. 

Looking at the village with smoke rising from it, Senior Sister rolled her eyes at me and said coquettishly, "Humph! You don't want Senior Sister, but there are plenty of people who want to fuck Senior Sister." 

After saying this, he turned around and flew towards the village. 

Looking at the perfect back of my senior sister, I smiled gently and followed her. 

Although I said in front of Gongsun Tian and the others that I would train my senior sister to be slutty and bitchy, why does my current senior sister need me to train her? 

As long as I tell her some naughty ideas, she will happily do them. 

As for treating my senior sister cruelly and turning her into a sex slave, how could I, who loved her so much, do such a thing? 

I would probably abuse my senior sister in front of Gongsun Tian or other men, but that was just a lewd game, and our hearts were still deeply in love with each other. 

When there is no one else around, my senior sister and I are a special pair of intimate lovers. 

Now that she has nothing to worry about, Senior Sister showed me a side of herself that she had never shown me before. 

Flirtatious, naughty, unruly, and bold, these gestures that I have never shown in front of others, made me very happy. 

The sister in front of me had her dress flying, her long legs and half-exposed buttocks showing in front of me from time to time, and I really wanted to hug her tightly and kiss her and play with her. 

It's not that I don't want to enjoy my senior sister's body, but I'm still a little reluctant to give up the tenfold reward. 

I had already secretly decided in my heart that I would never fuck my senior sister before she got married. 

Our first time should have been on our wedding night, in front of Gongsun Tian. 

And that night, I will let Gongsun Tian watch me impregnate my senior sister and make her pregnant. 

My cultivation level is one level lower than that of my senior sister, so my speed is much slower than hers. 

When I landed in the village, my senior sister was standing in the middle of the village with a puzzled look on her face. 

In front of the senior sister, two men, one old and one young, were kneeling on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly. 

"Great Immortal! I beg you, please let my daughter go! She is still young. If you need a woman, my wife can accompany you! But please let my daughter go, she can't be your bride!" 

The older man knelt down and kowtowed to the senior sister and said. 

"Great Immortal! I have been in love with Cuihua since childhood! If you really want her, please come after our wedding night, okay? Cuihua is still a girl, if you lose her virginity like this...she will die!" 

The young man also kowtowed. 

When the two men kowtowed to the elder sister, many frightened eyes were staring at them from the cracks in the doors and windows of the houses in the village. 

That look of pity and compassion made me and my senior sister realize that this was not the first time such a thing had happened. 

Although we didn't ask now, I, who had read countless stories in my previous life, and my sister, who was very insightful, could guess the general idea just by listening to the two men's words. 

"Hey! You two idiots, look carefully, I am a woman, a woman! Not the immortal you are talking about!" Senior Sister shouted at the two men with an angry face. 

The clear and pleasant voice gives people a coquettish feeling even when angry. 

In addition, the senior sister has recently started to behave lewdly, so her words naturally carry a hint of seduction. 

When the two men heard this voice, they immediately realized that they had recognized the wrong person. 

But it's not their fault. Although there are many immortals in the immortal world, it is too vast. In addition, immortals rarely communicate with mortals, so most mortals have never seen an immortal in their lives. 

When these mortals saw the flying Senior Sister, they immediately thought that Senior Sister was the transformed Immortal. 

"Great Immortal...Oh no! Isn't the female immortal the Guang Er Immortal?" The older Nan Re asked tentatively. 

"Nonsense! How can a man who wants to marry your daughter turn into a woman?" Senior Sister said angrily. She said she was angry, but it felt more like she was acting like a spoiled child, and I couldn't help but feel a little itchy in my heart. 

"That's right? My sister-in-law and I just happened to pass by here. We are not the immortals you mentioned." I came to my senior sister's side, smiled and said to the man, and then I stood beside my senior sister. 

When the man heard my confirmation, he immediately realized that he had made a mistake. 

No longer afraid, he saw his senior sister's slightly transparent top that exposed most of her breasts, and her long skirt that was slit to the waist. He immediately realized that his breathing was a little rapid. 

Looking at the attractive and perfect-looking senior sister, he and the young man behind him showed fascination on their faces. 

But in his obsession, he secretly calculated in his heart. 

But before he could start to act, his senior sister said what he expected. 

"Who is this immortal you are talking about? How come your daughter is his bride?" 

Just as the man was about to reply, an old voice answered: "Two immortals, please come inside and talk! I will answer your questions." 

Turning around, we saw an old man with white hair and wrinkles on his face, who needed two people to help him stand up, looking at us respectfully. 

Without any hesitation, my sister and I walked into the largest and cleanest ancestral hall in the village. 

When we entered, the villagers who knew that my sister and I were not the immortals came in immediately, and dozens of villagers filled the house. 

After these people came in, the men's eyes were all on the seductive body of the senior sister, while the women were secretly looking at the handsome me. 

However, my senior sister and I both discovered that there are many more men than women in the village. 

And there are few young and beautiful women left. 

The senior sister didn't mind the men's gazes at all, instead she crossed her legs deliberately, exposing one of her long and beautiful legs. 

The white and flawless legs made the men drool. 

In addition, the senior sister also deliberately pushed up her chest to expose more of her breasts and make her cleavage more obvious. 

However, even though Senior Sister did this, she did not show any lewdness at all. Instead, she looked solemn and upright, exuding an aura that made people admire her. 

The fact that Senior Sister can display such a temperament is entirely the result of my teachings a few days ago. Even Godmother has become more noble and holy under my teachings. 

The holy look of the senior sister made the men dare not show their desires at all, and they could only secretly look at her exposed skin. 

Under such circumstances, my sister and I listened to the old village chief's story. 

Although the scenery of the village is very beautiful, it is remote and rarely interacts with outsiders except for a few villages in the valley. 

Because of this, the folk customs in the village are very simple and the relationship between neighbors is very good. 

Our ancestors in the past almost all spent their lives working from sunrise to sunset. 

But three years ago, a great immortal came to the valley. 

He forced several villages in the valley to offer him beautiful women for his pleasure. If they refused, he would rob them from the village and even hurt them. 

The young and strong people in the village once united to resist, but in the end they were all beaten and seriously injured. 

In order to prevent her husband or lover from getting hurt, the beautiful girls that the immortal liked could only be molested by him. 

Nowadays, almost all the beautiful women in several villages have lost their virginity to the immortal. 

The lewdness of the Great Immortal made several villages miserable. Almost all the men with beautiful wives were cuckolded and had to send their wives to the Great Immortal's castle frequently. 

Initially, Daxian's targets were mature beauties, but starting last year, he set his sights on young girls who were not yet married. 

Moreover, he usually molested young girls before they were about to get married and broke their virginity. 

Every girl who was deflowered by the immortal had to rest for a long time because she couldn't stand the huge penis. 

There were several young lovers who tried to escape, but they were caught without exception, and their virginity was broken in front of their lovers, and then the immortal took the girls away. 

The kidnapped girls can only come back after half a year, but their bodies have already been fully developed by the immortals and are no longer pure girls. 

For the safety of her lover, the girl who returned often hooked up with men and did lewd things under the coercion of the immortal. 

Now, the immortal received the news that Cuihua, the most beautiful girl in the village, was going to get married, and he sent a letter early saying that he would come to take Cuihua's virginity today. 

Since the immortal has the ability to transform, my senior sister and I were mistaken for each other when we first came here. 

While listening to the village chief's story, my sister and I secretly observed the villagers. 

It was discovered that all the attractive female villagers showed shy and fearful expressions. 

Obviously, they have all been molested by the immortal. 

But I also discovered that when these female villagers occasionally made eye contact with me, there was an irresistible charm in their eyes. 

Seeing their looks like this, I knew in my heart that they had tasted the immortal's cock and their bodies and minds could no longer remain chaste women. 

"Damn it! I will never let such a shameless monster go!" After listening to the village chief's story, the senior sister slammed the table and shouted. 

"That's right! Although this monster has not harmed anyone, it is still causing trouble. Although we cannot kill it because it has not harmed anyone, it is necessary to capture it and imprison it to make it pay for its actions!" 

I also echoed. 

"What...what? The immortal is a monster, not an immortal!" a villager said in panic. 

"Of course not!" I said firmly. 

"Then why didn't he eat people?" A female villager who believed that monsters were man-eating monsters asked in confusion. Obviously, this female villager didn't believe, or didn't want to believe, that the immortal was a monster. 

"That's because his cultivation is not high enough. The way to gain magic power is not to eat people. From how lustful he is, we can know that he relies on sucking women's vaginal fluid to increase his magic power. His cultivation is not high now. When his cultivation is high enough, any woman he raped will immediately have her body hollowed out and become a dried corpse." 

The senior sister said with a serious face. 

"Then...what should we do? If he continues to stay here, we will..." said a female villager with a purple face in panic. 

At this moment, the charm in her eyes was no longer there, only fear and panic remained. 

"Don't worry! I haven't encountered such a thing, but if I do, I will definitely not let this evildoer go!" said the elder sister with a righteous look on her face. 

"Don't worry! If the monster comes tonight, my sister-in-law and I will never let him escape." I said with a righteous look on my face. 

Although my sister and I said this, we both had lustful thoughts in our hearts. 

But the senior sister probably only wanted to be fucked by this monster, but I felt differently. 

From the reactions of those women, I know that this "great man" must have a very powerful penis. 

And although he was lustful, he did not harm anyone's life, so he was not a cruel person. 

If I bring such a monster with me and let him play with my beloved sister every day, it must be very exciting and enjoyable. 

Amid the villagers' grateful voices, the village chief led us to rest in the best house in the village. 

Seeing the village chief trembling as he led us, the kind-hearted senior sister immediately stepped forward and held his hand, and then a stream of pure immortal energy entered the village chief's body. 

Under the nourishment of the immortal energy, the village chief, who was supposed to live for less than half a year, felt much better. 

Not only did the hidden wounds from my youth no longer hurt, my aging body gradually became stronger, and the wrinkles on my face became fewer and fewer. 

When the senior sister let go of the village chief's hand, the village chief, who was already frail and frail, recovered into a strong middle-aged man in his forties in front of the astonished eyes of the villagers. 

"Thank you so much, fairy! Thank you so much, fairy! I thought I would not live through this year, but now I am... again..." The village chief was so moved that he could not say anything. He immediately wanted to kneel in front of the senior sister to thank her. 

Seeing the village chief about to kneel, the senior sister immediately stepped forward and leaned over to support him. 

Because of her long steps, her long legs and even a small part of her buttocks were exposed. 

The village chief who had regained his youth in front of my wife, and the men who followed him, immediately felt their breathing quicken and their crotches began to stir. 

"Village chief, please don't call yourself an old man in front of me. You are not even a fraction of my age! You have a good aura and must have done a lot of good things in your life. You deserve this reward. Do you have a relative you want me to help? I can make him younger too." 

The senior sister smiled softly and said, not caring at all about her exposed legs and the half of her breasts exposed in front of the village chief when she leaned over. 

Although the sister has exposed a lot of skin now, and looks like she is actively flirting with men, her gentle smile at this moment looks so holy and so admirable. 

Seeing such a senior sister, the men felt ashamed of their dirty desires, but at the same time they wanted to press such a perfect and kind fairy under them and fuck her as much as they wanted, humiliating this kind and beautiful fairy. 

"Thank you... Thank you fairy! My wife has been unable to get out of bed for two years. Please help her, fairy!" 

The village chief looked at the senior sister and said expectantly. 

The senior sister did not answer, but just gestured for him to lead the way. 

Just as the senior sister and the village chief stepped out of the door and left the house, a little girl who looked about five or six years old with a dirty face ran towards the senior sister. 

Just as the little girl was about to cross the threshold, she tripped and fell forward towards her senior sister. 

The little girl, unable to keep her balance, instinctively reached out and grabbed her senior sister's thin skirt. 

Just as she grabbed the long skirt and fell, the corners of my mouth and my sister's were slightly raised, and then with a "hiss", the long skirt of the sister's senior magic weapon was torn by the little girl. 

The originally thin long skirt was torn and immediately fell to the ground. 

But no one paid attention to the long skirt that originally attracted people's attention. Everyone's eyes fell on the body of the senior sister that was originally covered by the long skirt. 

Long beautiful legs, revealing most of the plump buttocks, and the seductive vagina covered by a small thin underwear. 

At this moment, no matter whether they were men or women, they all forgot to breathe, staring at the perfect and attractive body of the senior sister. 

When the little girl saw her senior sister's exposed body, she immediately knew she was in trouble. 

However, the trouble she had in mind was not exposing her senior sister's body, but tearing her beautiful long skirt. 

As everyone held their breath, tears began to well up in the little girl's eyes. 

"Little girl! Why don't you apologize to the fairy? I will spank you in a moment!" 

The village chief yelled at the little girl. 

However, there was no trace of anger or disgust in the village chief's roar, only fear and pity. 

Obviously, the village chief was afraid that the little girl's behavior would make the senior sister angry, so he did not help the village. 

At the same time, his yelling was still to protect the little girl, so as to prevent the offended senior sister from punishing her. 

"Wow..." The little girl burst into tears immediately after the village chief yelled. 

The little girl thought that the village chief who usually loved her was really angry, so she immediately apologized with sobs: "Fairy sister, don't be angry! Little girl is bad, little girl tore sister's skirt. Sister, it doesn't matter how you beat little girl or scold her, as long as sister can help daddy to see a doctor, little girl will do anything!" 

The sight of the little girl crying with tears in her eyes immediately made everyone feel sad. 

When the elder sister heard that the little girl rushed up to her to ask her to cure her father, her heart was filled with pity and compassion. 

Not to mention that Senior Sister is a whore who doesn't show her body to others, even if she is a chaste woman, she wouldn't be angry with the little girl at this time. 

The elder sister, who was originally full of lustful thoughts, no longer had any lustful thoughts after seeing the little girl begging with tears in her eyes. 

Just when the little girl wanted to kneel down and kowtow after begging, the senior sister immediately picked her up and wiped the tears from her face. 

The already dirty little face immediately became dirty, and the senior sister felt distressed again. 

"Don't cry, little girl, don't cry, little girl, the fairy sister is not angry, the fairy sister's skirt is torn, so it's torn. The fairy sister will not hit you, nor will she scold you!" 

With a gentle tone, loving words, and a gentle gaze, the senior sister was speaking to the little girl like a kind mother comforting her crying daughter. 

The scene where the senior sister hugged the little girl and comforted her, regardless of her lower body being exposed, made people forget how seductive she looked at the moment. 

Seeing her gently comforting the little girl, the men who had just developed desires for her all showed guilt in their eyes. 

They felt that it was shameless to lust after such a gentle and kind fairy who helped them. 

Not to mention them, even I felt that it was wrong for me to turn such a kind-hearted senior sister into a shameless whore. 

But this thought only lasted for a moment, because I knew that my senior sister herself was looking forward to becoming a whore and being trained by me. 

"Fairy sister...are you really not angry? Little girl...torn up such a beautiful skirt and exposed sister's buttocks, sister, are you really not angry? Mom told me...when a woman grows up, she can only expose her buttocks to her husband. If other people see it, it is the most embarrassing thing!" 

The little girl sobbed and spoke intermittently. 

The little girl's words made the elder sister's face slightly red. Then she wiped the tears from the little girl's face and said, "I've wanted to change my skirt for a long time, because it was torn a big hole, wasn't it? As for exposing your butt, you don't have to worry about it, because I'm a rare woman who is not afraid of exposing my butt. Don't cry, little girl. Let's go and treat your father!" 

After she finished speaking, the senior sister turned to look at me and said, "Junior brother, go and treat the village head's wife!" 

After giving me instructions, Senior Sister carried Xiaoya in her arms and walked towards her home. 

Watching the scene of the senior sister twisting her seductive buttocks towards Xiaoya's house, the men watched her enter Xiaoya's house with guilt and then closed the door. 

When my senior sister went to Xiaoya's house, I walked into his house under the guidance of the village chief and then entered the bedroom. 

Seeing the frail old woman lying on the bed in the bedroom, I took out a pill with ordinary effects and gave it to her. After a while, she not only recovered from her illness, but also became as young as the village chief. 

Seeing the village chief's wife, who was about 35 or 36 years old, the village chief, his family, and the villagers immediately thanked me one after another. 

However, I didn't care about being thanked by them, and instead used my spiritual sense to sense the situation at Xiaoya's home not far away. 

When the senior sister, who was only wearing her underwear, entered the room, she saw Xiaoya's father lying sick on the bed. 

When the senior sister entered the room with her lower body almost naked, Xiaoya's father looked at her in surprise. 

However, there was no desire in his eyes, but more surprise. 

He really didn't understand why such a perfect woman like his senior sister would enter his home. 

Moreover, this beauty is only wearing small underwear. 

Just when Xiaoya's father was surprised, the senior sister held Xiaoya and sat beside him, and when Xiaoya explained her purpose, she found out about his physical condition. 

Because she has stopped suppressing herself recently, her sister has achieved a breakthrough in her state of mind and is now at the late stage of the Golden Immortal. 

It was easy to understand the physical condition of a mortal, but she still pretended to be serious and continued to explore. 

When my sister was finding out about Xiaoya's father's health, I asked the villagers why Xiaoya's father was sick. From the villagers' angry and helpless explanations, I learned what happened. 

When the monster first came to the valley, he fell in love with Xiaoya's mother because she was the most beautiful young woman in the village. 

The first woman that the monster named Guang Er Xian raped was Xiao Ya's mother, and he did it in front of Xiao Ya's father. 

From then on, Xiaoya's mother became the woman Guang Erxian raped most often. 

Xiaoya's mother almost committed suicide under Guang Erxian's humiliation, but Guang Erxian threatened Xiaoya and her husband's lives, forcing her to live in humiliation. 

More than half a year ago, when Xiaoya's mother was raped by Guang Erxian again, Xiaoya suddenly came back. Feeling deeply humiliated, Xiaoya's mother wanted to commit suicide immediately. 

But when Guang Er Xian threatened, "If you die, your daughter will continue to serve me when she grows up." 

After that, Xiaoya's mother gave in again. 

However, Xiaoya's mother and father knew that when Xiaoya grew up, Guangerxian would never let her go. 

Because everyone can see that Xiaoya will definitely be a beauty of national beauty when she grows up. 

Therefore, the couple discussed and decided to escape at night. 

But unfortunately, Guang Er Xian has been monitoring them. 

When Xiaoya's parents had just arrived in the village, they were caught by him. 

This time, Guang Er Xian not only injured Xiao Ya's father, but also kidnapped Xiao Ya's mother. 

Xiaoya's father was seriously injured and has not recovered yet, and Xiaoya's mother has not been released yet. 

The elder sister heard the villagers' stories clearly through her spiritual consciousness. After understanding what happened, she admired Xiaoya's father very much, and also liked Xiaoya's mother, a chaste woman. 

Unlike the other women in the village who were secretly addicted after being fucked and just pretended to be unwilling in front of the villagers, Xiaoya's mother was a truly chaste and heroic woman. 

The kind-hearted and flirtatious senior sister decided to help Xiaoya and her daughter, and at the same time, she also decided to enjoy this good man. 

"Little girl, I want to treat your father. But you must not tell anyone the method I use to treat your father, understand?" 

After making the decision, the senior sister said to Xiaoya with a gentle face. 

"Yes! Xiaoya understands, and will never tell anyone!" Xiaoya nodded vigorously, her cute little face full of determination. 

Seeing Xiaoya's resolute look, the senior sister smiled slightly. Although she felt that it was not good for a child like Xiaoya to see such a thing, she felt very excited in her heart. 

Under Xiaoya's father's expectant gaze, Senior Sister did something that shocked him. 

Under his gaze, the senior sister slowly took off her still intact top and her small underwear. 

Seeing the perfect naked body of the senior sister, Xiaoya's father was stunned. 

"Fairy...Fairy, what are you doing?" 

Although he loves his wife deeply, when faced with a perfect fairy like Senior Sister, even the most affectionate man will have an instinctive reaction. 

If he wasn't in such poor health, he probably wouldn't be able to resist the temptation and pounce on her. 

"Don't be nervous, sir. This is for your treatment. The balance of yin and yang in your body has been disrupted. You can't just treat your injuries to restore it. But ordinary methods can't regulate your body at all. Only through the union of yin and yang can it work. Although I feel sorry for my husband for doing such a thing, saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda, so I will temporarily give up my chastity. I just ask you not to tell anyone in the future, okay?" 

The elder sister said gently. 

"How can I let you, a fairy, make such a sacrifice? A mortal like me... well..." The next words were blocked in my mouth by the group of senior sisters. 

At the same time, he felt a warm current flowing into his body, and his originally weak body suddenly seemed to have infinite strength. 

Not only that, the naked and perfect fairy took the initiative to take off his clothes. 

With his desire rising, he could no longer hold back his body's desire and took the initiative to hug his senior sister's body and kiss her passionately in response. 

As they were entangled in their lips and tongues, Xiaoya's father sat up from the bed, then reached out and held Senior Sister in his arms, and Senior Sister sat on his lap. 

During the entanglement of lips and tongues, the sister's vagina began to ooze out sexual fluids, and then rubbed on the man's glans. 

The cock of Xiaoya's father, which had not felt anything for many days, soon stood up to its limit, eager to enjoy it in the fairy's vagina. 

After feeling the man's desire, the senior sister raised her buttocks slightly, and then sat down with her vagina facing the erect cock. 

After a "gurgling" sound, the thick cock was inserted into the delicate vagina, causing both of them to moan charmingly at the same time. 

"Sir... your thing is so big, it fills me up so well. Your wife must have been very happy when she was bullied before. Oh... you don't have to be so gentle, I am not that hypocritical, you can do whatever you want... I can definitely make you feel more comfortable than your wife." 

After their lips parted, the senior sister slowly twisted her body to match the man's thrusts, while whispering in his ear. 

At this moment, the senior sister no longer concealed her lewdness, and her words were full of temptation and expectation. 

The man was excited when he heard that a fairy like the senior sister was actually satisfied with his cock, but he was also a little surprised at the coquettishness of the senior sister. 

While holding the sister's perfect buttocks with both hands and speeding up the thrust of his cock, he said something teasing in her ear. 

"Fairy! You can get into the mood so quickly when having sex with a man other than your husband, as if you are not unfamiliar with it at all! You must have done this with men other than your husband many times before!" 

Thinking that the perfect female fairy in his arms might be a slutty bitch who had been fucked by many men, the man couldn't help but feel a little excited. 

Not only because her husband was cuckolded, but also because she remembered the time when her wife was molested by Guang Er Xian. 

"Even fairies are so coquettish, so it's nothing for my wife to be raped by monsters." This is the excuse he made for his wife. 

"You are disgusting! I endured the shame to have sex with you and treat you, yet you still say such shameful words. Be careful that I won't help you!" 

The senior sister protested, but her charming buttocks moved more excitedly. 

"Fairy...please forgive me! I won't say anything! I will...make amends!" He said the words of apology, but the action of apology was to hold the senior sister and thrust his cock upward more crazily. 

"Pah pah pah..." As the man's cock thrust in and out quickly and vigorously, the collision of their bodies made a crisp sound in the room. 

Amid the crisp sound of collision, the two people's panting and roaring echoed in the room. 

The two people were so excited that they completely forgot that there was a little girl watching them in the room. 

The naive little girl watched the fairy and her biological father doing the same thing that the bad guy did to her mother, and her little mind was filled with doubts. 

Mom kept crying when she was doing it with the monster, but the fairy was so happy when she was doing it with dad. 

The little girl who didn't know what was going on had the idea of ​​trying it out when she grew up. Neither the senior sister nor the man knew about it. The scene of them flirting and fucking planted the seeds of lust in the innocent little girl's heart. 

The village is not big, and the sound insulation of the house is not good. 

If it weren't for the fact that Senior Sister didn't want the villagers who admired her to know that she was a whore, the spellcasting subordinates would have cast a simple formation to block the sound, and the two people's fucking would have attracted everyone's attention. 

But this method is totally ineffective against me. 

While I pretended to chat with the villagers, I excitedly watched my senior sister fucking her father in front of the little girl. 

When the senior sister fucked the man, she kept nourishing the man's body with her immortal power, making his body stronger while recovering health, and the strong body made the man feel more comfortable when fucking the senior sister. 

Under the nourishment of the elder sister's immortal power, the man used his sexual ability far beyond the past to fuck the elder sister in various positions, and ejaculated semen in the elder sister's body again and again. 

It was not until more than two hours later that the thirsty senior sister was finally slightly satisfied and separated from the unsatisfied man. 

"Fairy, can I fuck you again?" After having an intimate relationship with the senior sister, many men became bolder and asked while hugging the senior sister's naked body. 

"Don't worry! I will have fun with you once before I leave. But promise me, don't look down on Xiaoya's mother in the future." The senior sister leaned in the man's arms and said gently. 

"Of course! Her mother is the one I love the most!" the man said firmly. 

"What about me?" asked the senior sister with a jealous look on her face. 

"You are my goddess, the goddess that I can never reach! I will miss you for the rest of my life after you leave me!" The man said obsessively while looking at the senior sister. 

"You are good at talking!" said the senior sister with satisfaction. 

After the senior sister and the man were intimate for a while, she untied the formation and brought him and Xiaoya to the village chief's house. 

Seeing the man recovering and even stronger, the villagers came up to congratulate him. 

After a while of excitement, my sister and I started talking to them about serious matters - how to subdue the demons and fairies. 

My senior sister and I inquired about the demon fairy's abilities, and we determined that he was just a little demon who had just entered the realm of true immortal, and whose strength was even inferior to mine. 

However, my sister and I showed serious expressions for our future plans and told the villagers that this monster was not easy to deal with and that we had to outsmart it. 

Amid the villagers' panic, my sister and I shared our plan. 

After hearing the plan of the senior sister, the villagers showed complicated expressions. 

"Fairy! This plan is good, but... isn't it too unfair to you?" The village chief asked with a look of gratitude and guilt. 

"It is my duty as a cultivator to eliminate demons and defend the Way, and...if the monster is not well prepared, I will definitely not be in danger. Even if my first attack fails, he will definitely be killed the second time. Although the process will be unfair to my husband, as long as you don't tell anyone, I will be fine. This matter...will make the women in the village suffer tonight and will be bullied by them again." 

The senior sister said with a look of regret. 

"Fairy! Please don't say that! The women in the village have been bullied by them for many years. If nothing like this happens again after tonight, they will be very happy!" 

The mature and beautiful wife of the village chief said immediately. 

"Madam, you will suffer tonight." Looking at the beautiful face and attractive figure of the lady, the village chief said with a guilty and distressed look. 

"Husband! Don't say that! Today is the most important event in our village. I am willing to do anything to ensure that our daughter and daughter-in-law will no longer have to serve that monster." 

The village head's wife said. 

"You two must remember not to reveal your true identity later. You are now the village chief's distant nephew and niece-in-law, and I am your son. Don't call me by the wrong name, otherwise it will be bad." 

I said to the village chief and his wife in a serious tone. 

"Don't worry, Immortal, we will not make any mistakes. It's just that we are wronged, Immortal, for pretending to be two mortal children." The village head's wife bowed and said gratefully. 

"For the sake of fighting evil and defending the Way, these are all trivial matters." I said nonchalantly. 

After discussing the details, everyone immediately began to prepare.