Brianna and the Scrimmage

A few days after their mall outing, DJ found himself standing outside Brianna's house, holding a basketball. He was a bit nervous, not just about playing with her but also about meeting her family. He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. Almost immediately, a large, friendly dog bounded up to the door, barking excitedly.

Brianna opened the door, laughing as she tried to calm the dog down. "Hey, DJ! Don't mind Max, he's just excited to meet you."

DJ smiled, bending down to pet Max. "Hey, buddy. Nice to meet you too."

Brianna led him inside, where he was introduced to her parents and her younger brother, Ethan. Her mom was warm and welcoming, while her dad had a firm handshake and a discerning look that made DJ a bit nervous. Ethan, on the other hand, was shy but curious, peeking at DJ from behind his mother.

"So, you're the guy who plays football that Brianna's been talking about?" her dad asked, he had a tone that was both commanding and slightly protective. He didn't seem that muscular but his bald head and beard gave the look he wasn't gonna tolerate anything concerning his daughter . He reached to shake his hand.

"Yes, sir," DJ replied,  while shaking his hand, feeling a bit of sweat on his palms. "We hang out together sometimes."

Brianna's mom seemed look like an older version of Brianna as she smiled. "Well, it's nice to finally meet you. Brianna has told us a lot about you."

DJ glanced at Brianna, who blushed slightly and gave him an encouraging smile. "Thanks for having me over," DJ said, trying to sound confident.

After a few more pleasantries, Brianna led DJ outside to the driveway, where a hoop was set up. They started with some light shooting, gradually getting more competitive. DJ seemed to be having fun.

"You're really good," DJ said, watching her sink another basket.

"Thanks," Brianna replied, smiling. "You too. I like playing with you."

As they played, the conversation flowed easily. They talked about school, their hobbies, and their hopes for the future. DJ found himself growing more comfortable and enjoying Brianna's company more with each passing minute.

At one point, DJ decided to show off a bit. He dribbled past Brianna and went for a dunk, but she seemed to be unconvinced. "You're lucky your tall!"

DJ laughed too, feeling a thrill of excitement. "Alright, I see how it is.  But if your mad about it just grow."

"You're the worst." She said while heaving a little

"Not my fault your vertically challenged." He teased

He hit her with a tween cross utilizing his speed, before faking a shot with a hezi, and then jumped, executing a perfect acrobatic layup. Brianna raised a brow clearly impressed. "Seriously I bet if you tried out for the team the basketball coach would

be jumping for joy."

"Thanks," DJ said, smiling. "I've been working on basketball lately."

"But I thought Mr. I don't wanna split my time said it was too much." She smiled

"Well I wanted to look good for a certain someone, I couldn't embarrass myself." He replied

"That won't get you any brownie points." She replied while feeling butterfly's in her stomach

As the sun began to set, they took a break, sitting on the grass and sipping water. DJ looked at Brianna, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. "I really had fun today."

"Me too," Brianna said, her eyes sparkling.

Brianna seemed to hesitate before mustering up the courage "By the way do you wanna come inside for a while."

DJ shook his head, " I'd love to but I got start getting ready to go to practice, Coach made an announcement that everyone needs to be there.

Brianna felt a little disappointed but didn't let it show, " Well okay but you owe me another time where we get to hang out like this."

"Yeah ill text you when I got plans in mind." He said as he started getting ready to leave


Over the next three weeks, DJ's hard work and dedication paid off. His stats improved significantly: his passing accuracy was up, his speed had increased, and he was making fewer mistakes during practice. He had also earned two new badges: Route Apprentice, which enhanced his ability to read and adapt to different routes, and Acrobat, reflecting his agility and skill in making difficult catches and moves.

DJ's confidence grew along with his skills, and his teammates noticed. He was more vocal during practices, encouraging others and leading by example. His bond with Brianna also deepened, and they often played basketball together, strengthening their connection.

His interface was now


Name: Donovan King

Age: 16

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 165 lbs.


Athleticism/Fitness: A-

Receiving: A-

Ball Carrying: B-

Badges: Acrobat, Route Apprentice

He then clicked on General

[Updated General Ratings] [B] > [A]

Acceleration: A- > A

Speed: A > A

Agility: A > A

Awareness: B+ > A-

Jumping: B+ > A-

Strength: D > C

Toughness: C+ > B

Stamina: C+ > B

Injury: B- > B+

[Updated Receiving

Ratings]  [B+] > [A-]

Catching: A-

Catch in Traffic: A-

Spectacular Catch: A-

Short Route Running

(SRR): A-

Medium Route Running

(MRR): B+

Deep Route Running (DRR): B+

Release: A-

[Updated Ball-carrier

Ratings] [C-] > [B+]

Ball-carrier Vision:  A-

> A

Carrying: C- > B-

Trucking: F > D

Stiff Arm: D > C

Spin Move: C > B

Juke Move:  B > A

Break Tackle:  C+ > B

Break Sack: F- > D+

Change of Direction:  A-

> A

[Evaluation: A talented

player finding his stride]

'Woah this is better than I thought' until he saw.

[Due to user being in the High

School the development boost provided by the Balance Archetype will seem faster

than normal as the user is still growing and getting back into passable shape also as a newbie gift pack the hosts progress was accelerated this month on top of the archetype boost.]

'Well that's understandable since if I looked at it now if A+ is the absolute peak of Highschool Football the gaps between letter grades and marks must be huge meaning

that each upgrade is going to take a lot of effort. Only upgrading the system would make me progress faster.


[complete] > 500

receptions successfully – 100 FK points + Bronze Lottery ticket

[complete] > 500

contested catches – 100 FK points + Bronze Lottery Ticket

[In Progress]>921/ 1000

catches with the QB set to the lowest level – 100 FK points + Silver Lottery


[In Progress]> 730/1000

game winning catches on 4th down – 1000 FK points + Gold Lottery


[Note: 1000 FK points are

required for a system upgrade]

'I need more points to use

the VR system I only used it sparingly since it consumed so much I've already

spent 240 points. 'DJ pondered



On July 30th, the team

gathered for their morning practice. Coach Carter had a serious look on his face

as he addressed the players.

"Alright, team, listen up," Coach Carter said, his voice carrying across the field. "Tomorrow, we've got a scrimmage against Eastbrook School. This is our chance to see where we stand and what we need to work on before the season starts. We don't have a lot of time as school starts on August 5th and your guys first game is on the 9th so be ready, prepared and ready to kill, you hear me."

"YES SIR" We said in Unison

The team buzzed with excitement and a bit of nervous energy. Scrimmages were always intense, and everyone wanted to prove themselves since they were competing for playing time and a spot on the field. Although It wasn't said everyone knows this is chance

for people to climb through the ranks or lose their spot depending on the coach's trust in them.

DJ felt locked in. This scrimmage was an opportunity to showcase his growth and leadership. He glanced at his friends, who gave him encouraging nods.

"We need to play like it's the real deal," Coach Carter continued. "Focus on your assignments, communicate, and most importantly, work together. Let's show Eastbrook what we've got."


CACTHES AND 125 YDS IN YOUR FIRST APPEARANCE BACK. - Reward 1000 FK points + Silver Lottery]

'Finally, seems like I got my chance.'

Coach Carter seemed like he had one more thing to say, "Hey Boys make sure you remember to grab your equipment and Jerseys on your way out of practice today alright."


The team broke into their drills, the atmosphere charged with anticipation. DJ led by example, executing plays with precision and encouraging his teammates. He felt a deep sense of pride and responsibility, knowing that his hard work was paying off and that soon it was gonna be put to the test.


After practice, DJ, Malik, Travis, Brianna, Ellie, and Addison went to Canes to grab a bite to eat.

"Man, that scrimmage is going to be intense," Malik said, stretching his sore muscles.

"Yeah, but we're ready," DJ replied, feeling confident. "We've been working hard, and

it shows."

Brianna smiled at DJ. "You've really stepped up as a leader, DJ. It's impressive."

DJ felt a blush creep up his cheeks. "Thanks, Brianna. You've been a big help, too. Playing

basketball with you has definitely let me calm down."

Ellie grinned. "You two are adorable. It's great to see everyone so motivated."

Addison nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. You're going to crush it tomorrow."

Travis clapped DJ on the back. "Let's get some rest tonight and come out strong tomorrow."

As they each got dropped off. DJ felt a sense of anticipation. The scrimmage against Eastbrook was a significant step towards the teams ultimate goal, and with his friends and

teammates by his side, he knew what time it was.