
After the scrimmage, Coach Carter

gathered the team in the locker room, a proud smile on his face. "Great job out there, everyone!" Coach Carter exclaimed, clapping his hands. "That was a good win. You played with heart and went above expectations,

and it showed. Keep up the good work!"


The team cheered, high-fiving each other and exchanging smiles of satisfaction. DJ felt a surge of pride as he looked around at his teammates, knowing they had come together and fought hard for the victory. Later that evening, the group chat buzzed with excitement as they made plans to go to the fair the next day. DJ's heart beat faster as he

texted Brianna, feeling anticipation at the thought of spending more time with her.

'We've been in the talking stage

for about a month, it's now or never.'

As the night wore on DJ checked his Instagram, scrolling through his feed with a smile. He had 11 posts, showcasing highlights from football games and fun outings with friends. His follower count had risen to 2,536, and he was following 1,219 accounts. As he scrolled, he noticed that his quarterback, James, was following him. A thought occurred to him, and he sent James a message, asking if he wanted to work extra

to build some chemistry before the season started.




The day before the fair, DJ and his friends

gathered for school supply shopping spree. Now if you're wondering why they

were doing it together.

Group Chat

 Malik: Yo yo yo, what's up, squad?

Travis: Not much, just chilling.

Ellie: Hey, Malik! What's up?

Malik: I've got a brilliant idea, my friends!

Addison: Oh boy, here we go...

Malik: We should totally go school shopping together!

DJ: School shopping? Sounds like a drag...

Malik: Nah, nah, hear me out! We'll make it an adventure!

Brianna: I'm intrigued...

Malik: Picture this: we hit the stores, we try on ridiculous

outfits, we make DJ wear a pink tutu and on top of that I'll give you guys the

honor of pushing me around while I sit In the cart.

DJ: Wait, what?

Malik: Don't mind the details

DJ I'm just kidding... or am I?

Travis: I'm down for it.

Ellie: Count me in! It'll be fun to see DJ in a pink tutu.

DJ: Not happening, Ellie.

Malik: Aw, come on, DJ! Live a little!

Briana: I'm in, but only if we promise not to actually make DJ wear

a tutu.

Malik: Deal!

Addison: Sounds like a blast! I'm in too.

Malik: That's what I like to hear! School shopping, here we come!

DJ: Fine, but no tutus. Deal?

Malik: Deal... for now. evil laugh

The day of school shopping arrived, and the group gathered at the mall, ready for an adventure. As they walked through the

bustling corridors, Malik's excitement was contagious, and soon everyone was laughing and joking, eager to see what mischief they could get into.

"Alright, first stop: the most ridiculous store we can find!" Malik declared, leading the way with exaggerated swagger.

They found themselves in a store with neon lights and racks of outrageously patterned clothing. Travis immediately gravitated towards a pair of bright orange pants, holding them up with a smirk.

"What do you think, guys? Too much?" he asked, striking a pose.

"Definitely too much I think I'd have to take

you out for the sake of the worlds eyes," Ellie replied, laughing. "But you should totally try them on anyway."

Travis shrugged and disappeared into the fitting room, emerging a few minutes later to applause and laughter. The pants were a

perfect fit, and Travis strutted around the store, chatting it up with his friends.

Next, they ventured into a shoe store, where Malik spotted a pair of sparkly sneakers that caught his eye.

"These are amazing!" he exclaimed, holding them up for everyone to see. "I need these in my life."

Brianna and Ellie immediately encouraged him to try them on, and soon Malik was prancing around in his new shoes, looking like a glittering disco ball. He ended up saying "To sparkle is something reserved for the chosen." Nodding his head like he was a sage with a smirk

Meanwhile, DJ found himself drawn to a rack of graphic t-shirts, each more absurd than the last. He couldn't resist picking out a few with outrageous slogans and designs, much to the amusement of his friends.

he came across a neon-pink shirt featuring a

three-eyed cat riding a taco with the caption "Taco Cat: The Ultimate Fusion."

Seeing this shirt reaffirmed his thought that 'Fashion really isn't for everybody'

"DJ tell me if I'm crazy but is this valid." Malik asked honestly

DJ just stared at him with the straightest face he might've had in his life for a while before wordlessly walking almost as if in disappointment while shaking his head.


'I should get a badge for ignoring him' DJ thought as he nodded his head

As they approached the checkout line, DJ couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia

wash over him. Despite the silliness and laughter, there was something bittersweet about the end of summer and the start of a new school year.



As DJ and Brianna arrived at the fairgrounds, they were greeted by the lively chatter of their friends, who had gathered near the entrance. Malik and Travis were engaged in a friendly competition at one of the carnival games, while Ellie and Addison giggled as they watched, sharing a bag of popcorn.

"Hey, guys!" DJ called out, waving to catch their attention.

"DJ! Brianna!" Malik exclaimed, grinning

as he caught sight of them. "You made it!"

Brianna smiled back, her eyes sparkling with

excitement. "Wouldn't miss it for the world!"

As they approached their friends, the group

erupted into cheers and hugs and dap ups.

"Come join us!" Travis urged, motioning to the game he and Malik were playing. "We need some more competition."

DJ and Brianna exchanged a glance and shared a knowing smile. "Sounds like fun," DJ replied, taking Brianna's hand as they joined their friends.

For the next hour, they wandered the fairgrounds together, soaking in the sights and sounds of the carnival. They rode the

Ferris wheel together, their laughter mingling with the joyful shouts of children below. They sampled funnel cakes and fried Oreos, their fingers sticky with sugar as they shared bites with each other.

But as the evening wore on DJ and Malik made eye contact before understanding it's go time, DJ felt a growing desire to steal

away a moment alone with Brianna. So he made a signal to Malik and Travis and they broke off into pairs. He caught her hand and tilted his head towards the photo booth tucked away in the corner of the fairgrounds, a silent invitation that she eagerly accepted.

'C'mon man don't be a sellout'

As they stepped inside the photo booth, DJ felt a rush of excitement coursing through him. Here, in this space, he and Brianna

could be themselves without the prying eyes of their friends. As they posed for the camera, DJ couldn't help but feel a sense of closeness and connection with Brianna that he cherished more than anything.

Before they left Brianna stopped ,"Wait can we take one more."

DJ was surprised but replied "sure how do you wanna take it."

She smiled mischievously before hugging him and turning towards the camera to smile

His heart beat faster and felt like everyone in the world could hear it as he looked down at Brianna who was trying her best to keep her composure too. His hands naturally went around her waist and in contact with her skin she was wearing a crop top, he stood and hugged her from behind her for the picture, she seemed nervous before trying her best to

smile at the camera.

After they emerged from the photo booth, DJ took Brianna's hand and led her to stroll through the fairgrounds, the air came alive

with the sounds of laughter and music, a sense of tranquility settled over them. The twinkling lights cast a soft glow around them as they wandered hand in hand, the gentle breeze carrying with it the scent of funnel cakes and popcorn.

As they walked, DJ couldn't shake the feeling of nervous excitement bubbling up inside him. He stole glances at Brianna, admiring the way her hair danced in the wind and the way her eyes sparkled when she looked at him.

Suddenly, DJ felt compelled to stop. He tugged gently on Brianna's hand, prompting her to turn towards him. With the bustling

fair around them, DJ found himself at a loss for words. But as he looked into Brianna's eyes, he knew that he didn't need them. She gave all he needed.

Taking a deep breath, DJ reached out to cup Brianna's face in his hands, his heart pounding against his chest. He could feel the warmth of her skin beneath his fingertips as his thumb brushed against her cheek.

"Brianna," DJ began, his voice barely above a whisper. "There's something I need to tell you."

Brianna's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of curiosity and anticipation dancing in her eyes. She nodded encouragingly, her gaze locked onto his.

"I've never felt like this before," he

confessed, his words barely a whisper against the backdrop of the bustling

fair. "With you, Brianna, it's like everything falls into place. You're the first one to make me feel alive in a way I never knew was possible. Every moment with you seems unforgettable."

A soft smile graced Brianna's lips, her eyes

shimmering with emotion as she reached out to take DJ's other hand in hers, while intertwining their fingers in a silent gesture of her feelings.

"DJ," she murmured, her voice barely

audible above the din of the fair. "Honestly I'm not too experienced with things like this so I'll just tell you how I feel, I want you to know that your my rock, my joy and that being with you makes me feel happier than I thought I could be."

With their hands still intertwined, DJ pulled Brianna close, wrapping his arms around her in a hug. He could feel the steady rhythm

of her heartbeat against his chest, he looked at her eyes and lips and with unspoken understanding passing between them, DJ leaned in, his lips meeting Brianna's in a tender, heartfelt kiss. In that moment, amidst the whirlwind of sights and sounds, they found a sanctuary in each other's embrace.