First Day

As DJ drove home, his thoughts drifted to Brianna. He pulled out his phone and sent her a quick text.

DJ: "Hey Bri, I was thinking, would you and your family like to come watch the game on Friday? I'd love to have them there."

He smiled as he imagined her reaction, hoping her parents would agree. Moments later, his phone buzzed with a reply.

Brianna: "Hey DJ! That sounds amazing! I'll talk to my parents. I'm sure they'd love to come. "

DJ: "Awesome! Can't wait to see you there. How's your day been?"

Brianna: "It's been good! Just getting ready for school tomorrow. I'm excited to see you again."

DJ: "Same here. You always make my day better. "


'Now it's time to check the system.'


[complete] > 500 receptions successfully – 100 FK points + Bronze Lottery ticket

[complete] > 500 contested catches – 100 FK points + Bronze Lottery Ticket

[complete]>1000/ 1000 catches with the QB set to the lowest level – 100 FK points + Silver Lottery Ticket

[complete]> 1000/1000 game winning catches on 4th down – 1000 FK points + Gold Lottery ticket

[complete] >[MISSION: RECORD OVER 10 CACTHES AND 125 YDS IN YOUR FIRST APPEARANCE BACK. - Reward 1000 FK points + Silver Lottery]

[Note: 1000 FK points are required for a system upgrade]


FK Points: 2,100

'I had run out of points a while ago, and it's about time I use my lotteries.'

DJ first used his two Silver Lotteries as the sounds of the wheel and pointer rang in his mind as he saw two badges one with feet barely in front of a line and another with an arrow target raised above hands.

Congratulations the User has Drawn the 'Sideline Deadeye' & 'High Point Deadeye'

'Nice seems like I've been pretty lucky lately.'

DJ finally used his Gold Lottery while on the edge of his bed until the pointer landed on badge that had a pair of curtains 'Closer.'

'Huh? I could tell what the others do but what about this one.'

[Closer: Stats are significantly improved in the 4th quarter and in game winning drive situations.]

'Looks like Lincoln High are gonna be my victims.'

Just as he was about to press the upgrade button he got a notification.


FK Missions


->The system has detected the user is officially making his first appearance back. Associated Missions will be provided.

->The user needs to accept the mission to gain the rewards provided below.


Mission 1: Be named all-conference 1st team

Mission 2: Be named all-state 1st team

Mission 3: Lead the State in Receiving Yards

Mission 4: Lead the State in Receiving touchdowns

Mission 5: Win the State Semi- Finals

Mission 6: Win the State Championship

Mission 7: Be named California's Mr. Football

Mission 8: become the number 1 wide receiver in California



->Mission 1 completion reward: 250 FK points

->Mission 2 completion reward: 350 FK points

->Mission 3 completion reward: 500 FK points

->Mission 4 completion reward: 500 FK points

->Mission 5 completion reward : 500 FK points

->Mission 6 completion reward : 1000 FK points Month long Stamina Progress Coupon

->Mission 7 completion reward : 1000 FK points Month long Strength Progress Coupon

->Mission 8 completion reward : 1000 FK points Month long Speed Progress Coupon


->The mission is automatically accepted the user has no choice

Accept or Accept


->Punishment if none of the goals have been reached all stats will regress a letter grade.

[Note: The coupons do not give one month of work in an instant but instead accelerates the users progress in a particular area for a month]

'Wow but seriously no choice? Whatever I'll just update the system now before the first day of school tomorrow.'


The next morning, DJ woke up extra early, to stick to his routine. He worked out, showered, and ate breakfast, feeling ready for the day. After dressing in a Kobe Bryant graphic tee, joggers, and slides, he grabbed his keys and headed out to pick up Travis and Malik.

First, he swung by Travis's house. Travis stumbled out, still half-asleep, and climbed into the back seat.

"Morning, sunshine," DJ teased, glancing at him in the rearview mirror.

Travis yawned. "Man, why does school have to start so early? It's a cruel and unusual punishment."

Next, they picked up Malik, who was waiting

outside, looking just as tired but managing a grin as he climbed into the passenger seat.

"Ready to conquer the world?" DJ asked, turning the music up a notch.

"Barely ready to survive the day," Malik replied, rubbing his eyes. "But seriously, thanks for the ride, DJ. Can't stand the bus."

As they drove, they cracked jokes and talked about their summer, the upcoming football season, and their hopes for the year. Despite their grogginess, the car was filled with laughter.


School started at 8:30, and DJ navigated the

crowded halls to his first class. His schedule for the day included English, Math, and History, with Weightlifting third period. As he walked through the halls, he could feel people muttering and glancing at him, clearly remembering the incident that had landed him in juvie while some seemed to be surprisingly admiring him due to the scrimmage. DJ kept his head high though, not letting the whispers get to him.

By the time third period rolled around, DJ was

ready to hit the weights. The weightlifting room was buzzing with energy as the football team gathered. Coach Thompson was there, encouraging them as always.

"Alright, gentlemen," Coach Thompson

began, his voice booming. "Remember, if you wanna play on the field and make a difference you have to be champions in the weight room. Before we can be champions on the field all of you need to take this seriously whether it's those of you playing on Friday or the ones who will play in the future. You understand let's see that dedication today!"

DJ, Travis, and Malik worked hard, pushing each other to lift more and go further. The tension was palpable, and it felt good to be part of a team working toward a common goal.


Lunchtime was a welcome break, and DJ, Travis, and Malik found a spot with some of their friends from the basketball team. The

cafeteria was noisy, but their table was louder, filled with laughter and debate. Malik nudged DJ as they approached the table.

"Check it out, it's the dream team," Malik said, pointing to their friends from the basketball team.

There was Marcus, a tall, lanky forward with a

shaved head and a knack for telling outrageous stories. Next to him was Jalen,

a point guard with quick reflexes and the smartest guy we know. Finally, there was Andre, who was quiet but a really competitive shooting guard who rarely spoke unless he had something important to say.

"So, what's the craziest thing you guys would

do for a million dollars?" Malik asked as they sat down, sparking a lively discussion.

"I'd swim with sharks," Marcus said with a grin. "I'd even wear a meat suit."

"Man, that's nothing," Travis countered. "I'd take CTE willingly with my hands open like I'm Jesus."

Jalen laughed, shaking his head. "You guys

are crazy. I'd eat a Carolina reaper chip with no drink and dance in the school courtyard."

"Please, I'd streak through the principal's

office during a staff meeting," Andre said, surprising everyone with his contribution. The table went silent and then erupted in laughter.

The conversation then shifted to the eternal

debate: which sport was harder, football or basketball?

"Basketball, hands down," Marcus argued. "It's nonstop, no breaks like football."

"Yeah, but football is brutal," Malik shot back. "You ever been tackled by a 250-pound linebacker?"

DJ leaned back, watching the banter with a smile. "I think both sports are hard. But you gotta admit, football takes a lot of mental toughness too."

Jalen nodded thoughtfully. "True, true. Both do sports push you to your limits."

Then, the most critical discussion of all: the

best fast food place.

"Chick-fil-A, no contest, they can do no

wrong" DJ said looking unexpectedly serious, as took a bite of his sandwich.

"You're all wrong. It's Taco Bell," Travis insisted, pointing his fork for emphasis.

"Yeah if you wanna marry your toilet." Malik said while looking at Travis like he's crazy

"Nah, it's gotta be In-N-Out," Marcus said. "Best burgers on the planet."

"What about Popeyes?" Jalen threw in. "That chicken sandwich is fire."

"Overrated" Everyone said in Unison like it was obvious leaving Jalen speechless

"All of your opinions are invalid unless you say Chick-fil-A." DJ said while nodding and finishing his sandwich

The arguments continued, with everyone defending their favorites, making the lunch period fly by in a blur.


After school, it was time for practice. The team gathered in the locker room, where Coach Thompson handed out their new jerseys and pads. The away jersey were almost completely white with slight touches of teal, while the home jersey was mostly teal with touches of white. DJ had already planned his look for Friday's game: white wristbands, a compression shirt under his jersey, and two leg sleeves.

Once on the field, DJ and James quickly fell into a rhythm. Their connection was electric, and it showed in their performance.

In one drill, DJ ran a smooth post route. James launched the ball, and DJ reached up, snatching it out of the air despite tight coverage. He landed gracefully and sprinted for the end zone.

In another, DJ executed a perfect double move that faked going out towards the sideline before quickly transitioning to a post,

leaving the cornerback stumbling. James hit him in stride, and DJ made the catch look effortless, for a touchdown.

During a red zone drill, DJ faced off against two defenders who were unexpectedly underclassmen. He cut sharply to the left, then back to the right, creating just enough space to leap and catch the ball over both of them, landing in the end zone with a grin.

In the final drill, DJ practiced a deep route.

James threw a high, arching pass, and DJ tracked it over his shoulder, extending his arms and pulling it in for a toe dragging catch. The sideline erupted, and even Coach Thompson couldn't hide his smile.

After practice, DJ felt a sense of satisfaction.

He and James had been in perfect sync, and he knew they were ready for Friday's game.

As he drove Travis and Malik home, they were still buzzing from the day's practice.

"Man, you were on fire today, DJ," Malik

said. "We're definitely winning on Friday."

"Yeah, and I can't wait to see those new

jerseys in action," Travis added.

DJ smiled, feeling a sense of pride and anticipation. "Thanks, guys. Let's make this season one to remember."

Later that evening, DJ texted Brianna again.

DJ: "Practice was great today. Everything's coming together for Friday. How's your night?"

Brianna: "That's awesome to hear! My night's good, just finishing up some homework. Can't wait for the game!"

DJ: "Me too. It's going to be special, especially with you there."

Brianna: "I'm so excited! And my parents are looking forward to it too. They're really happy you invited us."

DJ: "I'm glad to hear that. Tell them I appreciate it. Sweet dreams, Bri. "

Brianna: "Goodnight, DJ. Sweet dreams. "

With a smile on his face, DJ put his phone away and got ready for bed, feeling grateful for the people in his life.