"Hi Son."

"Mr Daniel, I'm Jeremiah. I'm glad you agreed to join us. We hope to achieve the impossible by working together," The man said with a smile, and an outstretched hand.

Daniel smiled as he returned the handshake, and said;

"We will definitely achieve the impossible, Mr Jeremiah."

It has been more two months since he met Mr Silva and he has been taken care by him since then.

At first he thought that the old man's talk about making him a god, the whole talk about superpowers and whatnot was a bluff, but something changed his mind.

For the first time in his life, he saw something truly extraordinary. He met a Phenomenal in the flesh and one who could control lightning to his will.

At first, he thought it was just a magic trick but those thoughts were cleared when he saw other Phenomenals and with diverse superpowers.