new KK genkai

So after RJ's brother dies the the people who did it was punished for what they did and RJ went to his apartment to sleep but then he had a very bad dream and the dream he sees his brother dying and his mom dying and all of them are saying it is his fault and the dream his mother says RJ my son only if you was powerful you would have been able to protect me but you're weak you're not strong you are scrawny and in a dream his brother says only if you was strong enough you could have killed me from dying you kill the you could have pushed me out of the way with your weak you're very weak and when you woke up he was dressed and sweat and regret and he was very sad so to get rid of distress he goes on the walk he's just walking not knowing where he's going and getting lost but when he's walking he falls into this deep state of thought what if I unlocked my KK genkai I could have protected those I love but then he starts to walks home but then he sees these people training and he wants to get very strong so he went up to him and asked him could they help him train these people names were denarius and Jamal these people were training and it seems like they have similar powers to his family so when you asked him the train they said yes and then he asked on what clan are they from well they say that they're from reds and maggitt clan and then RJ says I am from the maggitt clan to and then they noticed that RJ looks like their cousin RJ and then they realize RJ you is our cousin RJ they said and then they said that they were sading at what happened to the yin and yang land and then RJ's is I live alone so can y'all let me stay with y'all since we're family they say yes since their sister sayt wouldn't mind so they tell him that he's going to start his training right now with shocks RJ but yeah they said first we going to see what you know and aspire match between you and Daenerys so both of them came into a fighting stance and then Jamal says fight and then Daenerys rushes towards RJ and then and a split second RJ uses tenketsu and when he uses this dojutsu he instantly moves out the way and he can see all of the nearest moves but he can't move out the way of the second one so he uses another ability that he learned before this called darkness and with this ability in the any shadows he can make yourself invincible not invincible but untouchable so denarius attack on strike on but then there is no how to counter this attack denarius uses light in this specific jumpsuit is very advanced so you just have to use hand signs and a spelespole to do this advanced jutsu and then light shines on RJ and he doesn't know what to do and he answer me gets punched and then they said now that we know what you can do it's time to see what is your sorse type well when they pulled out a piece of paper the paper burned for fire you got wet for water it got old for time he got disintegrated for lightning he got blew away for wind for like a time it glowed for darkness it turned completely black for illusion it may everybody see clowns around them for yin and Yang it broke off into two pieces one on being lightness and the other being darkness Jamal and Daenerys were amazed at all of the sorse rJ has so they walk home but before they do that they had to go to the ninja King and tell them that RJ would be staying with them and then you can approve but also shows remorse for our rj brother death