Are You Impulsive?

"You speak of yourself." Lin smiled helplessly.

Yao Jing crouched down, seriously looked at Lin Zhi.

That pair of beautiful eyes, actually let Lin Zhiming have a sense of inferiority.

'Why? Lin asked.

"You're an interesting person." Yao Jing stared at Lin Zhimin and said, "Scold my brother so merciless, but the help is not ambiguous at all."

"After all, that's my brother-in-law, too." Lin said as instructed.

"I really hope you treat Yao An not only as your brother-in-law, but also as my mother." Yao Jing said.

"No way." Lin shook his head.

'Why? Ms. Yao asked.

"Some things have been done, can not deny him because of our current relationship, how your mother to me I will always remember in mind, even if we fall in love one day in the future, have children, your mother is just your mother." Lin said as instructed.

"That kind of bearing should not be expected of a man of your position." Yao Jing said with a frown.

"I can't help it. That's how I am." Lin Zhiming shrugged his shoulders, expressing helplessness.

"I'm going to change the way you think about my mom, and that's what I'm going to work on!" Yao Jing said seriously.

Lin smiled, patted Yao Jing on the head and said, "This is a goal that can never be accomplished."

"I'm going to take a bath." Yao Jing stood up and said.

"Wash it up." Lin said as instructed.

"What do you want?" Yao Jing vigilant asked.

"I just want you to clean up, can't you not wash clean in the bath?" Hurry along." Lin Zhi said, waving his hand.

"Oooooo. By the way, I gave my mom $20,000 today to buy clothes for myself, my dad and my brother." Yao Jing said.

"HMMMM... You don't have to tell me everything, especially about money." Lin said as instructed.

"I don't know who secretly investigated me and then told me not to be a Fudi demon." Yao Jing rolled her eyes and said.

"I don't care what you spend, but I care what you do." Lin Zhi said seriously.

"Oh..." Yao Jing nodded and turned to enter the bathroom.

Before long, the sound of sprinkling water began.

The sound would be provocative music for any man.

Lin leaned back on the sofa, squinting slightly.

I do not know whether it is alcohol or what, his heart has a little faint restlessness.

Lin took a deep breath.

In the battlefield outside the region, he can experience a variety of beautiful objects temptation, but never shake the heart, now just hear the sound of Yao Jing bathing, the heart has been some instability, this Yao Jing... What a woman a man can't say no to.

Lin Zhi picked up his phone and opened wechat to divert his attention.

At the top of wechat is a message from a chat group called "Love One Family".

This wechat group is Yao Jing's home, Lin Zhiming is also in the group, at this time the group of people are chatting, Lin Zhiming looked at a few eyes, found that there is a new person in the group, the new wechat name is CY, the profile picture is Chu Ying's photo.

Needless to say, this person is Chu Ying.

Chu Ying was just pulled into the group, but also @Lin Zhimin.

"Lin knows his destiny? Brother in law, thank you for speaking for Ann!"

Lin Zhiming has no intention of chatting in the group, so he quit the group chat.

Just quit the group chat, Lin Zhimin saw a friend application.

Click on the friend application, Lin Zhi found that it was Chu Ying plus him.

"Brother in law, make a friend." Chu Ying's verification information shows this.

Lin Zhi was going to ignore, but suddenly remembered before Yao Jing said.

She hoped Lin would be more receptive to his family.

Although it is impossible to forgive Zhou Yanqiu, but for other Yao Jing family, Lin Zhimin is still willing to contact.

So Lin Zhimin chose to pass.

Just passed, Chu Ying sent a wronged expression over.

"(Wronged) brother-in-law, why don't you take care of others in the group!" Chu Ying said.

"It's something." Lin knew his order and replied.

"Are you talking to me about love? (Ambiguous) "Chu Ying asked.

"No." Lin knew his order and replied.

"Really, it can't be? A woman as beautiful as I am, a man would seize every moment to make out with her." Chu Ying said.

Lin Zhimin slightly frown, feel that the scale of what Chu Ying said has been some large, this kind of words if familiar with each other, that said a little nothing, but now just know not long, Chu Ying said this is a little irregular.

"..." Lin Zhi sent a few points over.

"Just kidding, brother, are you kidding? (Poor) "Chu Ying asked.

"No." Lin knows the order to return.

"That's good! Brother brother, thank you for today's things oh, my father said, brother brother you are a great person, brother husband you are only twenty years old this year to have such achievements, it is very powerful, more rare is that you are so handsome, sister is really a blessing to marry you!" Chu Ying said.

"HMM." Lin knows the order to return.

Lin Zhimin such a cold attitude, it seems that Chu Ying some can not find the topic, so then for a long time Chu Ying did not return to the news.

At this time, Yao Jing took a bath and went to the living room.

"Do you want a bath?" Ms. Yao asked.

"HMMM! Lin nodded, put his phone aside, and then got up and walked into the bathroom.

The bathroom was warm and fragrant.

Lin Zhimei looked at the foot side, the foot side is Yao Jing? The changed clothes, although dirty clothes, but folded very well.

Suddenly, a cockroach got into Yao Jing's clothes.

Lin Zhimin slightly frown, crouched down to pick up Yao Jing's clothes.

"Knowing your destiny, shower gel is like... What are you doing? " Yao Jing stood at the door of the bathroom and looked at Lin Zhiming with astonishment.

At this time, Lin Zhi life, is squatting on the ground with her underwear.

The scene is awkward, like the behavior of some idiot.

"I saw a cockroach get into your clothes." Lin Zhi orders explained.

"Cockroaches? It's autumn. Are there any cockroaches?" Yao Jing doubts asked.

"Yes." Lin Zhi hurriedly picked up Yao Jing's other clothes.

Suddenly, a black object fell to the ground from inside Yao Jing's clothes.

This thing was wrapped in Yao Jing's clothes before, so Lin Zhimin did not know.

When the thing fell, Yao Jing's face changed.

Lin's face also changed.

Although Lin Zhimin on weekdays did not see this thing in the place of drying clothes on the balcony, but it is washed after all, and at this time, this thing is just changed from Yao Jing's body.

Lin saw the familiar lace clearly...

Yao Jing quickly crouched down and picked it up and hid it behind her.

"I... Not on purpose." Lin Zhi fate awkwardly said.

"Cockroach... What about cockroaches?" Yao Jing some face red, change the topic asked.

"I just climbed in, I don't know why I lost it." Lin Zhi said, embarrassed to put down the clothes in the hand.

"You... Take a bath." Yao Jing said, turning red and walking out of the bathroom.

"No, I don't know." Lin Zhi Zhi embarrassing scratched his head, he just clearly saw the cockroach climbed into Yao Jing's clothes, how suddenly no?

Lin Zhimin and Yao Jing married for four years, has never appeared such a charming scene, which makes Lin Zhimin incomparable embarrassment.

"My own wife's clothes, I'm embarrassed!" Lin Zhimin gave himself two ears in the face, the distress in my heart just slightly relieved, after Lin Zhimin went into the bathroom to take a bath.

After taking a bath, Yao Jing is blowing her hair in the room.

Lin Zhi wanted to say hello to Yao Jing, but dont know how, feel in the heart or some awkward, so dont say hello, walked back to the living room.

In the living room, Lin Zhiming's mobile phone screen is lit.

Lin Zhiming picked up the phone and looked at it, there were seven or eight messages, all of which were sent by Chu Ying.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing?"

"Brother-in-law, where is he?"

"Brother-in-law? "


"Are you there?

"What are you doing?"

Lin Zhimin already had some mood depression, now see Chu Ying so much news, the mood is even worse, he opened these messages, and then quit the chat box.

Did not think, this time Chu Ying sent a message to come.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing? I'm so bored."

Lin Zhimei frowned, opened the chat box and replied, "Something is wrong."

"Is there something with my sister? (Obscene) "Chu Ying replied.

"Digging your ancestral grave." Lin knew his order and replied.

"..." This time it was Chu Yingfa's turn to give Lin a long string of points.

Lin Zhi put down his phone, closed his eyes and began meditating.

But do not know how, Lin Zhimin this time is difficult to enter the state.

At this time, Yao Jing returned to the living room after blowing her hair.

Yao Jing wore a little too much at night, wearing a T-shirt on the upper body and trousers on the lower body.

"Why aren't you wearing pajamas?" Lin asked.

"Put it on later." Yao Jing said, sitting opposite Lin Zhimin, looking at Lin Zhimin.

"Look at what?" Lin asked.

"I ask you something, and you must answer me honestly!" Yao Jing said.

"Well, you say."

"We've been married four years... You're a normal guy, too. For four years, you... Have you ever felt the urge?" Yao Jing asked quietly.

"..." Lin knows no words, Yao Jing will ask this question, it must be because of what he did in the bathroom just now.

"It was a misunderstanding." Lin said as instructed.

"I'm not because of that... It's just that I'm always curious." Yao Jing said.

"Oh..." Lin informed him and said nothing.

"Is there? Ms. Yao asked.

"Do you think that, in the face of a wife as beautiful as you, every day and night together, there is any man who will not be impulsive?" Lin asked.

"You mean... Have you?" Ms. Yao asked.

Lin nodded his head.

"That... How do you solve them?" Yao Jing asked carefully.

"Go out and spend 68, and everything will be solved." Lin said with a smile.

"You... Go whoring? " Yao Jing asked in surprise.

"Or what? My wife looks so beautiful, but I can't move her, there is an impulse not to go out to find someone to solve, do you come? I am twenty-eight years old." Lin Zhi orders seriously said.
