Anata Nashide Wa Ikiteikenai!: I Can't Live Without You!

Chapter 16: Part One!

Fast forward a couple days and Ayane seemed a lot happier. More happy than what she pretended to be, that's for sure. Because of the things she said a few days prior to now, Himura would visit almost every day. Unless she had important work to do, but even then she'd still find time to hang out with her little sister, and her friend, Sora. One particular afternoon would change when Ayane busted through the doors of Sora's room at seven o' three A.M. Ayane quickly pounced onto the bed in which Sora lazed or slept.


"H-Huh ouch Ayane what's going on..?" Sora wakes up as Ayane moves out of the way. 

Sora turns on the light to see Ayane sitting at the end of her bed. 


"Yes..? What's going on..?" Ayane giggled before responding. 


Sora instantly snapped awake when she heard the sudden news. "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY?!" Sora repeated. 

"Mhm!" Ayane responded, Sora felt bad.

"But I didn't get you anything.."

"That's fine!"

"No it isn't you deserve something special..! What's today?.."

"Saturda— No wait, Friday! Yes, today's Friday!" Sora shot a quick side eye at Ayane and laughed a little.

"You don't know what day of the week your birthday's on?.."

"It's confusing ok!" 

Ayane gave Sora a pouty and stubborn aura. Sora continued to laugh. Sora got out of bed and Ayane followed her out of the room and into the kitchen. Sora grabbed a cup and turned on the faucet, and ran some cold water. Sora walked back into her room.

"Alright you stay right here okay I'm going to brush my teeth and shower.. And you should do the same stinky..!" 

Ayane and Sora both giggled at her joke. 

"Alright Sora, have a nice shower, I'm gonna head to my room and take mine too!"

"Okay enjoy yours too okay..?"

As Ayane walked away from Sora and to her bedroom on the opposite side of the hall, Ayane responded with an "I will!", and then closed her door. After their showers they walked out of their rooms in unison, Ayane seeming extremely elated. Ayane got a ring from her phone that was on the couch, she ran over to her phone to see it was a text from Himura. 

"Hey sis I'll be there a little bit sooner I have to turn in some papers to my new novel to my boss! I'll be right over I promise! I love you, have fun!" 

"Was it a text from Himura, Ayane?.."

"Yeah it was, she said she'll be here a bit later because she has writing stuff to take care of!" 

"Must be nice.. I always wanted to become an author.."

"Hey you're in college here with me! It's still possible ya know!" 

"Yeah but getting there is a journey Ayane.." 

"And I'm willing to follow you on that journey no matter what it takes." Sora seemed shocked, then started blushing. She thought about what she said to Ayane a few days prior. 

"Thank you Ayane. I really appreciate it.."

"No problem Sora!" 

"Just like you said to me a few days ago, I'll always be here for you!" Ayane giggles. Sora thought Ayane looked absolutely stunning with damp hair. Ayane thought the same, but about Sora. 

Fast forward and they were in a mall, the two of them. Ayane and Sora, alone together. Surrounded by couples, friend groups, or just people casually strolling through the halls with headphones in. Sora and Ayane look at each other. Ayane looks back into the distance of the mall, while Sora takes out her wallet and looks inside to see… Nothing. 

"Oh God, I'm flat out broke…" Sora thought, as she quickly put her wallet back in her pocket. 

"The lights are so pretty, Sora!"

"Oh? The light's huh..? Yeah I suppose so."

"Are you okay Sora? You seem upset.." 

"Oh no yeah I'm fine.."

"Alright if you say so!" Ayane runs in front of Sora and spins around laughing. Sora watches her prance around in awe. 

"What a gorgeous sight.." Sora said, with a look of happiness. 

"Did you say something Sora?" Ayane turned around to look at Sora. Only to see she was just staring at her with a look of admiration. Ayane felt her face from her ears turn a deep crimson.

"Oh no no.. nothing.." Sora said nervously. 

Ayane tilted her head in confusion. "Ok just making sure Sora," Ayane shoot's Sora a big smile. It felt Sora with warmth and love. It's funny what one smile can change isn't it? Sora was snapped out of her day dreaming process by the brown haired girl. 

"Sora! Look over there!" Just then, after saying those words Ayane quickly snatched Sora's wrist and dragged her over to a teddy bear shop. When they walked in Sora felt her heart drop to her stomach. As they walked inside, Ayane, being Ayane, was pointing at all the cute ones. Sora was watching her do all this, and she was watching her wallet not filling up with any money whatsoever. Sora felt dramatic tears sink down her face. Ayane stops in front of a sky blue bunny, with the same hair as Sora's. She stared at it as if she were in satisfaction with what she laid her eyes upon.

"Can I have this one Sora!?"

"Ayane I–"

Just then, Ayane interrupted Sora. She made an adorable set of puppy eyes, extremely unable to resist. Sora was falling weak to the pair of eyes she had been given by Ayane, but it wasn't because of the eyes; She adored Ayane with all the fire in her being. So! Sora let out a long brief sigh, after her stomach unknotted itself. 

"Fine Fine.. okay you can have ONE! But just one.."

"YAY!!" Ayane swiftly jumped at the blue stuffed bunny. Ayane then turned around to Sora and held the plushy out in front of her.

"You want that one..?"

"Yes! Buy me this one please!"

"Alright.. But why do you want that one..?"

"Huh..? Hmm.." Ayane thinks for a moment before letting her words run free.

"I guess it kinda reminds me of you in a way!" Ayane smiled after that statement.

Sora gave a split second of visual surprise. Ayane smiled with her eyes closed. Sora then spoke.

"Why does it remind you of me?.."

"Well you have blue hair, and the bunny's fur is blue. It'll be like cuddling with you!—"

Sora and Ayane stare at each other for a bit after Ayane gets done stating her claim. Ayane's face goes red, Sora's face does too after a bit, but it isn't as red as Ayane's.

"I-I'm sorry I can't believe I—"

"It's okay Ayane I know what you meant.." Sora shoots her a smile. Ayane smiles back.

"Alright! Shall we go, Sora?"

"Oh yes of course.."

Just then Sora takes a step forward and passes out standing up. Ayane turns around and is taken aback by what's happening. Everyone in the mall stared at the two of them. Ayane approached Sora and tried to wake her up. Ayane tapped Sora on the shoulder gently, and to Ayane's surprise she didn't wake up. She tapped a bit harder this time, and Sora jolted awake. 

"Ah!?.. Oh.. It's you.. Ayane.. I'm so sorry.."

"Stop apologizing. It isn't your fault!" Ayane smiles at Sora. Ayane's smiles always make Sora feel whole. Sora smiles back. 

"Where would you like to go, Sora?" 

"I feel like I should be asking you..?" Sora says with uncertainty.

"Hmmm.." After a moment, Sora's stomach makes a deep rumbling sound. 

Ayane giggles. "Your stomach growled, Sora?"

"Y-Yeah but only a little.. I'll be fine.." A sweat bead from Sora's forehead glides down. 

"No nuh uh! We're gonna go eat, let's go!" 

"Wait Ayane I— Woah..!" Just then Sora was taken by the wrist again by Ayane. She drags Sora by the wrist while laughing and giggling while soaring at high speeds as they were dashing through halls and past people to the food court. Sora was really enjoying that Ayane was having fun. That's all she cared about.