Chapter 3 Is That My Stick?

Have you ever wondered why the moon is so beautiful? It's enchanting, luring my eyes to it, just like an idol on TV. It shyly hides behind the clouds, humph... My mom forgot to close the window again. But it was fine, it was perfect.

*plap *plap *plap *plap *pant *pant .....

Except for those freaking noises!! I can't stand it! What the hell are those two doing? It's like they're going at it like rabbits! Don't get me wrong, it's not the first time I've heard this, but recently, they've been at it almost every day. Why? Are they that stressed? I don't think I've been a troublesome baby, as far as I remember...

*plap *plap *plap *plap *pant *pant .....


.. F*@#%@CKKK

I need to do something about them. Before I go on, let me tell you something: it's not a big deal, but I can walk now. So that helps me. Maybe I'm already a year old or more? This makes it easier to catch them off guard.

All right..the plan is simple... I will directly barge into their room and act like hear some sound while they are having sex .....and done...I knew that it was pretty awkward if your child suddenly barged into your room when you having fun ... so I'm hoping they understand that...humph.. simple enough...

let's do it!

Immediately I step down from my bed, using my trusty blanket to slide down smooth like butter. The sensation is easy and familiar. I glance at the door – is it too tall? Nah, in our modest home, nothing is particularly grand except maybe the bathroom. The door there doesn't even exist; instead, a curtain hangs, offering the only semblance of privacy. I easily pass by it, feeling the soft fabric brush against me.

Their room is just beside mine. It takes me no time to arrive at the doorway, marked only by another curtain. I hesitate, the sounds from the other side growing louder. My mother's voice, mixed with other noises, filters through the fabric barrier. It's unmistakable, what they're doing. I stand there, caught between the curiosity that led me here and the discomfort of intruding on their private moment.

I had never seen two women having sex before, and I couldn't help but peek. Of course, I could see them clearly; the light was still on, and I was in shock at what I saw. It was nothing like I had imagined. I had thought it would be something more like eating each other, like what I'd seen women do in porn. Though I spent most of the last year in the hospital in my previous life, porn was something I watched regularly alongside novels. I had stumbled across girl-on-girl scenes by accident before, and they were always boring to me.

But THIS...what I was seeing was entirely different.

My birth mother was on all fours, and my other mother was moving her waist from behind. I wiped my eyes, thinking maybe I was seeing things. Why did it look like my mother was stabbing my birth mother with a stick? I wiped my eyes again, trying to make sure it was my mother and not some man, fearing they might be having an affair.

But after a few moments, I was sure. It was definitely my mothers. Both of them.

I started questioning everything. Was it a toy? Or was there something I didn't know about my mothers? Was one of them actually my father? That couldn't be right—they both had breasts. Confusion and curiosity overwhelmed me. Before I knew it, I had stepped closer, right beside them.

" W-..Agatha ! ? what are you doing here ! ? ...arg- " 

I don't know either because she is already at the peak of pleasure or the thrill of having been caught by her daughter.. but her stick ..the stick that I stare at really menacingly starts to burst with white liquid.. some of the liquid ends up on top of my head... I wipe and smell it .. it smells just like sperm... 

"Martha... I thought you said she was already asleep," she said, hastily wiping her stick with any nearby clothes and hurrying to pull her pants on.

"I did?" Martha's voice trailed off uncertainly.

hmph... I think you are just too horny my dear mother...You didn't notice whether I was asleep or not because I was simply quiet. Look at you now, lying on your belly with a relaxed expression on your face, without a single thread of clothing. Do you have no shame!?

"Sigh... Come on, baby. Let's go take a bath with me. Leave your mama for now..." 

my other mother, Angela is her name by the way and as you know my birth mother's name is Martha... in no time, I'm already in the bathroom...She started undressing me, then she undressed herself... you know it is my first time having a bath with her fully naked... usually, it was only me the naked one..but now she is finally nude too..maybe because I've already seen it so it's fine? and of course, I'm still staring at her crotch no question about it, I look down at my crotch ... I found nothing... I look at her crotch.. isn't that supposed to be mine ??

"You will understand when you're older... or I will explain it to you later when you're older."

Of course, Angela noticed what I was doing. And I think I already know what's happening here. You, Angela... are my father but you're secretly transgender, so you changed your gender. But why did you leave your penis behind? Or maybe it's the other way around—you are a girl but wanted to be a man, so you had surgery. But then how did Martha get pregnant? Are we not related by blood?

this....make my head hurt... I need to rest .. think tomorrow.. yeah...

and I succumb to sleep


Looking at her daughter's sleepy eyes in the bath, Angela couldn't help but shake her head. She also couldn't help but curse her lover for how careless she could be, though she knew Martha was always like that. It wasn't a big deal anyway, but it certainly made things awkward. Angela cursed again, remembering how Martha fell asleep after it was done.

After they finished washing, Angela lifted her daughter back to her room, dressed her in small pajamas with a banana picture, and laid her down. She put a blanket over her and smiled lightly.

"Good night baby.." 

she kissed her daughter's cheeks and back to her own room .. Martha was still there on her belly, and her back was exposed.

"Sigh... let's just talk tomorrow, then," Angela muttered.

In the end, she lay down behind Martha, wrapped her arms around her, and hugged her from behind, following her family to the realm of dreams.