Chapter 7 Fun

*Ring-ring ring ~

"Alright, that's the bell. Don't forget to copy this into your textbook and learn it. See you tomorrow." With that, she left the class.

"Fiuhh... school is always tiring on the brain," I thought to myself. As we started cleaning our desks and putting all our books into our bags, I heard Corey's voice from behind.

"Agatha, want to go to that place again?" Corey asked. She sat behind me in class, which was quite unlucky for others because she was pretty smart if you know what I mean.

"That place..? Do you have money?" I responded.

"Plenty... you coming?" Corey asked with a playful grin.

"Of course, you rich girl," I replied with a smirk, not one to refuse our dearest Corey's invitation. I grinned at her.

"As long as you pay, I'll follow you to the end of the world, my darling."

"Ugh! That's gross," she responded, making a face.

Really? I thought it was cute. I am cute, right?

"Anyway, let's go. Thank God we don't have homework, so we have more time," she added.

"Certainly, but as smart as you are, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't take long to finish all of your homework," I teased.

"...True," she admitted.


"You really want a punch, huh?" I thought, with a smile.

We walked outside the class, passing the busy hallways and the running students. We chatted a bit, and it didn't take too long until we reached Corey's bike. As always, I sat on the back while she drove. Now that I think about it...

"I've been wondering, are we even allowed to drive this?" I questioned her.

"Of course not," she replied.

"... Hah."

"Why are you surprised? We're not adults yet. However, this electric bike is more like a bicycle than a motorcycle, so the government makes an exception. Also, this bike isn't that fast and will never be fast."

"I see," I replied.

That makes sense...

"Though, I told my mother to modify the bike so it can run fast," she added.




"Isn't that kinda illegal?" I asked.

"It is... but what can the police do when they don't know about it? Also, we're not in the central city, so it's fine," she mentioned. Kinda true—we live in a quieter part of the city, not as crowded as the center, but it's still a city.

"And here we are!"

As we talked, we had already arrived at our destination. In front of me was a big building with four floors and a fancy billboard on top. Many people were going in and out of the building with their families or friends. This is one of the biggest buildings in our city. "Touch the World" was carved on the front of the building. It's a shopping mall.

It's the grandest building I've ever seen in my life. I've been here many times, mostly with Corey, not my family. I don't mind that, though my parents always feel sorry whenever I talk about my trips here with Corey. They say they can't bring me here as often, but hey, I've never asked for anything. I'm already aware of our situation. Sure, I'm a bit jealous of those who can afford nice dresses and other things, but no matter—I'm happy with the way I live now.

Flick Flick

"You're doing it again, Agatha... Come on..."

While I was daydreaming, Corey snapped her fingers to wake me up. I guess I'm still the same, so I just apologized and followed her inside.

As we stepped inside the mall, our destination was on the third floor. We took the elevator. There weren't a lot of students wandering around, actually. Most of them had already changed clothes, unlike us in our uniforms.

On the third floor, we finally saw dozens of teenagers shouting, running, and playing. Yup, it's the game center. There's a reason why this place is almost always crowded—every game here is free. Of course, there are rules: free games for anyone below 15. It's a pretty interesting concept. Charm the children, and you can charm their parents.

There are multiple types of games here: shooting, fighting, racing, sports. However, we weren't here for those. As we strolled past the main area, we arrived at a spacious ground with music in the background and only a few teens around. It was the dancing ground.

Did I tell you that I like to dance? I like to dance, Corey likes to dance, and everyone likes to dance. But not everyone knows how to play a rhythm game. Furthermore, it costs stamina and makes you sweat. That's also the reason why we didn't change—our uniforms were already sweaty, so we might as well make them wetter. If you're wondering about our skirts, don't worry. We folded them up to our bellies, so the tips of our skirts only reach our knees.

"The winner can pick the flavor of our ice cream later... dare?" she asked me, raising her eyebrow.

"Deal," I replied. I wasn't confident, I just wanted to play.

We became engrossed in our game as the teens around us started watching, which we didn't notice. But I didn't mind that, or rather, I didn't care.

An hour passed by, and we were drenched in sweat from the dance. In the end, I lost the game, which I didn't care about.

"As expected... I lost..." I panted.

"Ten thousand... early... for you..." she replied, equally exhausted.

We leaned against the wall to catch our breath for a while before heading back to the first floor where the ice cream shop was located. In front of the shop, Corey ordered two strawberry-flavored ice creams for both of us. Not expensive, but still a bit costly for me.

We sat at the prepared seats in the shop and savored the ice cream. What? Did you think she was going to order a weird-flavored ice cream for me? Oh please, that would be a childish and horrible joke. I don't hate strawberries; we just have different tastes.


It's tasty...

It's good...

As good as the memories I made today