Chapter 4

 There was actually such a handsome man under the sky. She had really seen it today. But why did his expression suddenly become very unnatural when she talked about wild dogs?

 Whatever. This was her last night of erotic encounters before she was forced to get married; even if she only looked at this handsome man, she still felt so happy. Jennifer just had to think that she would have to face an ugly older man tomorrow; the disgusting feeling made her very uncomfortable.

 "The corners of your mouth are drooling, miss." The man reminded her and wiped it away with long, beautiful fingers as he pulled a handkerchief from his bag.

 Jennifer's heart began to race. Amazingly, she could come across such a good thing for running away. Her earlier troubles were long forgotten, and Jennifer stammered. "Thank you!"

 "You're welcome!" The man smiled elegantly while still holding the spit-covered handkerchief in his hand. Just when Jennifer was puzzled, the man wiped the saliva on the handkerchief directly onto her clothes.

 All the good feelings she had just had disappeared. Jennifer yelled, "Sir, what the hell are you trying to do? How can you wipe such a disgusting thing onto my clothes?!" That handkerchief was now actually thrown over her shoulder by him. Asshole!

 The man laughed even more freely because of Jennifer's exasperation, "Didn't you see what the wild dog chasing you looked like? How dare you drool at the sight of a wild dog? Don't you think you're too low even for that?" The man said thoughtfully.

 Why did this man keep mentioning "wild dogs"? Jennifer tilted her head, stared at the handkerchief on her shoulder, and said in disgust, "If you're the owner of the car, just say so, okay? Why are you cursing?" But he's running slowly, is he?

 The man wrapped his hands around his chest and said with a smile, "Miss, you're the one who cursed the wild dog, not me, and you're the one who stared at me and drooled. Also, after doing something wrong, please don't think you can get away with it later! Have you not noticed that others are driving while you are walking?" He really didn't know what to say to this foolish woman. He still managed to get ahead of her without driving.

 "But you weren't driving!" she emphasized. If he really was driving after her, how could she possibly ignore the sound of a car engine behind her? That surprised her, though. "How were you able to catch up with me? How come you can catch up with me without having to drive?" This man couldn't be a ghost. Jennifer looked at the dimly lit stretch of road and started to get scared inside.

 "Apologize!" The man said earnestly, sticking his hands in his pants pockets. He didn't feel particularly handsome with his arms wrapped around his chest. And, I'm afraid he'd have to teach the woman in front of him a lesson because he could tell she had no intention of apologizing.

 Jennifer knew she was at a disadvantage, and it was actually true that she was in the wrong. But the dirty handkerchief she wore had angered her so much that she had no intention of apologizing. "Don't! We're even!" She stared at the handkerchief once again, signaling that he had already done the retaliating thing, and there was no need for her to say anything sorry.

 The corners of the man's mouth lifted in an evil smile that showed his anger. Anyone who knew him well knew he was definitely not someone to be messed with, "Are you sure we're even?"