Chapter 11

Biting her lip angrily, she surveyed the surroundings. The room was furnished with a wool carpet, luxurious modern amenities, a large plasma TV, and speakers standing on either side of it. There was a bar area as well. The TV faced an oversized sofa that could be used for sitting or lying down. By the window, there was a desk, likely placed there because the person who used the room had a habit of staying up late.

The dressing table in the corner seemed somewhat out of place; it clashed with the otherwise masculine decor of the room. Perhaps Master William had it moved there recently.

Thinking of Sophie waiting downstairs, she hurriedly took a casual outfit from the wardrobe and went to the bathroom to wash off the alcohol on her body before changing into the clothes. The quality of the clothes in a wealthy household was indeed different; even the casual wear was exceptionally comfortable and soft against the skin.

When she got downstairs, Sophie and Grace were already waiting by the dining table. Jennifer said, "Please sit down. You don't have to wait for me."

"Madam, we can't dine at the same table as you," Grace said with a pout, clearly showing her disdain for Jennifer's rustic habits. "Master will be back from Taipei tonight, but it will be very late. The master has instructed that you don't need to wait for him."

Did Grace mean that they would be sharing a room tonight? Even though they were legally married, how could they share a room without a wedding ceremony? "Our wedding hasn't been held yet," she said. Besides, she didn't even know what he looked like.

Sophie seemed a bit regretful, even sympathetic, and couldn't bring herself to say the words she had prepared. She glanced at Grace, signaling her to continue.

Grace's expression remained unchanged as she said, "Madam has instructed that there will be no wedding ceremony for you and Master. It will be kept simple."

Jennifer paused for a moment with her knife and fork in hand, losing her appetite. No wedding ceremony? They really were just going through the motions. It seemed Mrs. Sophia's dislike for her was deep enough. She wondered how difficult her future days would be. She had to endure it, at least until she could get a divorce. After a year or two, she didn't believe the Anderson family would still have grounds to accuse her of a sham marriage.

With a decision made in her heart, it didn't feel as bad. But thinking about the night, which could be considered their wedding night, she wondered how she would face her husband, whom she had never met.

"Madam, Mrs. Sophia said that every morning you must wait on Master and Madam as they get up and serve them breakfast. During the day, you should not leave the estate without informing Mrs. Sophia," Sophie said, watching Jennifer's expression. Few people could tolerate such conditions. Poor girl.

Everyone knew that the Anderson family didn't have such rules, and Master and Madam had long settled abroad. They hadn't planned to stay long this time, but their plans changed because of the sudden arrival of the new madam. If Mrs. Sophia was so harsh on her, why did she let her into the family in the first place? The affairs of wealthy families were always hard to fathom.

Jennifer smiled wryly, "I understand." She had long known that her mother-in-law wouldn't make her life easy. She would have to be extra careful in the future, or things would be even more difficult than she imagined.

For some reason, the day passed especially quickly. Jennifer hadn't even had a chance to properly look around the surroundings before it was already night. Perhaps it was due to nerves or fear, but she spent her first day at Blood Covenant Manor in a daze.