Chapter 21

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Lord William was trembling with anger. The more this woman spoke, the more unbearable it became. Even if he had wronged her in the past, she shouldn't be so excessive!

"If I'm not talking nonsense, you'd better not interfere with how I teach my daughter-in-law! Don't forget what you told me: Jennifer could enter this house, but how I mold her into the perfect daughter-in-law is none of your concern! If you want me to reveal..." The rest of Mrs. Sofia's words trailed off as she squinted her eyes, glaring at Lord William. If he didn't want people to know what he had done, he better keep his mouth shut!

Lord William had no choice but to get up and leave in frustration. "David, you handle your own wife!" He was powerless. He could be authoritative with everyone else, but not with Sofia.