Chapter 29

"Most women have a love-hate relationship with me; those who claim to hate me are often infatuated, wishing they could get into my bed and never leave. You should consider yourself lucky to be lying on this bed that many women envy," David said with an evil grin. The angrier she got, the better his mood became. How could he let a woman who had plotted against him have an easy time?

David's words grew increasingly harsh, making Jennifer, who had always prided herself on her self-esteem, unable to say a word. She glared at him fiercely, but her tears fell uncontrollably.

Are women's tears the nemesis of men? Otherwise, why did he feel unable to continue when he saw her cry? He wanted to reach out and wipe her tears, but his hand lingered on her waist, unable to move. Just moments ago, he had mocked her in every way, and now he was showing her pity; it was simply too hypocritical.