

Lee Ji-hoon touched the wall of the cave. The chill of the cold cave was passed down by hand. 

'There's no rebar inside.'

As expected. This is where I dug a cave that was originally on an island. A cave that can never be made with a small force. Lee Jihoon thought this drug gang was unusual. 

Unfortunately, there is no CCTV. He slowly entered the cave by boosting his five senses with bioelectricity. I hear a low noise somewhere in the distance. It is living noise. It advances along the dim cave wall. 

The dim light of the light shines in front of it. The coolness of the cool sea reached Lee Ji-hoon's hand through the cave. It moves forward slowly. 

There's a questionable door. It's like...

'It's like a door to a bomb shelter.'

Air defence to prepare for enemy air strikes during the war. Drug gangs had their place in such places. I hear faint noise over the wall. I decided to let it go for now. 

The current section is in a straight line, so there is no place to avoid. It would be better to go a little further and find a large space. 

Lee Ji-hoon ran fast. As you go a little further, you will find a big square. Cave is dug up so that you can move to various places from there. 

"Where are you going?"

First of all, we need to figure out what they are doing here. At this point, it was speculated that this place had a different purpose than simply a stopover for receiving and transporting drugs from abroad. 

"If you get drugs coming from China or North Korea, you don't have to put this much effort into it. It's all you need to do when you secretly contact them and get the goods."

Where are you going. 

The square was wide. It seemed like a halfway point leading to various places. There were eight paths to get there. It is difficult to choose immediately because there are many options. 

Lee Ji-hoon was close to the wall for now. He enhances hearing to the extreme. I could hear sounds but was blocked by thick firewalls, so I couldn't hear exactly what he was talking about. 


The door opens somewhere. Lee Ji-hoon lowered himself and focused on the sound. 

"Oh, it's nice to go out on a lot of stuff, but the work is so hard."

"My back is going to break. But things fall out easily, so I'm going to have a lot of money."

"I heard there's also an inquiry from China."

"As expected, the product is good."

They giggled and closed the door. The two, who were talking, walked somewhere. 

Lee Ji-hoon seriously heard the story and frowned. 

"Are you making drugs?"

These facilities are also acceptable if it is a workshop that is made rather than an intermediate trading site. There is an incentive to make it this hard, but if the island is renovated so blatantly, the government will also be exposed. 

Lee Ji-hoon, with his complicated head, approached the room from the room. He listened. There is no sound inside. Lee Ji-hoon carefully opened the door. In his hand, he holds a 100-won coin that he took out of his pocket. 

It was a plan to shoot someone inside and knock him out. 

There was no one inside. It was closed. There was a clean chemical laboratory. The ventilation system was well established, so I was trying to take out the murky air. The unpleasant smell remains in the air, maybe because of the experiment just before. 

Various experimental tools are lined up on the table. Lee Ji-hoon is not familiar with such things, but at least he has the eye to see what things are made in Geck. 

The produced white powder is stored in a large container. Are you thinking of transferring this to a zipper bag later? I took out my smartphone and took a picture. It was my plan to show this to Minjun. 

Lee Ji-hoon looked around and was sure. 

'They didn't bring drugs from abroad. They're made here and supplied domestically. If you look at the production volume, it doesn't mean that the amount they make here is great. That means...···'

It's not accurate. It's just a guess. It's a guess I thought of because the amount of drugs there isn't that much. 

'There could be other production plants.'

They are the ones who make goods with such facilities on uninhabited islands in the West Sea. They are located in the South Sea, in the mountains of Gangwon Province, somewhere in the middle of Seoul in severe weather. They are so easy to find out what they will do and where they will be. 

Lee Ji-hoon thought for a while about how to deal with this place. I think it would be right to burn it, but I was worried about what to do. Because we have to escape. 



The door at the back of Lee Ji-hoon, who was agonizing, shook with a thud. This is a signal that someone is coming in. Surprised, Lee Ji-hoon strengthened his body and hid himself in a dark place in the laboratory like lightning. If it were a regular building, it would have stuck to the ceiling like a spider human. 


The door of the heavy bomb shelter opens and a man in a white gown comes in. Scratching his messy head. Dandruff is flying. A bearded beard rises randomly as he hasn't shaved for how long. 

"There you go, Chet."

As he approached the experiment table, he picked up a cigarette that was there. I was going to have a late-night snack and smoke, but I guess I don't have a cigarette in my pocket. 

As a result, he had a bumpy face when he went back to the restaurant. However, he was annoyed because he couldn't blame anyone. 

"You said if you have a bad head, your body will suffer."

He kicked his tongue and put a cigarette in his pocket. He tries to go out again. But, 



The door closes on its own. The man's heart falls down. 


The man recalled a chemist-like existence. I got goosebumps all over my body. My pupils widened and recoiled back. The experiment table touches his waist. Breathing becomes rough in fear. 



A person popped up in front of him. Tall and hoodie. Face covered with a mask. I can't tell who it is. He grabs him hard by the neck with a terrible grip. 

Oh my god!

I'm choking on my own. I'm scared. 

The man was about to pee. 

"What do you do here?"

This is his question. His voice is rough. It makes people uncomfortable. He changed his voice by manipulating his vocal cords with bioelectricity, but he didn't know that. 

"Hey, this is...····· night fog. This is where you make night fog."

Is it the name of night fog? 

"Are there more factories than here?"

"Yes, yes, I do. I export and I'm busy these days. I don't know where. I don't know!"

He confessed that he didn't even ask if he was confused by fear. He wanted to get out of Lee Ji-hoon's hands as soon as possible. It was possible because Lee Ji-hoon's hand wearing leather gloves felt like the front paws of an abhorrent monster. 

"How many people are here?"

"There are 20 people! There are 6 people who use heads and fists, and there are cooks, sailors, and some people who make it like me, and there are miscellaneous tasks. Yes, yes."

Shaking, Lee replied quickly. Lee Ji-hoon thought cool-headedly. 

I'll have to kill all 20 people here

I don't know if it's worth living for them. 



The man in the gown was distracted by the intense electric shock. The blue electricity wriggled from Lee Ji-hoon's hand like a living snake. 

He held up the faint man and took his hand around his heart. 

As the surroundings brightened, a powerful electric current struck the man's heart. 


Now he can't open his eyes again. It was a shame he couldn't cause more pain, but he's come to a proper end. Whether he's simply for money or he wants to destroy the world. The motivation doesn't matter. Anyway, he produced and supplied drugs. 

Someone may curse Lee Ji-hoon. 

Wouldn't it be too much to kill the people who make the war just because it's brutalized by guns and missiles? Isn't it wrong that the people who used it acted maliciously?

Lee Ji-hoon is not doing this to argue with such a dog. In time to argue with such a human being, Lee Ji-hoon will only kill one more man. 

Lee Ji-hoon hid the dead man's body under the table. 

A total of 20 people were said to be on this suspicious island, so now there are 19 left. 



Messy burps come out of my mouth. No one cares. Everyone giggled and drank. The four who had just finished their operation were sitting face to face and pouring liquor. 

"Expensive alcohol is different! It sticks to your tongue, it sticks!"

"I don't know if the boss is different, but the drinking spirit is good."

"So you have to follow along well even if you're right about your personality. You're good at paying."

The crew devoured bulgogi, kimchi, and spicy fish stew. The chef grumbled, but did his best to make it in a properly poked bag of money. 

"21 years of Valentine's life! Wow, 21 years of drinking is good for both girls and girls!"

"Hahaha! Baby lol."

The sailors drank bitterly while giving and receiving food. The boss, who was a dirty boss, was good as they said. Despite the failure of the deal, he gave three bottles of Valentine's 21 year old. 

Not only that. The boss made me do a lot of work, but I made sure to take care of the money. Dark loyalty? Mafia-style tolerance? Anything is fine. As long as you take good care of the money. 

By the time their faces were red, the chef, who was dozing off watching YouTube in the kitchen, died without even screaming, but they didn't know. 


"That chef, I hate to see you grunt for a plate when you're done eating, but you're a good cook."

"That's right, Captain. You have to admit that."

They took a spoonful of deliciously brewed spicy fish stew and shook Valentine's spirits down their throats. It's a fraudulent combination. This combination that lets you shake off the strong alcohol and keep you drinking endlessly. 

Is it the wisdom of our ancestors? 

No, it may be the devil's wisdom to destroy all human livers. 

In any case, the four sea men drank all the strong Valentine's spirits until they saw the bottom. The sky circled and my vision became dizzy. But I feel the best. 

"Oh, my. It's spinning."

"Captain, when will we go out to land again?"

Life here is good, but I'm stressed out because I'm thoroughly controlled. Sometimes I could go out to China and play with the permission of the boss, but I couldn't help but be frustrated. 

"I don't know for a while because this deal has failed. I'll have to take notice and talk to my boss."

"I hope it works out."

One of the sailors shed tears, perhaps worried about his wife and son at home. 

"Now, get up."

The captain got up from his seat first. The crew quickly dissuaded the captain from getting up and organizing his seat.

"Captain! Water flows from top to bottom, and isn't there a beautiful custom of respecting the elderly in this Joseon land? Let's go and rest first. We'll take care of this."

"Should I?"

It was to show everything the captain pretended to clean up anyway. That's why the crew told him to just go. The captain pretended he couldn't win and grumbled and tried to leave the restaurant. 

Put it down



The captain, with a 100-won coin lodged in the back of his neck, precisely called Medulla (延髓), fell forward. The coin that penetrated there so quickly and accurately cut him short at once. 

"Oh, my God, Captain. You're very drunk."

The captain, however, was intoxicated with alcohol, so the other crew members thought it was only because of it. They managed to move their limp limbs to approach the captain. 

"Captain, captain. Wake up. If you sleep here, your mouth will turn."

The captain who didn't move. They kicked their tongues and tried to lift the captain up. Then. 


There was only one scream, but two people collapsed. They held a fork locked around their neck and held their breath. 

"······ Huh?"

The person who was squatting to help the captain was shocked to see the two suddenly collapsing. It was at that point that the flying chopsticks penetrated the center of his forehead and skewered his brain just before he woke up and shouted something. 

Lee Ji-hoon, who appeared in the kitchen, counted the numbers. 

"What's left is fourteen."